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Excel in the Microsoft AZ-900 Exam with Updated Practice Tests

Prepare your AZ-900 exam with relevant and updated practice test

By Jack JarryPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Are you planning to take the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam? If so, you may be wondering how to best prepare for it. One of the most effective ways to study for the exam is through the AZ-900 practice test.

Understanding the AZ-900 Exam

It is a foundational-level exam that tests your knowledge of cloud concepts, Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, and trust. The exam consists of 40-60 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 85 minutes. Passing the exam demonstrates your understanding of cloud computing and Azure services, which can be beneficial for a career in IT.

  • English version of the Microsoft Azure exam was updated on October 28, 2022.
  • The passing score for the exam az 900 is 700.
  • The exam fee for Microsoft az-900 is different for different regions and countries

Skills Measured in the Exam

  • Describe cloud concepts (25–30%)
  • Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)
  • Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)

Benefits of Using Pass4future Prepared Practice Tests

Pass4future prepared practice tests and exam questions for Microsoft exam Azure fundamentals Certification that are updated and relevant. Unique features of practice test are given below:

az-900 practice test

See the details:

Only Relevant and Updated Questions: We regularly update our practice tests and exam questions and there are no outdated and irrelevant questions in our practice material.

Different Formats: Practice tests and exam questions for az-900 are available in pdf and web-based formats.

Actual Exam Environment: Our web-based practice tests provide you actual exam environment, allowing you to become more comfortable with the format and pacing of the exam.

Identifies Gaps: By taking pass4future prepared practice tests, you can identify areas where you may need to focus your studying efforts, allowing you to better prepare for the exam.

Provides Immediate Feedback: Our web-based practice tests provide immediate feedback on your answers, allowing you to learn from your mistakes and reinforce your knowledge.

Build Confidence: Regularly taking multiple practice tests can help build your confidence and reduce test anxiety.

Best User Experience: Our practice tests provide the best user experience.

Compatible with multiple devices: Web-based practice tests are compatible with almost all devices

Tips for Using AZ-900 Practice Tests

Take Multiple Tests: Take multiple practice tests to get a better sense of the exam format and to identify areas where you may need to focus your studying.

Time Yourself: Time yourself when taking practice tests to simulate the actual exam environment and to get a sense of how long it takes you to answer each question.

Review Incorrect Answers: Review the questions you got wrong and study those topics in more depth to reinforce your knowledge.

Use Variety Formats: Use our variety of study resources, including pdf books, and web-based practice tests, to get a well-rounded understanding of the exam material.


Using practice test can be a highly effective way to prepare for the AZ-900 exam. By taking pass4future prepared practice tests and exam questions in different formats you will be able to pass the actual exam with confidence. Best of Luck!


What is the passing score for the AZ-900 Exam?

The passing score for the AZ-900 Exam is subject to change, but typically it is around 700 out of 1000.

How many questions are there in the Azure Fundamentals Exam?

The number of questions in the AZ-900 Exam may vary, but it usually ranges from 40 to 60 questions.

Are there any prerequisites for taking the Microsoft AZ-900 Exam?

No, there are no prerequisites for taking the AZ-900 Exam. It is an entry-level exam designed for individuals who want to establish a foundational understanding of Azure concepts and services.

How long is the AZ-900 Exam valid?

The AZ-900 Exam certification does not expire. However, as technology evolves and new Azure services are introduced, it is beneficial to stay updated with the latest advancements in Azure

Can I retake the Exam if I fail?

Yes, if you fail the AZ-900 Exam, you can retake it. There is no waiting period required before attempting a retake.


About the Creator

Jack Jarry

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