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The Amish Life and Faith

A Glimpse into a Simple, Restrictive, and Communal Way of Living

By Isaac Ekow AnyidohoPublished 7 days ago 5 min read
The Amish Life and Faith
Photo by Kia Sari on Unsplash

The Amish lifestyle and culture are characterized by their adherence to traditional values, which include using horse buggies and maintaining a simple way of life. They place great importance on work, family, and community, deliberately distancing themselves from certain cultural influences. The Amish community demonstrates a strong sense of unity and faith in action, as they come together to rebuild after disasters, regardless of the day of the week. They prioritize living an honorable and God-fearing life, taking accountability and responsibility for their actions. Within the Plain Community, there are specific beliefs and practices, such as avoiding being captured on camera due to religious beliefs and humility. The Amish buggy serves as a significant symbol within the Plain Community. Plain homes also embrace the use of faceless dolls and ID cards without photos, which reflects their commitment to community and identity. Buggies play a crucial role in Plain communities, limiting travel, promoting community interaction, and slowing down the pace of life. However, acquiring new buggies can be challenging due to their customization and high cost, ranging between ten to fifteen thousand dollars. Additionally, financing can be difficult as buggies are not titled like motor vehicles. The Amish community places a high value on self-reliance and strong bonds within the community. In their homes, electricity is only used for limited technologies such as TV and the internet. Instead, they are increasingly turning to alternative power sources like propane and solar energy. When it comes to tasks that require vehicles, community members rely on each other, highlighting the importance of trust and close relationships.

Financial and medical support are also key aspects of the Amish community. Deacons, who are appointed by the church, manage the financial assistance provided to families in need. In terms of medical care, the community directly negotiates with healthcare providers to lower costs and pool funds for emergencies. Weddings in the Amish community adhere to traditional practices. All aspects of the wedding are handled by community members without any outside help. After the wedding, the newly married couple lives at the bride's home and receives gifts for their household. Discipline is instilled in children from a young age within the Amish community. Conservative communities like the Amish place a strong emphasis on structured community life. Peers within the community can have a significant influence on behavior and norms. While the Old Order Amish and Mennonites do not drive, they do utilize modern transportation for specific needs. For example, private bus services from Lancaster to Sarasota cater to their vacation travel requirements.

Services such as Gogo Grandparent provide a convenient solution for those who do not own cell phones, allowing them to easily request Uber or Lyft for their local trips. The Amish community's remarkable display of forgiveness and compassion has garnered national attention. In the aftermath of a tragic shooting, the Amish community extended their support and forgiveness to the shooter's mother, sparking a nationwide debate. The parents of the victims, along with other Amish parents, attended the shooter's funeral and offered their condolences, highlighting the significance of forgiveness under their faith. The Amish faith places great emphasis on love, forgiveness, and sacrifice, prioritizing these values over seeking revenge and relying on the guidance of God's word. To showcase their faith, the Amish limit their use of modern conveniences and maintain a distinct separation from mainstream society. The Amish and Mennonites differ in their approaches to evangelism. While outward preaching is seen as prideful in the Amish community, Mennonites focus on reflecting their beliefs through their actions. The varying interpretations of faith have led to divisions among Mennonites, resulting in congregants leaving for more liberal or conservative views. The Amish church structure is organized into districts led by bishops, and settlements consist of multiple districts. Communal decisions and practices are discussed during biannual communion gatherings, with some flexibility allowed by district bishops. Despite facing persecution, the Amish remain steadfast in their commitment to worshiping God. The Amish occasionally had to worship God in secret due to persecution. In the present day, the significance of the home as a place of worship for the faith is emphasized. Anabaptists adhere to the law unless it contradicts their beliefs. Carl's sister continues to live in the old-order lifestyle, while Carl has embraced modern amenities.

As Carl has aged, he contemplates the importance of old-order traditions. Head coverings and clothing restrictions symbolize obedience and modesty in Amish and Mennonite communities. Women wear heart-shaped bonnets to show their marital status and modesty, while men grow beards after marriage. Clothing colors, patterns, and styles are strictly controlled, reflecting traditional gender roles and community values. Rural areas rely on community support and mutual aid. Barn raisings are a tradition for communal assistance and support. Conservative volunteers in Lancaster County assist in fire emergencies. The Black Bumper Mennonites accept certain modern conveniences while upholding traditional practices to maintain independence from the outside world. Auctions provide a rare opportunity for interaction between the mainstream and plain communities. Amish and Mennonite vendors are esteemed for their honesty and the quality of their products. Working with Amish and Mennonite sellers is highly preferable due to their unwavering honesty and commitment to their products. The growth of the tourism industry within the plain Community brings forth both challenges and opportunities.

The Amish family willingly sacrifices their business endeavors for the betterment of the community as a whole. Immersed in the plain world, the Amish family has limited interaction outside their close-knit community. Their dedication to the community extends far beyond financial success, encompassing accountability and support. Amish dating primarily revolves around the commitment to marriage, with the dating process often leading to a lifelong union. Departing from the Amish community can result in various consequences, ranging from parental guidance to being banned from the church. Traditional Mennonite values heavily influence youth activities and the community's control over modern technology. Young Mennonites engage in wholesome pursuits such as sports and board games, with their online access closely monitored by parents. Despite societal pressures, the plain Community exhibits high retention rates, with concerted efforts to combat substance abuse and preserve cherished traditions.

The impact of online bullying extends far beyond the present, as individuals leave hurtful comments on platforms like YouTube, often without comprehending the subject matter at hand. 1. Technology hinders the Plain Community members from embracing modernization. They place high importance on community, faith, and simplicity rather than materialistic endeavors. Family and faith take precedence over academic accomplishments and material possessions within the community. Upholding their faith involves practicing honesty, accountability, and continuously striving for personal growth despite flaws. Adhering to a productive work schedule is crucial to prevent negative outcomes, emphasizing the significance of working until 7:38 and staying focused on tasks to evade repercussions.


About the Creator

Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

A calm person with a cascading mind filled with ideas of my own and know that; I can make a difference with the support of people like you. Thank you.

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Graham7 days ago

    What a good article. I was raised in Western Pennsylvania quite near an Amish community.

IEAWritten by Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

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