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The Academic Prelude

Morning Rituals

By Bagwasi DennisPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

In the silence of predawn, my alarm punctuated the stillness, signaling the commencement of a day laden with academic responsibilities. The mission was clear—to guide and supervise students as they prepared for the formidable Mathematics paper 2 and Kiswahili Paper 3 examinations. My morning, a choreographed dance of discipline, aimed at maximizing productivity, unfolded with precision.

The clock struck 4:00 a.m, and I embarked on a stringent morning routine. A glassful of fortitude to combat cortisol, a chilling shower to invigorate the senses, and the donning of my signature Maasai shuka set the stage for the day's intellectual pursuits. Adorned with Bluetooth headphones, delivering a blend of motivation and entertainment, I ventured into the profound darkness that clung to the early hours.

Upon entering the staff room, a bastion of intellectual fervor, I encountered the vivacious Madam Nuru. In her characteristic manner—joyful, open, and witty—our conversation unfolded. Her eyes initially glued to TikTok. It was not merely a mundane exchange but a precursor to the academic symphony that awaited us.

Guiding the students to their breakfast, we traversed the realm of morning duties. Cleaning, a harmonious choreography of effort, transformed the school compound, ensuring an environment conducive to focused learning. Mr. Kaguta, the maestro of mathematics, graced us with his presence, infusing final touches and fine-tuning the intellectual ensemble that awaited the students.

As the morning sun began to cast its gentle glow, the electric bell, the conductor of student gatherings, orchestrated the dawn briefing. In this academic overture, I, the Kiswahili specialist, was invited to the podium. My discourse, an injection of psychological strategies, implored the students to approach the imminent Mathematics Paper 2 with unwavering determination.

Madam Nuru, in her inimitable style, injected a note of humor into the proceedings. She implored the students to bring forth "grade A" excellence, her words dripping with sarcasm, yet laden with encouragement. Mr. Mbota, the administrative deputy, shifted the focus to the ongoing exams, subtly alluding to the imminent visit from the Ministry of Public Service—an acknowledgment of the school's commitment to environmental stewardship.

The principal, Mr. Kazigi, adhered to the formalities of protocol as he sternly addressed the students. His admonishments for proper behavior during the anticipated visit resonated in the crisp morning air. He spared no words in expressing his disdain for unkempt attire, issuing a stern warning that hung in the air like a somber cloud.

The mention of Keria from Form 4X, an outlier as a day scholar closely monitored by his mother, added a layer of dramatic tension to the proceedings. It was a brief yet poignant moment, a subplot in the larger narrative of academic life.

The clarion call of the school motto by Mr. Mbote, "Knowledge is power," resonated energetically, echoing through the air as a rallying cry. The dismissal came with a certain sense of release, and the boys scattered, some sprinting to classrooms for last-minute preparations before the imminent Mathematics exam—a finale to their academic marathon.

My duty, alongside Madam Nuru, extended beyond the lecture halls. We ensured the grounds were pristine, a fitting setting for the students' intellectual endeavors. Meanwhile, Mr. Kaguta's voice echoed, serving as an audible beacon of motivation, a sonic backdrop to the focused concentration within the exam halls.

In the corridors, the air buzzed with anticipation. The thirty-minute countdown to the Mathematics exam loomed. I extended my best wishes to the students, a small gesture of encouragement before they embarked on the conclusive chapter of their academic odyssey.

The academic symphony orchestrated by dedicated educators and absorbed by eager minds echoed through the hallways, as the students readied themselves to face the mathematical challenges that lay ahead. The anticipation, the discipline, and the camaraderie among the students and faculty created a crescendo of intellectual energy—an ensemble of learning reaching its zenith. The journey of knowledge continued, a perpetual cadence in the tapestry of academic life.

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Bagwasi Dennis

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  • C.S LEWIS6 months ago

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