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College Freshman Survival Guide

Congratulations, newly graduated! Welcome to the big leagues.

By Dean DellingerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
College Freshman Survival Guide
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Here's what I learned in my college years and what you should expect.

College. The day you thought would never arrive is coming up fast. You've got your high school diploma, planned out your senior summer trips, and signed up for orientation. Excited? Scared? Relax! It's not quite so great a leap from high school as you might imagine- but it's always good to have some advice on the way.

Attend your Classes

Okay, there's a reason why this is the first one on the list. When I first heard this bit of advice, it went way over my head. I mean, who would skip classes just like that? How hard is it to get yourself going to three hours of classes every day instead of the usual six or seven?

It turns out, it's really hard.

Class is now optional. No one is going to force you to class, no one is going to call up your parents and ask where you are, none of that absent/ late slip stuff anymore. It's all on you. "Sure, I got this. I'm a responsible adult," you might think to yourself. As the weeks roll by, you might find yourself caring less and less. One class here. Another there. 9 am is way too early to be getting up these days. Soon enough, you'll have your midterms creeping in a few days and you're about five weeks behind. Ouch. Been there and done that.

Attend your classes. Just do it.

Balance Play and Work

College is the combination of your social life and your academics. Often times. the lines blur and lean, well, towards the social side. Watch yourself. With a free reign on campus and your curfew out the window, it's easy to go party-crazy with your new friends. Sure, there's time to enjoy and go wild- but there are times when you need to remember that above all, you're a student. Your parents probably put up a good amount of money for you to attend school and live on campus. The last thing you need to do is bring home an academic probation. Know when to say no to those invites.

At the same time though, do remember to enjoy yourself. College stress levels are sometimes pretty up there, especially for graduate school aspiring students, and it's important to take a break every so often.

Talk to People

If you're the shy type, it's time to come out of that shell. Since university campuses are far more vast and populated than your familiar tight-knit high school, it's important to take that first step and reach out to others. Don't be afraid to talk to your seatmate or make conversation with the Starbucks barista. Friendships are much easier to form than it seems.

Be Healthy

Chances are, your school probably has a gym. Use it! It's there for you, so take control of those facilities. Also, expect a lot more walking as your classes are pretty far from each other now. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and feel free to go on late night walks with some friends.

A bigger issue is probably eating healthy. I constantly forgot to eat meals or vegetables and felt pretty terrible during some parts of the year. Don't forget to eat right. It might not taste good, but it's up to you to keep your body in shape. Buy yourself some groceries occasionally and do NOT always rely on your cafeteria to serve the healthiest options.

Get Involved

When I came to the University of Northern Colorado, I could never imagine myself playing soccer. Well, now I do! Ever wanted to get involved with martial arts or learn how to knit? Don't be afraid to try it out. There are clubs and resources to get you learning more than textbook material. Look them up and ask around! These experiences will enrich your college experience and probably carry you on after graduation. Always try new things and keep an open mind.

Set up a Schedule

Invest in a calendar to organize yourself and keep it with you. If you get involved with clubs and work a job, it's going to be a pain to remember what you have to do where and when. Chances are, you'll probably have to schedule some things right on the spot, whether they be hangouts or office hour appointments. I have my schedule hooked up to my phone, so it's pretty convenient to look up any free slots right away.

Remember that College is what You Put into It

The golden rule of college: what you put in is what you get out. Make the effort to meet people, and they'll be glad to meet you halfway. Put into your academics and get out some good grades. Put into your parties and clubbing and... well, you'll have some good stories to share in the future. Enjoy!


About the Creator

Dean Dellinger

I have always written as a hobby. Now I'm affiliated with My writing interests include education, career, business, and advertising/marketing strategy.

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