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Lyndsay Maas on the Best Resources and Guides for Planning Your Dispersed Camping Trip | Santa Barbara, CA

Lyndsay Maas | Lifestyle

By Lyndsay MaasPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Dispersed camping offers a unique opportunity to escape the crowds and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Unlike traditional campgrounds, dispersed camping allows you to set up camp in designated areas within public lands, providing a sense of solitude and freedom. However, planning a dispersed camping trip requires careful preparation and knowledge.


The National Park Service website is an excellent starting point for planning a dispersed camping trip. It provides comprehensive information about national parks, including details on dispersed camping regulations, available sites, and permits. The NPS website also offers maps, trail information, safety tips, and alerts that can help you make informed decisions and plan your itinerary effectively.


The Bureau of Land Management manages vast areas of public lands across the United States, offering numerous dispersed camping opportunities. Their website provides valuable information on BLM-managed lands, including camping regulations, permit requirements, and locations of dispersed camping areas. The BLM website also offers maps, trail information, and guidelines for responsible outdoor recreation.


The U.S. Forest Service oversees an extensive network of national forests and grasslands, providing ample opportunities for dispersed camping. The USFS website offers detailed information on camping regulations, dispersed camping sites, and any specific guidelines or restrictions within each forest. Additionally, you can find valuable resources on trail conditions, wildlife safety, and recreational activities available in these areas.


AllTrails is a popular online platform and mobile app that offers a vast collection of trail maps, reviews, and photos contributed by a community of outdoor enthusiasts. It is an invaluable resource for finding dispersed camping spots near hiking trails and provides essential details like trail length, difficulty, and user reviews. AllTrails also allows you to download maps for offline use, ensuring that you have access to trail information even when you are off the grid.


Leave No Trace is an organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor ethics and minimizing the impact of human activities on the environment. Their website offers valuable information and resources on ethical camping practices, including dispersed camping. By following the Leave No Trace principles, you can ensure that you leave the natural environment as you found it, preserving its beauty and ecological integrity for future generations.


Online forums and social media groups dedicated to camping and outdoor recreation can be a treasure trove of information for planning your dispersed camping trip. Websites like Reddit, camping-specific forums, and Facebook groups allow you to connect with experienced campers, ask questions, and seek recommendations for specific locations. These platforms offer firsthand experiences, tips, and advice that can enhance your trip-planning process.


When planning a dispersed camping trip, don’t overlook the importance of reaching out to local ranger stations and visitor centers. They possess valuable knowledge about the area, current conditions, and any specific regulations or permits required. Ranger stations can provide guidance on the best dispersed camping spots, hiking trails, and attractions in the vicinity, ensuring a well-informed and safe adventure.

Planning a dispersed camping trip requires thorough research and careful consideration of various factors. Remember to prioritize safety, follow regulations, and respect the natural environment to preserve these incredible landscapes for future generations of campers to enjoy. Happy camping!

This blog was previously published on July 2, 2023 at


About the Creator

Lyndsay Maas

Lyndsay Maas lives in Santa Barbara, CA and has built her career in business finance and administration. In her free time, she loves spending time in nature, and especially enjoys taking her boat out to nearby lakes for wakeboarding.

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