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Architecture And Emotions


By Amna IrfanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

My history teacher used to question, I quote: " Doctor understands the person's body but not the person itself.... what does an architect do ?"

I always thought that buildings made with no inspiration and emotion is same as a body without soul.

Architecture may evoke feelings. Just consider how thoughtfully constructed monuments might evoke feelings of awe, grief, or thankfulness. Other building kinds can also surprise or even improve a person's mood. It all boils down to how a place is constructed so that its residents have an emotional reaction.

Architecture is often perceived as a discipline that is solely concerned with the visual and aesthetic aspects of buildings and other structures. However, a more nuanced understanding of architecture reveals that it is an art form that is deeply rooted in human emotion and experience. In fact, architecture is a feeling, a deeply emotional and sensory experience that is capable of evoking a wide range of emotions and feelings.

Safety, use, beauty, and yes, even emotion, are all important aspects of architecture. Architecture is fundamentally an extremely emotional experience. Architecture has a special ability to evoke "vitality affects," those kinetic qualities of emotion that manifest as movement in our body because it is intrinsically immersive. We can "feel an arch "spring," a path "lead," or a line "soar"" in terms of architecture. Design professionals may learn to build structures that provide people a strong experience of the built environment by fusing neuroscientific research and concepts with conventional architectural practices.

Architecture is a medium through which people interact with their environment. It shapes and influences the way people perceive and experience their surroundings. From the smallest residential homes to the largest public buildings, architecture has the power to impact the way people feel, think, and behave.

When we enter a space, we are immediately aware of its atmosphere. The way a space is designed and built can make us feel welcome or excluded, safe or threatened, relaxed or anxious. The way a space is lit, the colors used, the textures of surfaces, and the sounds we hear all contribute to the emotional impact of a space. The architecture of a space can make us feel happy or sad, inspired or bored, energized or drained.

Consider the experience of walking into a grand cathedral, with its towering columns, intricate vaulted ceilings, and stained glass windows. The architecture of the cathedral is designed to inspire awe and wonder, to make us feel small in the face of something greater than ourselves. The sensation of standing in such a space can be overwhelming, humbling, and deeply moving.

On the other hand, poorly designed spaces can have a negative impact on our emotional and psychological health. Spaces that are too cramped, too cluttered, or too stark can make us feel anxious, stressed, or uncomfortable. Poor lighting can make us feel tired and sluggish, while harsh sounds can be jarring and overwhelming.

Architects are keenly aware of the emotional impact of their work, and many strive to create spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally resonant. They work with materials, light, and space to create atmospheres that are conducive to a particular mood or feeling. They consider the emotional needs of the people who will inhabit the space and strive to create environments that will support their physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing.

The emotional impact of architecture is not limited to the built environment. Even the way we design and use digital spaces can have a profound impact on our emotional wellbeing. Consider the way social media platforms are designed to be addictive, with features such as infinite scrolling and notifications that are designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible. This can have a negative impact on our mental health, contributing to feelings of anxiety, stress, and even addiction.

In essence, emotion is a crucial factor that affects how inhabitants perceive architecture.


About the Creator

Amna Irfan

Just a girl, trying to be vocal about her emotions and feelings through writing.

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