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How I Cured My Anxiety Forever

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By woodyPublished 11 months ago 8 min read

The beginning of my anxiety journey began when I had a panic attack. At the time, I didn't even know it was a panic attack; all I knew was that something was seriously wrong. I didn't know if I had a heart condition, a breathing problem, or if I was just going crazy, but I knew something was wrong and I had to leave. This was the beginning of my journey to overcome anxiety. I began experiencing physical symptoms that convinced me that something was seriously wrong and that I needed to get this

Every time I went to the doctors, I couldn't get an answer; they didn't really tell me anything. I started having intrusive thoughts like, "Am I going crazy? Am I suffering from a mental illness." Over time, I also started feeling disconnected, having out-of-body experiences, and questioning existence. I also became numb, sad, and depressed, and I asked myself, "How did this happen?"

My name is Sean, and this is my anxiety recovery story. It was the darkest time of my life, but my narrative isn't about darkness; it's about hope.

It was little things, When I was having trouble, I discovered that the things I missed most were the straightforward things.

taking a leisurely stroll, unwinding, and enjoying a delicious lunch

I was just having fun with some friends when I heard the saying that a blind person who has never seen light can never understand what it means to be in the dark.


I finally identified the issue, and once I realised what was going on, I was able to concentrate on achieving long-term freedom. Maybe this was anxiety. Maybe this is how anxiety works. Maybe anxiety's job is to convince you that what you're experiencing is something other than anxiety.


I had a feeling that something was wrong but didn't know what it was. The more I thought about it, the more my heart began to race and I had trouble breathing. This had never happened before. I had to leave work because I felt like I couldn't breathe and thought I was going to pass out. It turned out that I was having a panic attack. During that panic attack, it became increasingly obvious that this could have been a sign of something more serious.

I visited the doctor because I was trying to understand why my blood pressure was high and why my heart rate was so rapid. All the doctors just looked at me and said, "Everything's fine." I then visited another doctor, who also said, "Everything's fine." I then visited a third doctor, who also said, "There's nothing wrong." This is when I started losing a lot of weight and feeling a lot lighter.

I contacted my parents back at home and told them that something was wrong; they instructed me to return home and that they would figure it out once I got there. At this point, I was unsure whether I had a physical disease or a mental ailment.

When Sean called to let us know that he wasn't feeling well, we inquired as to what was going on, and he replied that he was visiting various doctors. This confused us greatly, so we asked Sean, "Sean, why are you doing that? I mean, why are you going to

I was in college at the time, so my parents would keep me informed by calling me one day and telling me about Sean's condition. At the time, I believe that we were all pretty confused and trying to come up with as many solutions as we could. However, because I was in college, the best thing that I could do was to do some online research and give my parents some advice that would help.

and everyone was just trying to focus on Sean so that he could get better as soon as possible. When I got home, I kept going to the doctor, but they wouldn't do anything; they would just prescribe me some medication. They asked me, "Have you ever struggled with anxiety?" I replied, "No, but you have to understand that I'm anxious about how I'm feeling. I'm not anxious generally.

I felt like the smallest things were so difficult; I used to enjoy going to the grocery store, but now I can't even leave my residence for fear that these feelings will return or that I will start having panic attacks. Whenever they told me I had a clean bill of health, I wondered why this was happening to me; I was carefree, young, and having a great time. I just wanted to go back to living.

Sean must be experiencing some sort of issue because to see him when he got home, he was mostly housebound, worried all the time, and he didn't really know what was going on with him, making it really difficult to watch. I didn't realise it at first, but I was trying to help him and make him feel at ease throughout. I was trying to show him that this child is such a strong child from the beginning.

It's your mental state that's what is happening to you; there is nothing physically wrong with it, and Sean said no no no let's test one more test. He said he can do that test for you; there is no problem let me do it for you, and he went ahead and did that. I had never seen him so quiet, um, he stopped really like I guess like caring about himself in the way that he used to; he was very outgoing before.

This is it; there is nothing I can do to fix this. I've tried everything; I don't know what's wrong. Everyone says it's anxiety, but there must be something else wrong because even if it is anxiety, there is nothing I can do. When Sean wanted to see those results, he looked at it and said, "We have ruled out everything." That's when i realised that this is it; there is nothing I can do to fix this.

I don't care and I found a few books with people who claimed to have gone through something similar, but at this point I was so sceptical because I had read so many books and listened to so many people who I believed to be experts, but I didn't have a choice, so I said consume me because everything I do just makes things worse, and that's when my recovery really started.

Sean is one of the most confident people I know now, and it's awesome that I get to be his sister and watch him kind of go through this journey because seeing where he was to seeing where he is now it's like he's a completely different person. He's so active, he's so outgoing, he's also so fearless, but he has this like element of resilience to him that you can see.

I didn't really have the best advice or information when it came to my recovery journey, but one thing was very clear: I had a very strong support system around me. I can say with certainty looking back that I couldn't have recovered without my family's support, but here's the truth: Even though they were as supportive as they could be, it's very difficult for someone to understand what you're going through unless they've been there themselves.

When I wanted to start this mentorship that was really focused on helping people overcome, I wanted to take that to the next level. I knew how important a community was. I knew how important it was to have a support structure to walk you through each step because this wasn't going to happen overnight. It was going to take time, and I tho' this was going to take time. Now that my family was able to help me, out of all the disadvantages i had during my recovery journey, one thing was very

What we've done in the mentorship is really created a community that is really focused on long-term freedom. This isn't just a community to say things about being positive but people that have actually lived through it but are a few steps ahead of you these people have been experiencing the exact same things as you. This not only inspires hope but it gives them permission to start focusing on recovery as well.


My name is Sean Caston, and I completely understand what you're going through. I know what's causing you to have these what-if thoughts at night because I went through it myself once I discovered the key to recovery. Recovery didn't happen right away, but I noticed one thing for sure: I had made more progress than I had ever before. My symptoms gradually began to fade, one by one, and over time, I returned to living the way I had before.

This was just something that happened, and I eventually got over it, but I was always angry, annoyed, and frustrated that no one had ever told me this earlier. I then realised that I needed to help other people get over this as well, but if I could just demonstrate that in fact, if I can lead people through that, what i could do is have them become their own guides no longer talking about this.

I was told the key was to overcome this and not to focus on your anxiety forever. The key was to fix this so that you could just go back to living instead of dealing with anxiety constantly, not always coping or managing but to live, and the whole key is to help people overcome. And that's exactly what we've done. I've created a mentorship where I'm taking people by the hand and helping them fully overcome this.

I've seen too many success stories to think that someone is merely exceptional, and in the mentorship we've seen too many people to be mistaken about that.

The truth is that once you take certain steps, recovery is not only attainable but also unavoidable.


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