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A Counseling Theory

By Mark GrahamPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
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In the Adlerian therapy mode I do try to re-orient, re-educate to bring a balance with what may happen with their bodies and minds and spirits. In working with this and any population you have to encourage and actively listen to what is going on with them and give them ideas to motivate themselves to get better. Also, in motivating patients you are as a counselor, nurse or whatever you are you will use several means to get through to them.

Some of these ways are as follows for you will be physical and emotional in ways of speech and your actions when presenting your ideas. You may have hyperverbal clients or patients as well as having clients or patients that remain quiet and for some reason these clients who are hyperverbal may slow down and then the quiet patient or client will start to share what is bothering them. They will show insight into their problems and they can even state ways to help.

The patients may help themselves to cope with what is happening or happened in their lives with or without medications. They may need only to learn that they may need the medication when new interventions are tried or when they get out of control with the behaviors of the problems. Elderly clients or patients like to talk about how they may have handled the problem in the past and how what they are doing now does not work quite as well as it did back then, so they come to sessions to learn new and better ways to solve their own problems. Older adults and even the frail elderly like to participate in discussions that they can share their problems and learn from their mistakes that they may have made in the past. Adlerian therapy one must be creative and understanding with all age groups. You may work with all ages or just a specific group of people.

Working with Adlerian therapy one must work and learn the proper boundaries when working with children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. These boundaries are personal, professional, and therapeutic.

1. Personal boundaries are how you behave at home with family and friends.

2. Professional boundaries are the ones you use in public and on the job with clients out in the world.

3. Therapeutic boundaries are the ones you use in the counseling sessions where you share RESPECT and COOPERATION in words and actions dealing with your clients or patients. The counselor in this type of therapy must acknowledge everyone's fears and when telling various clients or patients what to expect for the sessions be prepared for anything. One must be aware of family issues as well as the client's or patient's issues and how therapy may effect what happens in the activities you have planned for them.

Adlerian Therapy Sessions

Children- These sessions mainly occur on a one-to-one presentation when counselor and child work together on their problem behavior(s). In these sessions you can use art, play or whatever the child seems interested in at the moment. You must become trustworthy for the child to open up and confide in you. You must also work with the parents and share information when appropriate and give them ideas on how to work with their child without divulging what is shared in the therapy sessions.

Adolescents- This growth period is still where trust is a major issue between everyone involved. The teenager will open up to you with more open communication about whatever issue(s) they may have like body changes, emotional issues about sex, drugs and alcohol. They may even feel more comfortable when more serious problems may arise like suicide or other violent events may happen in their lives at home, school or wherever they may be. These clients need to feel that you will be trustworthy even though you are not a family member and still be understanding and maybe share some memories of what helped you share ideas that may help them to use with their parents/friends/teachers as probable helpers in the future. You can use what interests them in the sessions.

Adults and Elderly- In these age groups you must still build trust. You will mainly build and rebuild and improve social skills and thinking skills to improve the current and even the future behaviors that occur over the years. You can talk about parenting issues with the young adults and grandparenting skills for the older adults and how these effect them in society. The issues that may come up and cause problems for these age groups could be from issues dealing with discipline, academics, and even just general care of the younger generation.

To be continued


About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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