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Important Tips To Help Your Children Develop A Positive Attitude


By Sridhar RPublished about a year ago 6 min read

What Is Meant by a Positive Attitude?

A Positive Attitude is a state of mind that can be more or less constant and which may affect the person’s mood (emotions) in both positive and negative ways. In International School in Whitefield enable one to look upon life with hope, confidence, optimism, courage, determination, patience; all attributes essential for success. Attitudes can also cause an upward spiral of “positive” emotions such as joys and happiness – not just “good enough.

Factors Affecting Positive Attitude

Following are the factors that affect positive attitude:

Life Events

Positive events such as graduation or awards may lead to an increase in positive feelings. Positive thoughts are also generated when one is happy at work, has a lot of friends and family members around them feel loved, etc.

Mental Health Issues

Mental health problems such as depression make it harder to think positively and have the same quality of life. The mental illness can cause negative emotions like anxiety, guilt, anger, etc which then leads to lower self-worth.

Family Attitudes

Family attitudes determine how we feel about our own attitudes because the way that they react affects us more than anything else possibly could. Positive feedback from your parents will definitely improve your confidence levels.

Different Ways of Building Positive Attitude in Children

1. Positive Attitudes Are Learned Behaviors

In International School in Whitefield Parents can model positive behavior and attitude, which will impact the child’s outlook on life in a good way. Positive parenting is about giving praise and discipline with love rather than anger or criticism. Positive parents know how to enjoy themselves while still being responsible for their children without making them feel like they’re always being watched over.

2. Children with Optimistic View Are Better

In International School in Whitefield the Children who have an optimistic view of the world are more likely to develop better coping skills when times get tough because they understand that even bad things happen and people succeed through hard work; it’s important not to discourage children by trying to “protect” them from disappointment but instead teach them that mistakes don’t define us or limit us in what our future may hold.

3. Parents Knows How to Set Limits

Parents know how to set limits in a way that helps their children grow and develop responsibility, without feeling like they’re being smothered.

4. Positive Attitudes Are Contagious

When people around us start behaving positively it starts to rub off on our own behavior; simply by spreading positivity, we can help others doing the same. International School in Whitefield Maintain an optimistic view of life even when things get tough.

5. Its Much More Than Just Happiness

It is about much more than just happiness. Explore new hobbies or interests with your kids so you can still have fun together while also contributing to building up their self-esteem.

6. Share Your Stories

Share stories from your childhood where you were able to accomplish something difficult because of persistence or hard work. Encourage them not only with words but with your actions.

7. Its Not About Being Happy All the Time

It is not about being happy all the time, it’s about a positive outlook and creativity which can be used to overcome difficult situations or circumstances. Encourage them to always keep trying even when they fail in order to learn from their mistakes rather than giving up too quickly on themselves.

Attitude is highly correlated to the fact of how we deal with situations in life. In International School in Whitefield we tell as a parent, one wants his/ her child to grow as a hardworking, honest, and positive individual. Helping your child in developing a positive attitude works as a foundation for their future wellness. The way of living learned from a young age is highly effective for developing a positive or negative tomorrow.

We couldn’t agree more that the attitude in children is a shadow of what they see and adapt from their parents. For developing positive behaviour in kids, parents to have to exhibit the same through their daily life.

8. Focus on solutions rather than problems

The most important lesson in International School in Whitefield we tell to parents should teach their kids from a very early age is making them understand that there’s a solution to every problem in the world. If you find your child complaining about a problem or something that went wrong with or around them, encourage them to shift their focus for finding a solution rather than sticking to the problem.

This problem-solving skill will make them gain confidence and develop a positive attitude in life.

9. Strong morals and values

The core principle of practicing positivity must be upskilled from a very early age. For seeing their grown-up child as a ‘Constructive thinker,’ parents must encourage strong values and morals from an early learning age. In International School in Whitefield teaching them what’s right and wrong, holding them accountable for their mistakes, teaching them to accept their deeds will not just help them to develop a positive attitude but will also make them responsible human beings.

10. Control their inner chatter

Not only with kids, but mental noise is a constant chatter with us adults as well. Our mental chatter is highly responsible for creating a layer of negative statements and thoughts within us. And when it comes to children, their innocent minds might not be able to differentiate and decide between negative and positive thoughts going in their minds. In International School in Whitefield help your child control these inner chatters and replace them with positive thoughts. While they assume that they cannot do things without trying, motivate them like: “If they will try, they can and they will”.

Such fortifying positive statements will develop a positive attitude into kids and will help them.

11. Feel comfortable with their emotions

In International School in Whitefield the most important attitude lessons a parent should teach their children is being comfortable with experiencing and expressing every emotion. It’s high time when we teach our girls to be tolerating once and boys not to cry. Be it a boy or girl, teach them equality of emotions. Let your boy cry out his emotions and let your girl be bold with her thoughts.

Feeling comfortable with emotions from home helps in developing a positive attitude in students when they are alone.

12. Power of the Law of attraction

As the Law of attraction states, “Our positive thoughts attract positivity and negative thoughts attract negative experiences.” Teach your child to be kind and compassionate to others if he/she wants to receive the same from them. Teach them to think good of themselves and the people around them. The concept of ‘Law of attraction’ is very simple to understand if taught well.


In Harvest International School To help your children have a positive attitude, you need to show them that they are capable of being happy. In International School in Whitefield it is important to communicate with them and also set an example for how you want them to act or react in certain situations. In this post, we’ve outlined seven ways that will not only make your kids happier but allow you as the parent to be more effective at communicating their needs and wants.

Getting your kid to develop a positive attitude at a very young age empowers them to grow into happy, confident and optimistic individuals. And as parents, you must understand that positivity can be imbibed through motivation and support. We hope this blog will help you instil a positive attitude in your little one.

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About the Creator

Sridhar R


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