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Dark Academia Is Not A Fad

& here’s why…

By Elfie RiverdellPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Dark Academia has recently become the newest ‘fashion statement’. It is so much more than that however, and I’m going to tell you why.

What is Dark Academia?

Dark Academia is ‘a subculture with a heavy emphasis on reading, writing, learning — and a look best described as traditional-academic-with-a-gothic-edge; think slubby brown cardigans, vintage tweed pants, a worn leather satchel full of a stack of books, dark photos, brooding poetry and skulls lined up next to candles.’ - The New York Times

I recently came across a YouTube video, where the creator discussed how Dark Academia was created as a ‘posh kid’ response to lockdown and being unable to attend their private schools.

There are many issues with this statement, which I will get into.

First, I think it is important to mention that there are issues with Dark Academia as a subculture, including the idea that there can be an underlying issue of classism within the subculture. Dark Academia is heavily inspired by classic literature, traditional high-academic aspects, and in many cases, “British” culture. It is true, that in some groups of Dark Academics, you will find classist individuals. That, however, is true for many subcultures, and does not apply to every Dark Academic.

Dark Academia has been around for far longer than the last 12 months. It is a celebration of learning, creativity and vintage aesthetics. It focuses on intense topics, such as the literary tragedy, philosophy and gothic themes. I have seen several posts in the media recently describing Dark Academia as a fashion fad, which is infuriating. To be sure, the style and aesthetic of Dark Academia is one of the subculture’s key features, but it is not just about the fashion.

There are a various branches to the Academia subcultures, including Light Academia and Romantic Academia. While Dark Academia focuses on the more gothic, classical academia, Light Academia is often referred to as the light-hearted younger sister of Dark Academia.

@ enchantedelfie

Dark Academia lifestyle

The Dark Academic’s lifestyle is heavily influenced by romanticising education and creativity. It promotes learning for joy rather than necessity and therefore, study is a key activity for Dark Academics.

Dark Academia activities and hobbies include:

- Reading and writing poetry

- Writing letters and journaling

- Film photography

- Studying Latin, Ancient Greece etc.

- Listening to classical music

- Learning an instrument, especially violin or piano

Learning and academia are clearly a key aspect of Dark Academia, but there are a few subjects which are specifically assosicated with the subculture, including:

- Latin

- Ancient Greece

- Philosophy

- Ancient history

- Classic literature

The physical aesthetics of Dark Academia

The physical aesthetics of Dark Academia are undeniably important, and a Dark Academic’s wardrobe will usually contain:

- Tartan / plaid trousers and skirts

- Blazers and suits

- Woolen coats

- Doc Martens, loafers and brogues

- Turtleneck tops and jumpers

- Buttoned shirts and blouses

These items will usually follow a colour scheme of brown, black, beige, cream and white.

Final thoughts

‘It is important to note that in multiple ways, dark academia is not new. Rather, it is a continuation of different pre-existing aesthetics that had a basis in artistic periods- The largest and most notable influence on the aesthetic is the ideas and lifestyles of Romantic-era nobles and intellectuals such as Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley and Edmund Burke.’ - Aesthetics Fandom

I will be writing more posts regarding Dark Academia in the future, and you can check out my YouTube channel and Instagram for more Dark Academia content.

Thanks for reading, stay safe & keep reading!



About the Creator

Elfie Riverdell

Author of The Forest of Fallen Stars (May '21) and The Girl Who Breathed Fire ('22)

Blogger & BookTuber

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