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Affiliate Marketing Success

How To successfully Market and sell other peoples products

By Rabii Ben AlayaPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways for anyone to earn money online. This is a quick and passive method to earn highly scalable cash, and that is easy to set up. No technical skill is required, and if you choose the right products and connect with the right market, you can stand to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a short space of time. But let’s back up for just a moment.

First: what precisely is affiliate marketing? How does it work? And what makes it so much more effective than other money-making strategies for internet entrepreneurs?

Essentially, affiliate marketing means selling a product that is not yours for a commission. You then get to earn money for each sale you make, meaning that all you need to do is to connect that product with an audience that will appreciate it.

1- Why Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Make Money for Beginners

Affiliate marketing is a concept that eludes many people. How can you make money from selling something you didn’t make? How can earning money online really be that simple? The simplest way to explain it is that it is essentially sales. You are acting like a seller and earning commission on any sales you make. In that way, you are just like the door-to-door salesmen who come around to sell you broadband. The difference is that you aren’t going door to door. The internet is your door and this is a door that gives you access to everyone on the planet. That right away gives you a huge advantage — and especially when you learn how you can get the visitors to come to you.

What’s more, is that because you’ll be selling a product that is already out there, you can choose something that is already selling in big numbers. When you create your own product to sell, there is always a small risk that you’ll build something that no one wants. When you simply market something that is highly popular, that becomes much less likely!

How Affiliate Marketing Works

First, let’s consider the type of content you are going to be selling. To many marketers, affiliate products will be digital products. There are plenty more options, which we will explore in this book later. But for now, that’s what we’ll focus on. That means things like eBooks, online courses, and presentations. Digital products are immediately a good choice for selling online because they have zero overheads and no ‘COGs’ (this is a business term meaning ‘Cost Of Goods Sold’. That means that the creator doesn’t have to pay out at all for each sale and they can instead just make a profit and share that profit. It also means they never had to invest large amounts of money up front and they don’t have to handle delivery either.

So, the creator likely made this digital product themselves using Word or a camera, or perhaps they outsourced the creation to someone else. Either way, they will have built this ebook or course with the intention of selling it for profit.

The creator gets a thousand more sales by encouraging marketers to work with them and 10 AFFILIATE MARKETING SUCCESS affiliates get to sell a product as though it were their own and keep most of the profits! They can make just as much money as they would form their own ebook or course, but without having to develop one and take that huge gamble.

2- How to Find and Sell Affiliate Products

Well, first you’re going to need a product. In order to get this, you are going to need to head over to a website such as Clickbank or Commission Junction. Another good one is JVZoo. Here, you’ll be able to see a large selection of different products that have affiliate programs. Just scroll through and look for the ones you’re interested in. You’ll find that you can see some information regarding the different products, so try to look for things that are selling for a decent price and offer a good commission. Some sites will let you see a rough number of sales, in which case you of course want to look for the items that are selling well.

If you’re someone who is completely new to the world of marketing, then I highly recommend that you choose a product that offers these kinds of bonuses. This way, you can get up and running almost instantly by simply copying and pasting the materials you’ve got. You should then see yourself sell in the same numbers: it’s the same product and the same marketing spiel… so there’s no reason that it shouldn’t work just as well.

Selling Physical Products and Services

While selling eBooks through platforms like JVZoo is an excellent way to ensure that you can keep the maximum profit, it also has its limitations. Despite what some other marketers might tell you, the most popular type of product online is still of the physical variety.

And that basically leaves you with a much smaller cut of the market. So how do we go about selling physical products as an affiliate marketer?

The most popular option is to become an Amazon Associate.

Amazon’s associate scheme is their version of an affiliate program and it’s a very tempting option for many marketers. If you look up information on affiliate marketing, then you’ll likely find that the vast majority of it focuses on selling digital products through the likes of JVZoo, ClickBank, and Commission Junction.

On Amazon, things are different. Amazon is already splitting the profits with the manufacturer, they have to pay for storage, shipping, and postage and generally they can’t afford to offer you more than 4% or maybe 8% at a push.

3- How to Choose Affiliate Products Wisely

While affiliate marketing is an incredibly simple and effective way to make money online, it is not completely foolproof. That is to say that if you choose the wrong product, or market it in the wrong way, you might not see the immediate kind of success you were hoping for. A lot of your success then will ride on your ability to choose the right product. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s more, is that you can easily reach those flower arrangers by posting on a few flower blogs. And you can probably get your sales page to the top of Google for ‘flower arranging eBook’ much more easily. It has a clear USP as well, which makes it very easy to sell. Better yet though, is to look at the routes to market you already have. What contacts can you leverage? Where can you reach a lot of people? What are those people interested in? Think about how you’ll sell the product and where you’ll reach your target demographic before you pick the product.

That is how you succeed and it’s a strategy you can repeat over and over again. If you already have a successful website with a huge audience, then of course it makes sense for you to choose a product that will appeal to that audience.

4- Building an Audience and Marketing the Products

The key to success when it comes to selling affiliate products is to build an audience first. This is the “catch” (insofar as there is one), as it means that you need to actually put in some time and work in order to make the biggest sales. The good news is that if you choose a topic that you find interesting, you will essentially be earning large amounts of money for doing something you enjoy. But in order to get to this point, you first need to build that audience and gain their trust as an influencer.

Are there other ways to sell affiliate products? Of course! And we’ll explore those in this chapter too. BUT I still highly recommend that you build that audience and make sure that people are interested in your brand.

Create a Brand That Sells

Placing Your Link

Creating a Sales Page

Building a Store

5- Powerful Modern Tools and Strategies

Selling a combination of different products — including digital, services, and physical — is far more powerful because it combines the kinds of massive sales you can make by building a loyal audience with the VOLUME that comes from shifting lots of physical products. And here’s something else to keep in mind: having such a diverse portfolio of affiliate products to sell on your site means that you have the option to add things that are “pie in the sky” sales.

An example? I once sold an MBA through an affiliate link! This was through EDx, which is a potentially hugely profitable affiliate program, though also an example of one that you must sign up for. The challenge? Managing and juggling all of those different items! This is why the big, serious brands will use tools that streamline this process, and that gives them access to some of the most lucrative affiliate programs on the web.

These tools will help you to take your affiliate earnings to another level, but there are many more options out there as well for those that want to create a more streamlined business model and funnel. For instance, it is almost essential to use Google Analytics in order to track the success of your website and individual pages.

You can see how you rank for different terms, optimize those terms, and then see how those pages are leading to the sales page, and which routes earn the most commission. Similarly, using tools that let you conduct A/B tests on your landing page can also help you to improve it to the point that it massively increases conversions.

You Can Learn More and discover all the details by downloading the free E-book.

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