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Looping statements in java| for, while, do-while

In the world of programming, loops are an essential construct that allows us to execute a block of code repeatedly until a specific condition is met. Java, being a versatile programming language, provides several types of looping statements that cater to different requirements. In this article, we will explore the concept of looping statements in Java and discuss the various types of loops available.

By ShailendraPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Looping statements in java| for, while, do-while
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1. Introduction**

When developing Java applications, it's often necessary to perform repetitive tasks. Looping statements offer a convenient way to execute a block of code repeatedly without the need for duplicating the same code. By using looping statements in java effectively, developers can save time, improve code efficiency, and solve complex problems more easily.

2. What are Looping Statements?**

Looping statements, also known as loops, are control structures in programming that allow the repeated execution of a block of code based on a specific condition. They enable programmers to automate repetitive tasks, iterate over collections, process arrays, and perform various other operations efficiently.

3. Types of Loops in Java**

Java provides four types of looping statements: the `while` loop, the `do-while` loop, the `for` loop, and the `for-each` loop. Each loop has its own syntax and usage, making them suitable for different scenarios.

3.1. while Loop**

The `while` loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a given condition is true. It checks the condition before each iteration and exits when the condition becomes false. Here's an example of using a `while` loop to print numbers from 1 to 5:


int i = 1;

while (i <= 5) {





3.2. do-while Loop**

Similar to the `while` loop, the `do-while` loop executes a block of code repeatedly. However, it first executes the code block and then checks the condition. This guarantees that the code inside the loop is executed at least once. Here's an example of using a `do-while` loop to read user input:


import java.util.Scanner;

String input;

do {

System.out.println("Enter 'quit' to exit: ");

input = scanner.nextLine();

System.out.println("You entered: " + input);

} while (!input.equals("quit"));


3.3. for Loop**

The `for` loops are types of loops in java those are widely used when the number of iterations is known or when iterating over arrays and collections. It consists of three parts: initialization, condition, and iteration expression. The loop continues executing the code block until the condition becomes false. Here's an example of using a `for` loop to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 10:


int sum = 0;

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

sum += i;


System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);


3.4. for-each Loop**

The `for-each` loop, also known as an enhanced `for` loop, simplifies iterating over arrays and collections. It automatically iterates through each element without the need for an explicit index or length check. Here's an example of using a `for-each` loop to iterate over an array of names:


String[] names = {"John", "Jane", "Michael"};

for (String name : names) {

System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "!");



4. Examples and Code Demonstrations**

Let's dive deeper into each type of loop and explore some practical examples to illustrate their usage.

4.1. Example 1: Using the while Loop**

Consider a scenario where you want to print even numbers from 2 to 10 using a `while` loop:


int number = 2;

while (number <= 10) {


number += 2;



4.2. Example 2: Using the do-while Loop**

Suppose you need to validate user input for a positive integer using a `do-while` loop:


int userInput;

do {

System.out.println("Enter a positive integer: ");

userInput = scanner.nextInt();

} while (userInput <= 0);


4.3. Example 3: Using the for Loop**

Let's say you want to calculate the factorial of a given number using a `for` loop:


int number = 5;

int factorial = 1;

for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {

factorial *= i;


System.out.println("Factorial of " + number + " is: " + factorial);


4.4. Example 4: Using the for-each Loop**

Suppose you have an array of integers and you want to find the sum of all the elements using a `for-each` loop:


int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int sum = 0;

for (int num : numbers) {

sum += num;


System.out.println("Sum of the numbers: " + sum);


5. Best Practices for Using Loops**

To make the most out of looping statements in java consider the following best practices:

1. Ensure loop termination: Make sure the loop condition will eventually become false to prevent infinite loops.

2. Initialize loop variables properly: Initialize loop variables outside the loop and ensure their proper scope.

3. Use meaningful loop control variables: Choose descriptive names for loop variables to enhance code readability.

4. Avoid unnecessary computations: Minimize the number of computations within loops to improve performance.

5. Break and continue statements: Use `break` and `continue` statements judiciously to control loop flow.

6. Conclusion**

Loops play a crucial role in Java programming by providing a way to execute code repeatedly. By understanding and utilizing the different types of loops in Java , developers can write efficient and concise code, automate repetitive tasks, and solve complex problems more effectively.

Now that you have a solid understanding of looping statements in Java and their types, you can start incorporating them into your own programs to enhance their functionality.


About the Creator


With more than 9.5 years in hand experience, Shailendra Chauhan is a polymath in the domains of Cloud, Microsoft .NET technologies and an array of other technologies including JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.js, Ionic and NoSQL Databases

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