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How to start with Open AI

Initiating Your AI Exploration

By Seattle Web DesignPublished 2 months ago 8 min read

Open AI has been the topic of many conversations in the past year, but are you familiar with its definition? What is your approach to using it, and is it an ethical platform? We all knew how artificial intelligence would look in the future, but now that it's here, do we truly comprehend it? And what is the best way to use it? What is prompting, and why is it crucial to discuss Open AI? We will explain everything, from creating an account to comprehending the mission of Open AI. It doesn't matter if you are just a curious person who wants to know what the fuss is about it or someone who works in tech and wants to learn how to use one more tool to improve your work. Open AI is the next step; understanding it can help you enhance your technology skills. Let's introduce this new tool and its potential and transformative impact.

What is Open AI (Introduction to OpenAI and Evolution and Milestones)

Open AI is a private research company that aims to promote and create easy access to Artificial intelligence. The company was formed in December 2015 with the team composition of Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, and John Schulman. The goal of the company during that time was simple but challenging: to develop an AI tool that would be easy to access for regular people. This would provide everyday people with a new and powerful tool to improve their abilities.

Even though many people think of Open AI, the first thing that comes to mind is Chat GPT; the company also has other projects. The list of projects includes DALL-E, an AI image generator, and Codex AI, which runs GitHub's coding suggestion tool, CoPilot. Even Chat GPT was a tool with other versions before the one released last year that got the most attention. In 2018, Chat GPT, short for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, was created, and the first version of the program was released with timid attention from the public, but the second version in 2019 already got more attention from the tech public. The concept of machine learning was getting more discussed around the tech world, and a program that put that into practice with a system of generating and answering questions was interesting. By training an extensive database, the program could respond to human-generated text. Even though their idea was to make it public from the start, only their third version was made to have access to the public, and only in 2023, 3 years after their release.

Setting Up Your OpenAI Account (Account Creation Process)

Now that this incredible technology is here, accessing or setting up an account must be hard. No, it's pretty easy. You can go to Open Ai's website and create an account; using this platform, you need to have a proper account, and you can't access the information just as a guest. Then, you need to provide the platform an email, phone verification for extra security of your information, and a strong password; remembering that a strong password is vital for your online safety and prevents you from having data shared that you don't want to be shared. You can also opt for an alternative sign-up method, which includes using a previous account to sign up directly; in this case, you don't need a password or phone verification. Microsoft, Google, or Apple accounts are among the accounts that can be used for this purpose.

It's also important to note that to access some tools inside the platform. You will need to make a subscription, which can also be part of setting up your account. Considering February 2024, Open AI has three subscription plans available; the first is called "Plus Plan," which is $ 20$ per month, and the second is called "Team Plan," which is $ 24$ per month and must be paid annually. The third plan is called "Free" and gives unlimited access to their applications at no cost. It's an excellent plan for the public who wants to explore the platform without too much compromise. After that, you must accept the Terms and Privacy Policy and be ready to use all available applications, depending on your plan. After this step, you will have access to your open account dashboard. You will have access to your history, subscription details, and platform usage information there.

Exploring OpenAI's Tools and Models (Introduction to GPT Models and Accessing OpenAI's API)

Now that you already have an account, what does that give you access to? Which tools does Open AI have, and what can you do with them? Let's dive into their most famous tools, what they offer to the user, and what you can do with each application.

The first and most well-known application is Chat GPT. Chat GPT is a generative AI tool where you can ask questions, and the tool will provide answers to them, all created by artificial intelligence. This question and request can be submitted via text, voice, or, in some versions, images. Currently, you can have access to two different versions of the application, one called Chat GPT-3.5 and the other called Chat GPT-4.0. Chat GPT-3.5 is a free application, and some perks include unlimited messages, interactions, and history. Something else important to notice about Chat GPT-3.5 is that it has some time limits. This application version only has access to information until January 2022, so if you are searching for more recent events or information that can challenge you. The application also demonstrated 60% accuracy in its responses. The new and upgraded version of Chat GPT is Chat GPT-4. This version was released in March 2023, and different from the previous version, they have access to data before April 2023, so you can rely on it for more current information. This version can provide you with an answer using images as a prompt, unlike the other versions, and has an accuracy rate of 80% in its responses. The two most significant downgrades in this version are: first, this version can only be accessed with one of the paid plans, and second, it has a limit of 50 responses per 3 hours. This version was also incorporated in Microsoft Copilot, a chatbot developed by Microsoft that can be used in different applications from the company.

Open AI also has applications that focus on text becoming images or videos. Their names are DALL-E, and their most recent application is SORA. DALL-E is currently in its third version, and the most current version was released in August 2023. The goal of this application is very straightforward: producing images by text. You can also decide what style the photos should be when putting your prompt; some examples are drawings, paintings, or pictures created by humans. The AI from this application uses online data to match the user's prompt. Currently, DALL-E can only be used by users who have a paid subscription to Chat GPT, even though the previous versions have been available for free in the past. The second application is Open AI, a newer tool that has been causing a lot of conversation in the last couple of weeks, and it's called SORA. Sora will operate similarly to DALL-E's current system so that the user can put their prompt, and the application will produce the video as written on it. Sora has yet to be available to the public, but it is suspected that when it does, it will also be available for paid subscribers. The sample materials the company shared about this tool are impressive and show videos of up to 30 seconds with different content styles like animation and photorealist videos. It is essential to notice that both applications are suitable but have their faults, so some of the prompts can look unrealistic or non-sense.

The last two applications from Open AI that is the least known are Codex and Clip. Codex is an application created to analyze common language and turn it into coding. That is an excellent application for programmers that can help them with their productivity and fix their issues. This application is free, but the company plans to discontinue it shortly. The second application is Clip, whose goal is to group images and text when they have similar properties. For example, if you have a picture of a banana and the word banana on the other side, this application can verify that those two items are similar. This application is interesting because this type of application online has been used to confirm if a real person is making a solicitation and not a bot. Still, with an application like this one available, this shouldn't be used for security anymore.

Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding OpenAI (Ethics in AI Research and Introduction)

Even though the technology is excellent, AI still has some controversies and dilemmas to overcome. Open AI faces some of the most significant ethical dilemmas because it is complicated to measure the biases and fairness of the application. His concern comes from the challenge of ensuring that AI systems are free from discriminatory biases and do not perpetuate or amplify existing societal prejudices since they collect data from other places. Open AI models are trained on vast and diverse datasets gathered online. However, these datasets may inherently contain biases, reflecting the biases present in the data sources. This behavior can result in the learning and reproduction of harmful stereotypes and biases regarding race, gender, ethnicity, and other factors.

Another big concern about using AI is the risk of job displacement. With AI being so responsive without any regulations to protect copyright or the application itself, many companies can fire their employees and use AI to do the job. The University of Pennsylvania has reported that 80% of the workforce will have a 10% change in their job tasks; this may not sound like a lot, but it could result in a displacement of 400 and 800 million workers or switching job categories. That also can become more prominent in entering jobs, affecting the poor population or the newer generation getting into the workforce for the first time.


About the Creator

Seattle Web Design

Seattle Web Design and Online Marketing agency provides a range of web related services to businesses and professionals.


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