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Would you believe a temple didn’t show a shadow

Thanjai periya kovil

By Devendiran BalrajPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, also known as the "Big Temple," is one of the largest South Indian temples and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It was built by the Chola king Raja Raja Chola I in the 11th century and is known for its impressive architecture, sculptures, and paintings.

The temple's vimana (tower) is one of the tallest in South India, reaching a height of 216 feet (66 meters).

The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and houses a large Lingam (symbol of Shiva) in the inner sanctum.

The temple walls are adorned with intricate carvings and paintings, including the famous "Descent of the Ganges" panel.

The temple has a large stone chariot in the outer courtyard, which is a popular attraction for tourists.

The temple also has a unique architectural feature, called the "Nataraja Mandapam," which features 88 beautifully carved pillars and sculptures depicting Lord Shiva as the Cosmic Dancer.

The temple was built using granite stone, which was transported from a quarry located more than 60 miles (100 km) away.

The temple is said to have been built in just 7 years, which is considered a remarkable feat given its size and grandeur.

The temple is considered a masterpiece of Chola architecture and has influenced the design of many other South Indian temples.

The temple also has a large and well-maintained garden, which is a popular spot for visitors to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

The temple has undergone several renovations and additions over the centuries, but much of its original structure and design remain intact.

The temple is also an important center for Hindu worship and attracts devotees from all over India and abroad.

In 2010, the temple underwent a major renovation and restoration project to preserve its historical and cultural significance for future generations.

The temple complex also houses several smaller shrines dedicated to other Hindu deities, as well as a museum showcasing the temple's history and cultural heritage.

The temple is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South India and is a must-visit for those interested in history, architecture, and spirituality.

The shadow of the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur (also known as the "Big Temple") is one of its most distinctive features. The shadow is created by the massive tower (vimana) of the temple, which stands at 216 feet (66 meters) tall.

During certain times of the day, the shadow of the tower falls on the temple's outer walls, creating a striking contrast between the bright sun and the cool shade. This unique feature is particularly notable because the temple was built facing east, which means that the shadow moves across the walls as the sun moves across the sky.

The shadow of the tower is an important aspect of the temple's architectural design and is considered a symbol of the Chola dynasty's power and wealth. Visitors to the temple are often drawn to the shadow, and it has become one of the temple's most photographed features.

The shadow of the tower also has a practical purpose. During the hot and humid South Indian summers, the shadow provides relief from the sun's heat, making it a popular spot for visitors to rest and enjoy the coolness.

The shadow of the tower is also significant from an astronomical perspective. The temple was built with a sophisticated understanding of astronomy and the alignment of the tower was carefully calculated so that its shadow would align with the sun's movement during the equinoxes.

In addition, the shadow of the tower is said to be a symbol of Lord Shiva's presence in the temple. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is the god of destruction and rebirth, and the shadow is seen as a reminder of his all-encompassing power and influence.

Overall, the shadow of the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur is a unique and significant aspect of the temple's architecture and history, and is a must-see for visitors to the temple.


About the Creator

Devendiran Balraj

I am a interests facts deliverer.

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