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4 Things I Wish I Knew

Before Graduating University

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 4 min read
4 Things I Wish I Knew
Photo by Mohammad Shahhosseini on Unsplash

There's a lot to think about when you're graduating from university. While you might be super excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, it's important not to rush into making decisions too quickly. You're learning and growing up, but you're doing it all so quickly, and it's hard to keep track of everything that's happening.

It's a big step to graduate from university, but don't worry! You can still keep your head in the game while you're looking for your next career move.

Here are some of the things to consider:

1). Further education - It's a good idea to look into further education options like Masters degrees. This could lead to better career opportunities, as well as learning new skills that will help you in the future.

Having another degree or certificate can be a great way to expand your skill set and get a world of different jobs and opportunities. If you have time before you start working, it's worth considering taking classes at night or online that will help you gain new knowledge and experience.

That said, we think that many people underestimate the importance of further education. While getting a degree can help you get started with whatever career path you choose, it doesn't necessarily guarantee that you'll thrive in that career. In fact, many people who earned degrees after they left university are struggling financially now—and they may not have realized this until they were too late to make changes.

2). Learning new skills - Even if you're not sure where your career will take you, learning new things is never a bad idea! Perhaps it's a new language or computer program that interests you—or maybe it's something more specific like web development or graphic design. Whatever it is, make sure your brain is engaged and stimulated so that when the time comes for an interview, you'll be ready with something interesting to talk about.

If you're looking for a specific skill or field of study, then it's worth considering taking some time out between university and starting work to explore it further by volunteering or doing an internship. This may give you valuable insight into what type of role would suit you best and allow you to develop even more skills which could be useful when applying for that role!

In addition to being useful for learning new skills, further education also helps set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs and networking opportunities later on down the line. The best part? If you stick with it, it's affordable!

3). Job opportunities - Once you've decided on your course of study, make sure that it's something that will help you learn new skills and prepare for the job market. Think about what kinds of jobs are out there that fit with what you want to do—this way when it comes time for interview season, you'll know exactly how much experience is necessary!

4). Networking - Learn how networking works by joining some organizations or clubs where you can meet people who are doing similar things as yourself. This will help both when applying for jobs (which may involve writing cover letters and resumes) and when looking for internships or jobs after graduation.

You'll also be able to make connections with other people who might know someone who needs your services or knowledge later on down the line (or maybe they need yours!).

Consider networking with professionals who can help guide your career path down the most efficient route. This may include contacting professors who have interacted with students before or reaching out to alumni who were involved in similar experiences as yourself during their time at university/college/trade school (whatever your highest level of education was).

University is the best time of your life, but it's also a bit like being in a fog. So learn to plan ahead of time.


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About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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