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Wilderness Survival

her ...... brother, are you sure we want to go to this island?" My cousin gulped and said

By MerleVillalobosPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Wilderness Survival
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

"Brother ...... brother, are you sure we want to go to this island?" My cousin gulped and said. "What about otherwise!" I dragged my brother over hard.

On this island in the middle of this boundless sea, the trees are particularly lush, looking extraordinarily desolate, as soon as I reached the island I shrunk back in fear. The island was full of large, luxuriant trees, on which two or three black crows were parked, constantly cawing: "Ah-ah-ah-" as if to say: " Friends, someone is coming again, we have food to eat!" With this barking, the dog also began to restless, and the crows barked at each other. This scared my cousin and me. I grabbed my uncle's hand, afraid that a crow would suddenly pop up next to me, but Uncle Chen, who was calm and collected, laughed: "Heh! This crow cawing scared me half to death, the good show is still in the back!"

"Is there water? I'm thirsty." Cousin exhaled heavily and kept gulping, it looked like Cousin might collapse at any moment. I handed my cousin a bottle of mineral water and he gulped it down, his throat knot rolling up and down, "Gulp, gulp!" He drank half of it in one go and wiped his mouth with satisfaction and said, "That's cool!" "Come on, we only brought this bottle of water, you drink half of the bottle is gone, maybe we have to drink urine!" But the uncle is still very calm: "Do not be afraid, we just need to find fresh water!"

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" The hound yelled towards a deep, dark hole. "Why is there a hole here?" I asked, puzzled. "Don't be afraid, follow me and rush in!" My cousin said as he ran to the cave. Then "ah!" I fixed my eyes to see that my cousin and the hound had lost the trail and fallen into a large hole about three meters high, which was full of brown mud, which made my cousin and the hound unable to move and could only helplessly ask for help. "Time is running out, we have to hurry to get him up." Uncle, who was always calm, became restless. We found a four-meter-long cane, put it into the trap hole, and let our cousin grab it and climb up.

"Rumble, rumble!" The sky suddenly struck with deafening thunder. "Brush! Brush! Brush!" It was raining heavily, the muddy water in the trap gradually rose, my uncle's clothes and I were all wet, but there is only one life, we must save our cousin up ah! I gritted my teeth and desperately pulled the cane, finally, my cousin was saved, but the hounds left us.

Because the rain is too big, we can only hide in that stone cave, turn on the flashlight, only to see this stone cave is very small, small can only bend forward, we can only talk about it. Uncle Chen lit a fire in the cave and set up a rainwater collector that he carried with him outside. My cousin and I ate a little dry food and water and lay down on a rock to sleep.

The next morning, I heard the sound of "hissing", I rubbed my eyes and looked. It was a rattlesnake, it had eaten all the dry food in our backpack and was sticking its tongue out at me. I didn't even dare to breathe, afraid that he would give me a terrorist attack. "Ah, what a comfortable sleep." My cousin said as he stretched. "Shh! Don't talk, there's a rattlesnake." I pointed to it. "Brush brush brush" the rattlesnake out, it crawled toward the uncle. The viper's teeth plunged viciously straight into the uncle's calf, "Ahhh, it hurts!" Uncle Chen screamed. The uncle's calf instantly flowed bright red blood. I cleaned the wound with the water I collected last night, took out the first aid kit, tied a bandage, and carried the uncle to the door with my brother, but time waits for no one, the uncle immediately became weak, "You ...... you do not ...... Do not care about me, put ...... down me, you guys go from ...... yourselves!" Said, the uncle fainted ...... my brother and I wasted a lot of effort carrying the uncle to the shore, to rescue the uncle at the best time, we sent a distress signal, and the rescue team soon found us. Uncle finally did not miss the rescue of the golden hour.

This time the wilderness survival is too thrilling.

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