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Why is the US in a hurry to return to the moon? The moon turns out to be a "big reservoir"!

The moon turns out to be a "big reservoir"!

By Lu DaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Decades have passed since the United States abandoned the moon landing in the last century, and now it has been announced that it will do so again this century. There is some curiosity as to the reasons for this. One wonders why the US is restarting its moon landing program. It has never been a principle that the United States lives by, never doing anything that is not profitable, so most people think that the United States must have found something profitable on the moon. What could it be?

According to information recently obtained by scientists, over 6 trillion kilograms of solid ice has been found on the moon. In other words, there is water on the moon. Who would have thought that the moon, which appears to be nothing, could contain such a huge amount of water? Could this be the root cause of the US moon landing? We cannot be sure.

The Moon has long been conquered by man, and human footprints have long been left on the Moon. People have a full understanding of the Moon.

The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, it orbits the Earth and follows it around the Sun. Due to the tilt of the Moon itself, there is a clear bifurcation on the Moon, meaning that half of the Moon always has its back to the Earth and the Sun.

The Moon itself tends to be positioned in a straight line with a rotational inclination of only 1.5 degrees, which makes it difficult for the north and south poles to receive direct sunlight. Combined with the impact of meteorites on the north and south poles, many areas have sunken, making it even harder for the Moon to be illuminated by the Sun.

So half of the Moon is always 'dark'.

In areas where the sun never shines, temperatures reach -170 degrees Celsius and even -250 degrees Celsius in some areas. Such low temperatures cause some of the substances in this region to be trapped forever. Examples include moisture and carbon dioxide.

In fact, scientists have long believed that there is water on the Moon, and they started looking for water sources in 1952. From the very beginning, scientists believed that water sources existed in the north and south planes of the Moon. After all, there are many craters there, places where the sun does not shine, and where water is most likely to be found.

However, many people don't think so, because humans have never found water.

In 2009, to find out if there was water on the Moon, the tip of a Centaur rocket was used to impact the surface of the Moon's craters, and then the dust from the impact was collected by relevant equipment. After testing, this dust was found to contain 155kg of water, suggesting the presence of water in the dark parts of the Moon.

So how did the water get to the moon? Scientists speculate that the water molecules on the moon were left behind after a comet hit the moon and then preserved as solid water. In addition, some scientists say that a large number of volcanic eruptions brought out the thin atmosphere, which then underwent a series of evolutions and eventually formed water.

Now that the moon has been proven to have water, it is understandable that the US has restarted its plans to go to the moon. The US plans the Artemis mission with the aim of acquiring lunar materials and exploring the possibility of establishing a base. The best place to do this would be on the dark side of the moon where there is water.


About the Creator

Lu Da

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