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Srimba: Learn to Code in Record Time

10 Features of Scrimba to Help You Get Hired Quickly

By Career CoachPublished about a year ago โ€ข 4 min read

Scrimba is a popular online platform that provides job seekers with an interactive and effective way to learn coding and advance their career. The platform offers a wide range of features that help users to improve their coding skills, build confidence, and get hired. In this post, we'll take a closer look at some of the top 10 features of Scrimba and how you can use them to land your next job.

Interactive coding: Scrimba offers interactive coding sessions where users can learn by doing. The platform allows users to write and execute code directly in the browser, providing an interactive and hands-on learning experience.

Variety of languages: Scrimba supports a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and more, allowing users to learn and prepare for job interviews in the language they are most comfortable with.

Curated courses: Scrimba offers a curated list of courses that are designed by industry experts. The courses cover a variety of topics and are designed to help users learn quickly and effectively.

Short and focused lessons: Scrimba has short and focused lessons that are designed to be completed in a short period of time. This feature allows users to learn at their own pace and fit the learning into their busy schedules.

Video playback: Scrimba allows users to watch video playback of the code, which is great for reviewing and analyzing the code.

Code challenges: Scrimba offers code challenges that are designed to test users' understanding of the concepts they have learned. These challenges help users to solidify their knowledge and improve their coding skills.

Personalized dashboard: Scrimba offers a personalized dashboard where users can track their progress and review their performance over time.

Community: Scrimba has a community of users where users can connect, share tips andget support. This feature allows users to learn and grow together.

Leaderboard: Scrimba also has a leaderboardfeature where users can compete and compare their performance with other users. This feature provides an additional layer of motivation and allows users to see how they are progressing in relation to others.

Live coding sessions: Scrimba provides users with live coding sessions where they can learn from experienced developers and get personalized feedback on their code. This feature allows users to ask questions and get help in real-time, which can greatly enhance their learning experience.

These are some of the most popular features of Scrimba that can help job seekers to improve their coding skills, build confidence and get hired. Scrimba offers a comprehensive and interactive platform that allows users to learn, practice and improve their coding skills.

In addition to these features, Scrimba also has a certification program where users can get certified in their chosen language or technology. This program provides users with a tangible proof of their skills and can help them stand out from other candidates during job interviews.

Scrimba offers a variety of plans for users to choose from. These plans include:

  1. Free plan: This plan is available to all users and includes access to a limited number of courses and features, such as interactive coding and video playback.
  2. Pro plan: This plan provides users with access to all courses and features, including code challenges and personalized dashboard. It also provides access to live coding sessions and certification. The Pro plan is available on a monthly or annual subscription basis.
  3. Team plan: This plan is designed for teams and organizations and provides access to all courses and features, as well as additional features such as team management and progress tracking. It is available on a monthly or annual subscription basis.
  4. Enterprise plan: This plan is designed for large organizations and provides access to all courses and features, as well as additional features such as customized onboarding, dedicated support, and API access. It is available on an annual subscription basis.

Each of these plans are designed to cater to different needs and budgets of users, from individuals just starting out with coding to teams and organizations looking for more advanced features and support. The free plan allows users to try out the platform and access some of the courses, while the Pro and Team plans provide access to more advanced features and live coding sessions. The Enterprise plan is designed for large organizations and provides access to additional features and support. Users can upgrade their plans or switch to a different plan at any time.

Overall, Scrimba is a great resource for job seekers looking to improve their coding skills and advance their career. With its interactive coding, variety of languages, curated courses, short and focused lessons, video playback, code challenges, personalized dashboard, community, leaderboard and live coding sessions, it's a one-stop-shop for all your coding needs. So, don't wait, visit Scrimba today and start learning!

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Career Coach

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