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7 Common Mistakes to Avoid while Preparing for CLAT 2022

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid while Preparing for CLAT 2022

By kamal nayanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

7 common mistakes to avoid while preparing for CLAT 2022

CLAT is considered as the final exam for law aspirants. Every law aspirant wants to crack the CLAT exam to get the law college of his dreams. However, cracking CLAT is no child's play and requires constant hard work, dedication and efforts. Many students make common mistakes while preparing for this exam which reduces the chances of cracking this exam. Despite putting your best foot forward, mistakes find a way to pull you away from your goal. Losing a year just because of improper or inadequate preparation can be very frustrating and disastrous for the candidates. However, if you already know about the most common mistakes that candidates make while preparing for CLAT, the chances of you committing them are less.

In this article, we will discuss the mistakes made by the aspirants during their CLAT discussion because a smart person learns from his mistake, but the smartest person also learns from the mistakes of others.

Not Strategizing

No matter what battle you are in, having a strategy is the first step. Even in the battle of CLAT, you must have a definite strategy to help your target win. A strategy for CLAT may include how and when you will start with your preparation, what resources you will refer to while studying, what time you will devote to the subject, what topics you will start with, the details of each subject How much revision is required for this, when will you start with your revision and many such factors. Take a day or two to draft and note down your strategy. Free to make any changes to your strategy during your preparation if you feel like it.

Also Read: How to maximize your CLAT Score 2022- Expert Tips

Excessive Cramming

Learning to cram may not help you get the rank you want. It may help you qualify, but it won't help you shine. If you want to be a topper, you have to think and act like one. Toppers never memorize rather they understand every concept which leaves a lasting impression in their mind which they always remember. It helps in correlating different topics to make your pool of knowledge very vast. If you are weak in any subject, then you can join CLAT online coaching for CLAT preparation.

Improper Time Management

Discipline and time management are important while preparing for CLAT. You cannot study excessively for one week and then go on vacation in another. CLAT preparation is a slow and gradual process and you cannot complete it in a few weeks or months. You have to give proper time for this. Study less but study daily. Do not break your chains; This will help you stay in flux and learn better.

Not attempting time bound mock tests

Time bound mock tests are a great way to analyze your preparation level. They help you to find out how much time it takes to solve each section of the paper. This will help you to tailor your preparation strategy accordingly. You will also get to know about your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on your weaknesses and take advantage of your strengths.

Not Understanding the Basics

Many aspirants try to learn the advanced and more complex parts of the subjects in hopes of learning more and more but forget the basics. There is no way for you to understand advanced or more complex topics if you don't have a proper knowledge of the basics. It is essential to have a strong foundation in all the subjects of CLAT. Only after you have mastered the basics, you should move on to the advanced topics.

Also Read:CLAT 2021:The wait is over; The Consortium announces the date.

Reference to Multiple Sources

Always focus on quality over quantity while preparing for CLAT. Hoarding books and magazines will not help you in any way but will confuse you. Go for some reliable resources and don't buy new books until you have completed the old book or there is a subject in it that you want to study, and must remember to take the best CLAT preparation books for CLAT 2022.

No Revision

Revision is the key to success in CLAT. Be it current affairs, legal reasoning or any other subject, frequent revision is essential. Since the syllabus of CLAT is so vast, candidates can forget what they studied a few months back. To keep your mind fresh, you should do proper revision. Only through constant revision, can one be sure that they remember everything they have read.


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