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Successfully Pass Difficult Subjects

Some things that will help you in Success in your academic subjects and benefit from them

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Successfully Pass Difficult Subjects
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

University study is one of the most important stages that a person goes through in his life, as it is the bridge that extends between the academic life as a student on the study bench and a consumer in his society, who has no work but to take to a mature, productive person who offers his society work and thought and takes money, experience and social life in return for this work.

This stage, which often lasts more than four years, brings with it a lot of bumps and contradictions, which it presents to the student with rudeness and arrogance, standing and looking at him as he wanders between the corridors of universities, lecture halls and professors' offices, and he tries to get out of this maze called the university with the least possible losses and the best results, which is graduating from the university and earning The theoretical information that the student needs to complete his practical and professional life, although this information is often not sufficient, but he needs it first and foremost.

This article is presented to you, dear poor university student who struggles every day to obtain a release certificate, I mean his graduation from the university, so I will try here, after a good experience in the university and obtaining the graduation certificate - as if I am getting a certificate of release - to inform you of some things that will help you in Success in your academic subjects and benefit from them:

  • Get to know the professor

When I was at the university, I knew a girl from the advanced years and she was still repeating a subject from the first years every semester and did not succeed in it, and one time she surprised me with the strange question: Who is the subject doctor?

This happened in an Arab university that does not oblige its students to attend theoretical courses, and therefore the whole year may pass and the student does not know the form of his teacher who teaches the subject! The first step that you must take if you are in a university that does not require you to attend is to attend one of the first lectures given by the professor of the subject and on the basis of which you decide the next steps.

  • Get to know the professor's style and what he presents in his subject

Every professor at the university has a different style, and this is considered tiring for the student. It is not possible to adopt a single method for studying in all subjects, such as buying books for all subjects and relying on them only for study and success… this is not enough unfortunately.

Some professors teach his subject from the book and ask you for it in the exam, others adopt a special curriculum that he worked on himself, and another adopts the lectures he gives and demands every word he utters. Therefore, you will have to go back to the first advice and implement it, and from it you will know what you are required to do to succeed in your subjects.

  • Get to know a lot of colleagues

University friends are the best friends that you can have in your life and spend fun and beautiful times with them and adventures that deserve to be told to your children later. The materials and the compilation of what each one owns of the lectures and information and the study collectively to achieve the greatest benefit.

  • Get to know colleagues from advanced years

Do not limit your knowledge to the students of the year you are in, but you need colleagues from the advanced years to get to know them at the acquaintance ceremony at the beginning of the school year or through the relative of So and so who knows your friend So and so, you benefit greatly from these students in obtaining information on how to study the subjects What is required of you in it and what is exactly important from the article and from their summaries and notes on the article.

For me, knowing students from advanced years was very useful to me in succeeding in many university subjects, but the important thing is that they try not to listen to their bad opinions about professors and the way some people make life dark. Professor So and so has a success rate of 5%, and only every long-timer succeeds… Listen to them Finally, have your own experience.

  • Questions from previous courses are very important

The previous years’ questions are models that help you know what he should study or the professor’s style and method of questions, which is a very important element in the success of any subject and an additional strength for you to get a higher rate.

  • Write your own summaries

Even if you use excellent external summaries or what is required of you is the entire material book, it is necessary to make your own summaries in any way that suits you (note cards - mind maps - short written summaries) but write them in your own style and according to your understanding of the material, it will be an important treasure for you during your review of the exam because it will help you Remember what you want more than you might remember from books, lectures, or ready-made summaries.

  • Organise your time
  • It may sound silly or cliched advice, but it is very important in your university life. With some organisation of your time, you can study and train in any job at the same time and thus gain practical experience with theoretical information.

    Take advantage of the university period to achieve many scientific, practical and social achievements, but do not forget the materials that you have to submit and allocate one day per week for them in addition to your lecture program or two days according to the amount of materials to review and organise your time well before the exams so that you can give each subject its right to study.


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    Judith Isidore

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