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How to grow an audience on Twitter fast and free in 2022 (from 0 to 100K)

Get more twitter followers organically in 9 easy steps

By JasonPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

With one billion registered users and over 386 million active users, Twitter is one of the most popular and active social media platforms

Twitter has earned its place as one of the best platforms for building and connecting with large audiences

The massive audience on Twitter provides an opportunity to expand your reach, promote your products or services, increase your social influence, and drive traffic to your blog

However, to unlock the full potential of this platform and tap into its unlimited benefits, you must develop an engaged follower base that trusts you

So how can your brand gain Twitter followers organically? Here are nine simple tips:

1. First Impressions count

Your Twitter profile is the centerpiece of your Twitter account. This is what most users check before hitting the follow button. So, before doing anything else, start by completing and optimizing your profile.

Your profile is your chance to make a lasting, positive first impression. So, what you need to do is:

Choose a profile photo that visually represents you or your brand and fits well in a small, circular space

You account name should be well chosen and associated with what your’re doing or with the name of your business

In your bio, you need to tell people what you do, what value you bring, and why they should follow you, you can also add a direct link to your website, your location

Pin your biggest, latest, or viral tweet

2. Be Specific

The second Twitter growth hack is to be specific; you don’t need to be tweeting about every existing topic and hope for the best

All you must do, is to pick three main content buckets and all your tweets should be focused about these three main topics. This way, you’ll never find yourself guessing about what to write about

3. Share relevant and useful content

People come to Twitter to take part in conversations and consume content they’re interested in. So, to grow your followers, you must make sure that your content appeals to your audience and adds value whether that’s Tweeting about sales, product tutorials, or current events.

If you’re not sure what that content is, then leverage your Twitter Analytics to learn more about what best appeals to your audience.

Tap into trending topics by checking out the Explore page, and by using keywords and hashtags that relate to your industry and audience. For example, check out these tips on how to incorporate trending topics into your Twitter strategy.

4.Tweet Consistently

If you want to growth hack your Twitter following, you’ve got to post consistently, you should be tweeting at least 3 to 5 times a day. This could be “how to” information, it could be value, it could be insights, it could be lessons, it could be mistakes, it could be quotes or concepts that resonate with you, and relate to your content buckets

To find out your ideal tweeting schedule, it’s best to test different posting frequencies over a period. Start by increasing your frequency slightly and monitor your engagement rate; if it climbs, then keep going. If not, then go back to what was optimal and try again with another increase in frequency

When you tweet three to five times daily, you are giving yourself enough time and enough data points to know which topics are resonating, and which ones you can go deeper on, and which ones you can ditch

You can also use tools like hypefury to save a lot of time and schedule out your tweets. So, you don’t have to worry about sitting down every day. And just thinking from scratch what to write about. And that’s really going to save you a ton of time with scheduling out your tweets and helping you stay consistent

5. Tweet Storms

Growth hack number five is to create a tweet storm once a week. And this is super powerful if you can be consistent with this. it’s basically a long article, and you’re just breaking it up tweet by tweet, and it’s all within one thread.

Twitter threads get an average of 63% more impressions than tweets with links, and an average of 54% more engagement. They’re great for complex ideas, stories, tutorials, rants, live-tweets, and so on. And they’re a powerful way to build an audience

At the end of that thread, you can link to your website, you can link to a product, you can link to book a call. And all this really is you are creating a thread of a topic or an idea.

6. Post visual content

97% of people focus on visuals on Twitter, so adding media to your Tweets can really help them stand out. Add a variety of visuals and videos to make your content more appealing and memorable

Whether you’re looking to inform or entertain your audience (or both), filling your feed with visual content can help bring new Twitter followers into the fold, you can:

Adapt text-based posts into images using editing tools like Canva, Adobe Spark

Create infographics, in fact they are among the most-shared content on Twitter

Make Videos

Use GIFs, memes, and image macros

7. Engage with others

Engagement mean liking, commenting, retweeting, just engaging with other people and showing an interest them daily

You should first make lists, a list of 30 to 50 people who have anywhere from two to 300 followers, to 2000. And every day, look in that list and like comment and retweet people that you resonate with

And if you’re commenting on people’s threads, make sure you’re saying something more than just good tweet or good thoughts. add something to the conversation, add some value, add your own input, don’t disagree with them

Engage with them and provide thoughtful conversation where you’re adding something to the conversation

If you want to if you want people to take an interest in you, you need to take an interest in them and that means engaging with them and liking and commenting and retweeting anything that you resonate with, and making this a habit every day

You can also engage with people through Dm’s, just say hey, thanks for posting this, I really resonated with this

And that is how you grow your Twitter following that’s how you grow an audience is engaging with people. And being a real human being

8. Learn daily

At least for one to two hours every day, you should be learning new things and new skills and new ideas and insights, there needs to be a constant flow of new ideas flowing into your brain and new knowledge flowing into your brain

Learning new things is how you are going to be to create new content, create new products, throw new ideas out there, come up with new ideas, you need to be learning every day

You can just follow smart people, watch interviews, listen to podcasts, read books from smart people who are where you want to be. And just make it a habit to pick up new skills

It doesn’t always need to be in business, it can be in other things, just learning from different industries and different smart people. And using that to increase the amount of knowledge that you have and the amount of ideas and insights that you have that you can share with your audience

By having the system for learning new things, you’re going to also have a way to share new content, because you’re going to have this constant flow of new information and new knowledge coming in

And through that you’re going to have all these new ideas that you can create content around

9. Build in public

Building your business in public and sharing every step and not just the highlights, right, everyone’s always like trying to share their highlights, they think they can only share the top moments

How much money you have made, your new car or house. That’s not all you have to share. You can share the low lights, the mistakes, the things that didn’t go right. And that’s what’s going to help you connect better with your audience because no one is perfect

Don’t be afraid to document your journey. Don’t be afraid to share what’s working and what’s not working and things that you’re trying out right as you’re going along and testing things you’re building in public

By sharing each step that you’re taking. It’s going to help you build that audience because people are going to be watching you improve every day. People connect better with people who aren’t just perfect all the time

In conclusion

With all their new features coming out and what they already have here, Twitter will soon be the king of all social media platforms

And growing your Twitter following doesn’t happen by accident. A combination of planning your content, engaging with fellow users, and optimizing your profile is key to attracting new followers.

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