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34 Fascinating Facts

The African Buffalo Democracy

By Elysee Kung'uPublished about a year ago 6 min read

The original Superman character in comic books didn't possess the ability to fly. Instead, he relied on leaping from one tall building to another in a single bound. However, when animators were working on a Superman Animated Series in the 1940s, they found the leaping concept to be impractical on-screen. As a result, Superman was given the superpower of taking off into the air, solving the issue.

Only a small portion, approximately 20 per cent, of laughter, is caused by jokes or funny situations. The majority of laughter stems from people's reactions to questions like "How are you doing?" and regular statements. Laughing together plays a crucial role in building social bonds and bringing people closer.

Humans are just one of an estimated 8.7 million species on Earth. This vast number includes 611,000 species of mushrooms, molds, and other fungi, 298,000 plant species, and 7.8 million animal species, giving you an idea of the diversity present in the world.

Angry, afraid or surprised, happy, and sad are the four main facial expressions. However, beyond these basic expressions, it is possible to create up to 7,000 additional facial expressions. It's worth noting that genuine facial expressions are more likely to be symmetrical.

Although the mountains on Venus are covered with a snow-like substance, the planet's scorching temperatures prevent the existence of actual snow. The frost observed on Venus is, in fact, composed of a metallic substance.

An apple contains almost 20 per cent air, which explains why it floats when placed in water.

Mysterious Pacific sleeper sharks inhabit an underwater volcano called Kavachi, located near the Solomon Islands. Scientists have to deploy robots to study these creatures, as the heat and acidity of that environment are unbearable for humans.

The University of Oxford predates the Aztec Empire. The educational institution was established in 1096, while the Aztec Empire was founded 332 years later, in 1428.

The tardigrade, known as the water bear, is a microscopic creature renowned for its survival skills. It can withstand extreme temperatures ranging from 300 to negative 458 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as pressures six times stronger than the ocean floor. Additionally, tardigrades can survive in a complete vacuum and can go without food for nearly 10 years.

Pluto was discovered in 1930 but lost its planetary status in 2006. Despite this significant time span, Pluto has not completed a full orbit around the sun. It takes the former planet 248 Earth years to complete one orbit.

In 400 BCE, Persian engineers built an ice machine in the desert. They noticed that ice tended to form in shaded spots during the night. To leverage this phenomenon, they dug holes in clay within these shaded areas. In the morning, they filled the holes with water and subsequently retrieved the ice, storing it in specially insulated structures filled with hay. This method allowed the ice to last even on the hottest days, providing Persians with a means to keep cool.

Cheating in the ancient Greek Olympics led to severe punishments, including fines and potential bans from future competitions. Interestingly, the fines collected from cheating athletes were used to build bronze statues near the entrance of the Olympic stadium, depicting the athletes and describing their cheating methods.

On average, a drop of water remains in the atmosphere for around nine days before falling back to Earth. If it ends up in the ocean, it can take more than 3,000 years before evaporating again.

John Mitchell was the first person to speculate about the existence of black holes in 1783. In his paper, he referred to them as "black stars." Unfortunately, his theory was forgotten until the 1970s.

Raw sweet potatoes are not inherently sweet, but when they undergo the cooking process, a specific enzyme called beta amylase breaks down the bland starch, transforming it into sugar.

The M100 Galaxy, located 55 million light years away from Earth, astoundingly spans a distance of 107,000 light-years across. It surpasses the size of our own Milky Way galaxy.

In 2006, Cutter Telecom held a charity auction featuring a unique phone number, 666-6666, which was ultimately purchased by an anonymous bidder for $2.7 million.

Showers are renowned for their ability to stimulate creativity. While taking a warm shower, one often experiences relaxation and happiness, leading to an increase in dopamine levels and a higher likelihood of generating excellent ideas.

The hashtag symbol, commonly known as the octothorpe, originated from Bell Laboratories, the same place where the telephone was invented. During a time when terabytes and gigabytes did not exist, megabytes held significant weight.

The first computer, constructed in 1956, included a hard drive or a similar storage device. This hard drive had a capacity of 5 megabytes, but the accompanying cabinet weighed approximately one ton.

Butterflies possess taste sensors on their feet, which allows them to taste food through this unique adaptation. If one were a butterfly, they could taste their pizza simply by standing on it.

Octopuses lay anywhere between 20,000 to 100,000 eggs at a time. The mother octopus abstains from eating for half a year to protect the eggs. When the baby octopuses hatch, they are no larger than rice grains.

A mature oak tree can consume up to 100 gallons of water per day, while a giant sequoia typically requires 500 gallons daily.

The residents of Centennial de las Bodegas in Spain inhabit a remarkable settlement nestled beneath a massive rocky outcropping. People live, work, study, and stroll beneath this imposing rock formation, with homes built directly into its side.

Despite the scorching temperatures outside, it remains impossible to cook an egg on a sidewalk. While the highest sidewalk temperature can exceed 140 degrees Fahrenheit, a minimum temperature of 158 degrees Fahrenheit is necessary to cook an egg.

While concrete is an efficient heat conductor, it does not possess sufficient heat to prepare breakfast.

The Sargasso Sea, located in the Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, has its borders defined by ocean currents rather than land. This vast, calm expanse of salty water is filled with floating seaweed.

Hummingbirds, despite their diminutive size, have one species, the V hummingbird, that breaks all records. This minuscule creature often gets mistaken for an insect and weighs less than a dime.

According to researchers, hot chocolate tastes better when consumed from an orange cup. In a study involving 57 volunteers, the participants agreed that the chocolate had a superior taste when served in orange cups. This demonstrates how the presentation of food or drink influences one's perception of taste.

Geckos, defying gravity, possess millions of tiny branched hairs on their bulbous toes. This unique system enables geckos to adhere and detach their feet at astonishing speeds, allowing them to scurry across surfaces at 20 body lengths per second.

It is a scientifically proven fact that when using a computer, individuals blink less frequently compared to their everyday life. While the average blink rate is around 20 times per minute under normal circumstances, it reduces to only seven times per minute when using a computer or any electronic device. Interestingly, reading speed also decreases by 10% when looking at a computer screen or similar electronic displays.

African Buffalo herds often engage in a voting-like process when making decisions. For instance, when determining their travel direction, the animals stand up individually, look in a specific direction, and then lie down again. In most cases, the herd ultimately moves in the direction that receives the most attention.

Bamboo species holds the world record for being the fastest-growing plant on Earth, growing at a rate of 35 inches per day.

In Massachusetts, some residents opt for typewriters when they feel like playing a song or two, instead of reaching for a guitar. In 2004, the Boston Typewriter Orchestra made their debut, showcasing unique music created with the assistance of old typewriters. The orchestra has already released one album.

The horseshoe crab possesses eyes distributed throughout its body, with a total of 10 eyes. Some eyes are located on top of the animal's shell, some on its tail, and the rest near its mouth. These multiple eyes aid the crab in its navigation.

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Elysee Kung'u

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    EKWritten by Elysee Kung'u

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