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Thoery and It's remedy

By shivani joshiPublished about a month ago 3 min read

As a student the main problem which i face and most of the students face is we tend to forget whatever we have studied or read , during my exam days i always faced problem of recalling and i couldn't score well then i came to know about this theory called forgetting curve as per this theory we tend to forget upto 70% of what we have learned at day 1 and within a week we can only retain 25%.The problem now is what is the solution for this the process which i follow as a student is spaced revision method.

What is spaced revison method?

This is the strategy that i personally follow that whatever you have studied revise it on day 1 then at day 3 then again at day 7, this strategy helped me to remeber everything for a longer period of time. You just need to prepare a timetable , just take a peice of paper and write down the topics with dates which you are going to read and stick it in front of your study table.

for example:-If today you have studied about planet earth then you need to revise it at day 1 before you go to sleep revise it again at the 3rd day then revise it again at the 7th day from the 3rd day.

One more remedy for forgetting curve is called "microlearning"

Microlearning is a pedagogical approach that centers on the acquisition of novel knowledge in brief segments. With this kind of teaching, subjects are broken down into concise, stand-alone study units that the student can access anytime, anywhere, and as often as needed.Microlearning has become a prominent method of instruction delivery in corporate learning environments because to its convenience for both educators and learners.

Lets clear this theory with the help of an example

Subject: The Civil War in America

First Microlearning Module: Visual Timeline Infographic

Three minutes in length

Content: An infographic that shows the chronology of significant occasions both before and during the American Civil War. Dates, descriptions, and drawings are used to provide the chronology a visual summary.

Microlearning Module 2: Audio Narrated Battle Summaries

Time spent: five minutes

Content: A collection of audio files that provide a summary of the Civil War's pivotal engagements. Every video offers a concise synopsis of the conflict, principal players, and conclusions, enabling learners to listen and absorb knowledge while on the move.

Module 3 of Microlearning: Interactive Map (Interactive):

Time spent: 4 minutes

Content: Students can investigate the sites of important Civil War battles using an interactive map. Additional details about each fight, like troop movements and strategic importance, are provided by clickable marks.

Module 4 of Microlearning: Analysis of Primary Sources (Text + Image):

Six minutes in length

Content: A selection of Civil War-related letters, diaries, and newspaper articles from primary sources. Analysis questions are included with each document to support students in assessing and interpreting the historical context in a critical manner.

Module 5 of Microlearning: Interactive Quizlet Flashcards

Time spent: 4 minutes

Content: A collection of digital flashcards that cover important words, figures, and occasions related to the American Civil War. Through periodic repetition, students can utilize the flashcards to review key ideas, assess their knowledge, and solidify their comprehension.

Students may access, engage, and easily digest bite-sized learning opportunities with these microlearning courses. Through the integration of multimedia components, interactive aspects, and spaced repetition approaches, students can effectively and adaptably improve their comprehension of intricate historical subjects such as the American Civil War.

Follow any one of the strategy and it will definetely help you to remeber whatever you have learned.

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shivani joshi

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    SJWritten by shivani joshi

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