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Biological Psychology

The Synapse Story

By Mark GrahamPublished about a year ago 4 min read
brain (

We have learned the basics of what constitutes the nerve cells in the brain from the axons to the dendrites to now the thing that binds them together to help us in many ways. This is the area between the axon and dendrite known as the synapse. The space between the axons and dendrites.

This is the area that has a lot of storage membranes for two or more transmitters in reserve and when the action potential raises or lowers the membrane will have the right influence to the next. Membranes fuse and lets the vesicles move some to the membrane that fuses and opens and releases transmitters that are released. These are the pre-synaptic to the post-synaptic receptors that do shape and acts like a lock and fits a molecule to an action 'on' that is required. An 'on' condition are the proteins which are peptides and amino acids. This is a complex chemical molecular change that is woven seven times through the membranes.

The first psychological chemical known as Prozac (a medication for Anxiety) or methylene blue is a tranquilizer. During a synapse the first cell releases the chemical to the post-synaptic membrane. First, a neuron and the action potential is very simple then second, the neuron systems become very complex and speed up and third the synapses are very subtle making a computation of controlling of behavior. (There are 500 angstroms in the synapses.)

There is a standard substance known as acetylcholine that has 10 angstroms that gets the message across from the pre-synaptic to the post-synaptic membrane. The vesicles releases chemicals to the next cell from the action potential. The action potential arrives and causes gates to open to specifically organize calcium that is voltage gated in ion channels for there are more in than out. The inflows of calcium triggers the movement of some of the vesicles to the pre-synaptic membrane. These vesicles are studded with inserts with neurotransmitters with chemicals. There are 100+ transmitters or more that are released from the first to the second cell.

Adrenaline, acetylcholine, and other proteins and every neuron can make these. There is a code in the cell body that covers this. Some are found in some and taken down to the tip. Others are made in the tip themselves. Most cells of two or three or even four that are relevant (transmitter substances) the action potential opens the vesicles to release transmitters and substances diffuses through the water to the post-synaptic membranes and contact some receptors like the protein strings when the appropriate transmitter fits into the shape of the receptors for it triggers a response. This takes about 2/10 milliseconds for the substance will take place. Remove the transmitters to clean the system the 'ase' will destroy the substance or remove chemical. A variety of these are to remove transmitters.

There are glial cells present for the removal of transmitters. Once the receptor is triggered different things can happen. The receptor binds with chemicals and moves the resting potential away of O. What is inhibition and this occurs less and have the action potential move toward the potential. There is also the excitation threshold where other things for it might influence or modulate another receptor. This may release chemical to more or less sensitive or modulate or activate at the nucleus. Once it triggers there are chemical acts back on the receptors on the pre-synaptic membrane and if the job is with the right amount and the sequence is released. This tells and checks how things are going. There is a communication between the two cells and it happens all the time. The ultimate effect is to change the next neuron and to make it more or less to an action potential with a momentary probability. The second cell tells what to do or determines which transmitters will be used.

There are 200 billion neurons from babyhood down to half when we are growing up. Some neurons will lose or not make the right connections or die from 0 to 2 years of age. There are chunks of transmitters (ased) then age and reabsorbed into the cells. What is reuptake of the denatured substances arrives by the vesicles and made to be reassembled and reused. SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are when serotonin and dopamine keep serotonin from getting back to the cell; to the SSRI for drug treatments happens in the synapse. Things in the synapses changes over time continuing communication between the two neurons and influencing each other.

Inhibit---excite the auto-receptors---modulate---metabolize ions---can alter/activate the synapse with chemicals---allowing adaptation.

*Dopamine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine are the four transmitters for emotion and mental health and working with the synapse.

(Remember this article was written from my old lecture notes from this course.)


About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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