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Strange things About the world

Things that seems starnge when you read about it

By Hamza nadeemPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Strange things can be found on Earth, from mysterious structures to bizarre creatures that challenge our understanding of the natural world. Here are just a few of the strange and fascinating discoveries that have been made on our planet.

The Nazca Lines - Peru

Located in the desert of southern Peru, the Nazca Lines are a series of giant geoglyphs carved into the earth that depict various animals, plants, and geometric shapes. The lines were created by the Nazca people between 500 BCE and 500 CE, and their purpose is still unknown. Some theories suggest that the lines were used for astronomical purposes, while others believe that they had a religious or ceremonial function.

The Moeraki Boulders - New Zealand

The Moeraki Boulders are a group of large, spherical rocks that are scattered along a stretch of beach on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island. The boulders, which can weigh up to several tons, are believed to have formed around 60 million years ago from sediment and minerals that were cemented together. However, their perfectly spherical shape remains a mystery, as scientists have yet to fully explain how they formed.

The Blob - Oregon

The Blob is a massive, gelatinous mass that was first spotted off the coast of Oregon in 2019. The Blob is composed of millions of individual cells that are linked together to form a single, massive organism. While it may look like something out of a science fiction movie, The Blob is a real-life creature that is thought to be related to jellyfish and sea anemones.

The Blood Falls - Antarctica

Located in the Taylor Valley of Antarctica, the Blood Falls are a series of bright red waterfalls that flow out of the Taylor Glacier. The water gets its red color from the iron in the rock beneath the glacier, and the falls are thought to have been flowing for millions of years. The Blood Falls were first discovered in 1911, and they continue to fascinate scientists and visitors alike.

The Taos Hum - New Mexico

The Taos Hum is a mysterious sound that has been heard by residents of Taos, New Mexico, for decades. The hum is described as a low, rumbling noise that can be heard indoors and outdoors, but it has never been recorded or measured by any scientific instruments. Some theories suggest that the hum is caused by low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, while others believe that it may be a psychological phenomenon.

The Devil's Kettle - Minnesota

The Devil's Kettle is a mysterious waterfall located in Minnesota's Judge C.R. Magney State Park. The waterfall is unique because half of the water disappears into a large hole in the rock, known as the Devil's Kettle, and no one knows where the water goes. Over the years, scientists have tried to solve the mystery of the Devil's Kettle, but no one has been able to figure out where the water re-emerges.

The Eye of the Sahara - Mauritania

The Eye of the Sahara, also known as the Richat Structure, is a massive, circular geological formation located in the Sahara Desert in Mauritania. The structure, which is over 30 miles in diameter, was first spotted from space in the 1960s. While the Eye of the Sahara is a natural formation, it looks so perfectly circular that it has been compared to an eye or a target. The purpose of the structure remains unknown, but it has become a popular destination for geologists and adventurers.

In conclusion, the Earth is full of strange and fascinating things that challenge our understanding of the natural world. While some of these discoveries may never be fully explained, they continue to capture our imagination and inspire us to explore the mysteries of our planet


About the Creator

Hamza nadeem

Hi! My name is Hamza. I am experienced writer with a passion for crafting compelling articles that inform and engage readers. I write engaing articles that will saves your time and give you quite a great imagination Thank you !

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