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books: adults and kids

By Mark GrahamPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Children's books (

Kyle's Little Sister

Written and Art by: Bonltyung Jeong


ISBN: 978-1-9753-1654-9 (paperback)

JY Yen Press, LLC

206 pages

What would our world look like without our siblings? 'Kyle's Little Sister' is a graphic novel for young middle school readers written and illustrated by Bonltyung Jeong. This is a novel based on the television show of the same name. 'Kyle's Little Sister' is the story of Grace, Kyle's Little Sister and how she tries to fit in herself, as she starts a new school and tries to make friends with anyone.

'Kyle's Little Sister' is a graphic novel for readers who are learning and surviving living with a sibling who attend the same school. It is a chapter book that is a fast read and quite fun to the end. There are plenty of lessons for the readers to learn on how to make friends in a proper way as well as the wrong way and learning the difference between the two ways. The art work throughout this novel was able to show the emotions of all the various characters from Grace to Kyle to all their individual friends in various predictaments they are involved.

'Kyle's Little Sister' is a novel that could be used by school social workers/counselors as part of a 'friendship group' that could discuss sibling rivalry and how to make friends in the proper way. Counselor and social workers could also make use of this novel for a lesson for a Parent education class on dealing with siblings.


Mercury Boys A Novel

Chandra Prasad


ISBN: 978-1-64129-265-8

Soho Press, Inc.

349 pages

Living in the present, but working to be in the past and fit in some way. 'Mercury Boys' is an adolescent/young adult girl novel written by Chandra Prasad that is a romance/time travel story. This is the story of Saskia and her search for a perfect boyfriend. The main character of Saskia is a person who really likes history and photography and trying to make lasting friendships through forming a group with similar interests. Saskia and her friends learn various lessons about acceptance of others and themselves.

Chandra Prasad has written 'Mercury Boys' for young adult girls or whomever, who are learning more about themselves as they grow up physically and emotionally. Chandra has written a story that is showing and telling how our various relationships that we form will affect how we live with the choices we all make. This is also a story of accepting others for who they are and the choices they make. 'Mercury Boys' is a novel for learning about understanding and maybe learn how to understand ourselves and others better through words and actions.


Beth Legacy of Love

Jeffery Young


Fulton Books

ISBN: 978-1-64952-719-6 (paperback)

382 pages

The year is 1976 and oh what a year that was. This is a novel by Jeffery Young, who wrote an adult novel for young adults. 'Beth Legacy of Love' is the story of Beth a high school head cheerleader who just wants to do the right thing. She is a person who has many friends, or so she thinks. There are many situations that occur that effect the decisions she and her friends need to make. The decision that Beth, her fellow cheerleaders and even a baseball team all have related needs. 'Beth Legacy of Love' is a novel that would make a great discussion group read to discuss gossip and how it effects everyone one way or another. Other topics could be how the parents in this novel happen to handle the various life events dealing with health and illness. A question that can be raised when and after reading could be 'How could Beth have handled the choices she made in a different way?' 'Did her 'friends' have helped her/their decisions on what occurs in all their lives one way or another?' 'Beth Legacy of Love' is a good novel that could also be used as a text for how to write a novel involving teens and their parents that doesn't 'read' like an old Afterschool Special.

book reviews

About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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