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The Destiny Bread: A Tale of Love and Wisdom

The Best Three Advice

By alex kimuyuPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
The Destiny Bread: A  Tale of Love  and  Wisdom
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

In a small farm, a young couple began their married life. They faced a difficult reality—poverty and a lack of local job opportunities. Faced with this challenge, the husband made a heartfelt promise to his wife.

"My love, I have to leave our home and travel far to find work. I want to earn enough to give you the comfortable life you deserve. I don't know how long I'll be away, but I ask one thing of you: please wait for me and remain faithful. Even in my absence, I will stay true to you."

With those heartfelt words, the young man set out on his journey. He walked for days until he reached a bustling city. Determined to find employment, he searched until he found a kind employer.

Before he started working, the man made an arrangement. He said, "Allow me to work as long as I need to. When I feel it's time to return home, please give me my wages. I don't need any money right now."

The employer agreed, and the young man worked diligently for twenty long years. He never complained, never took a day off, and dedicated himself fully to his work. Finally, he felt the time had come to go back home.

He approached his employer, ready to receive his hard-earned wages. But to his surprise, the employer presented him with a choice.

"I can give you your wages right away, or I can offer you three pieces of advice that will guide your life. However, if you choose the advice, you won't receive any money. The decision is yours."

The young man pondered his options. He knew that by choosing the advice, he would lose his well-deserved wages. But he also recognized the value of wisdom. With determination in his eyes, he chose the advice.

The employer shared his three pearls of wisdom:

1. "Never take shortcuts in life. The easy way may lead to trouble."

2. "Be cautious of curiosity, especially when it leads you toward something bad."

3. "When anger or pain overwhelms you, refrain from making hasty decisions. Regret may follow."

Grateful for the advice, the young man received three loaves of bread from his employer. Two loaves were for his journey back home, and the third, carefully set aside, was intended to be shared with his beloved wife.

As he made his way back, he encountered an elderly traveler who suggested a shortcut. Remembering the first piece of advice, the young man resisted the temptation and stuck to the longer, safer route. Later, he discovered that the shortcut was infested with thieves and danger.

On another occasion, he sought shelter in an inn and heard a terrifying scream during the night. Curiosity piqued, he hesitated, but then he remembered the second piece of advice. He resisted the urge to investigate and remained safe inside. The next day, he learned that the scream was a trap set by wicked beings to lure unsuspecting victims.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, he spotted his humble abode from afar. Excitement filled his heart as he approached his home, longing for the warm embrace of his wife. However, his joy turned to despair when he noticed a man by her side, and their affectionate gestures shattered his spirit.

Anger surged within him, and thoughts of vengeance clouded his mind. But then, he remembered the third piece of advice. Taking a deep breath, he made a difficult decision. He chose to sleep outside that night and confront his wife in the morning with a clear mind.

As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, he summoned the courage to face the truth. Opening the door, he saw his wife's tear-filled eyes widen in recognition. Overwhelmed by emotion, she embraced him tightly, unable to let go.

Through tears, she whispered, "The man you saw is our son, conceived during those long years of separation. Today, he stands as a testament to our enduring love."

Moved beyond words, the young man wept, gratitude flooding his heart for the employer's advice that guided his path. He recounted his journey to his family, sharing the invaluable wisdom he had received.

To their astonishment, when they opened the loaf of bread intended for their reunion, they discovered it was filled with gleaming gold coins. It far exceeded the wealth he had earned in those twenty years of hard work.

In that moment, they realized that their true wealth lay not in material possessions, but in the strength of their bond and the wisdom that had illuminated their path. The loaf of bread became a symbol of their enduring love and the transformative power of redemption.

And so, they embraced their newfound fortune, cherishing the knowledge that their love had conquered all obstacles, and that their journey had brought them back home—together, stronger, and wiser than ever before.


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