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Descendants of the sun

Episode 2

By MaryannPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Episode 2 of Descendants of the Sun begins with a flashback of the earthquake the team encountered in the previous episode. This time, the story is told from the perspective of Mo-yeon’s hospital, where they also experienced the tremor. Mo-yeon’s team worked frantically to save a patient, but ultimately lost him. The experience clearly impacted Mo-yeon, as she remains haunted by the knowledge that the man could have been saved if they had the right equipment.

The scene then shifts to the aftermath of the earthquake, where Alpha team is scouring the rubble for survivors. Shi-jin and Dae-young come across a woman buried beneath the debris, and immediately start working to dig her out. As they work, Shi-jin starts to worry that she might not make it, but ultimately they manage to free her and take her to the hospital.

Mo-yeon is surprised when she sees Shi-jin and Dae-young walk in with the injured woman. She starts to examine the woman when she realizes that Shi-jin is bleeding from a cut on his head. Concerned, she asks him to let her take a look, but he brushes her off, insisting that he’s fine.

As they leave to return to their base, Shi-jin stops to speak to Mo-yeon. He reassures her that she did everything she could in the earthquake, and that she shouldn’t be too hard on herself. Mo-yeon starts to open up to him about her worries over her competence as a doctor, but is interrupted when they receive a call about another potential earthquake. Shi-jin and his team race off to investigate.

At the new site, Shi-jin and Dae-young split up to search for survivors. Dae-young comes across a group of children trapped in a collapsed building and immediately rushes to help them. Shi-jin finds a young woman buried under the rubble, but as he tries to free her, the building starts to shake again. There’s a tense moment as Shi-jin struggles to hold onto the woman, but ultimately they manage to get her out before the building collapses completely.

Back at the hospital, Mo-yeon is still working to save the woman Shi-jin brought in earlier. Despite her best efforts, the woman ultimately succumbs to her injuries. Mo-yeon is clearly devastated, and Shi-jin takes the opportunity to try and comfort her. They talk about the impact of disasters and how helpless they can sometimes feel in the face of them.

That night, Shi-jin and Mo-yeon run into each other at a convenience store. They end up buying instant ramen and eating it together in a park. The scene is a playful one, with Mo-yeon teasing Shi-jin about his love for spicy food and Shi-jin teasing her about her lack of skill with chopsticks. As they eat, they discuss their work and their lives – Mo-yeon opens up to Shi-jin about a past relationship that ended badly, and Shi-jin talks about his own experiences in the military.

As they walk back to their respective homes, Mo-yeon gets a call from the hospital asking her to come in. She hesitates for a moment, but ultimately decides to go. There, she discovers that Shi-jin has been brought in with a gunshot wound. She rushes to treat him, pulling out the bullet with practiced skill. Meanwhile, Dae-young confronts the man who shot Shi-jin, warning him to never cross Alpha team again.

The episode ends with Mo-yeon watching over Shi-jin as he sleeps in the hospital. She tells him that she’s glad he’s okay, and he responds by teasing her about being worried about him. The scene is a sweet one, with hints of the growing connection between the two characters.

Overall, Episode 2 of Descendants of the Sun continues to develop the characters and their relationships, while also exploring the theme of disaster response. While the episode has some moments of levity, it also has its share of tension and drama, particularly in the scenes involving the earthquake. The ending sets up further conflict and drama, as Shi-jin’s injury and the man responsible for it add an intriguing new element to the story.

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