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White owl or store owl

Everything you need to know about this beautiful bird

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
White owl or store owl
Photo by Cliff Johnson on Unsplash

The white owl is one of the most attractive birds in this world. Its color that followed the serenity and its streamlined shape in the air made it one of the most famous deadly birds of the sky. There is no doubt that the Harry Potter series had a great role in this regard as well. The letter owl, which was a symbol of wisdom in it This bird has earned the love and respect of everyone, yet superstitions still surround the owl of stores, which has always served man.


The white owl is one of the most widespread wild birds in our world, as it can be seen in all continents, except Antarctica and some arid parts of the world. Asia, Australia, many Pacific islands, North, Central and South America. In general we can consider it stable and even many individuals who have taken up residence in a particular place, are still there even when places for better eating nearby become vacant, and this owl frequents a wide variety of habitats according to the availability of prey including Open areas and planted with scattered trees and shrubs, old buildings, barns, stables, ruins and towers in addition to canyons and along the edges of deserts. Barn owls are usually found in lowlands, but in some areas they can be seen living at altitudes that may reach about 4000 meters above The surface of the sea .

The lunch

Store owls specialize largely in small wild mammals, and the vast majority of their food consists of small rodents. Mice (field mice) are an important food item, as well as gophers, shrews, rats, young rabbits and will also consume small birds and a host of different insects. It usually uses the method of surprise because it is a night hunter with supernatural hearing, which makes it impossible for its prey to hide even if the darkness is dark, and what makes the matter worse for its prey is that the latter flies silently, so the little mouse does not know its approach until it is too late.

The difference between male and female:

Many may find it difficult to differentiate between the sexes of this type of bird, but the male is usually a bright color, while the female has a darker color and is larger than the male.

Because of the wide spread that the white owl knows, the breeding season may vary according to its location, but it usually can breed throughout the year to provide its prey, while in dry and arid areas it mates late in the dry season, where it builds its nests in the hollows from trees to cliffs and Abandoned buildings as they often use abandoned nests, the female lays between 4 to 7 eggs of white color and lightly brown, at a rate of one egg every two or three days, the incubation lasts about 29 to 34 days to get the young out of the nest after the passage of time. Up to 50 or 70 days after hatching but they return to the nest to sleep for another 7 to 8 weeks and become independent 3 to 5 weeks after their first flight.


The relationship of owls with humans has been very volatile over the years, some of them considered it a bad luck, and others considered it a symbol of wisdom, while others used it in wedding ceremonies as an omen on the strength of bonding between the spouses, which made their upbringing in some areas strange for their society, but despite the different opinions The white owl has had a special place in our societies, and its upbringing has become a well-established tradition for many. Like most types of prey, owls are raised in the traditional way of falconers and using special tools. The young are usually taken at an early age from the nest, where the breeder feeds them until their feathers are complete and their relationship with the The human then moves to the stage of taming and training, but the distinctive feature of the owl is that it is nocturnal, and therefore the breeder may change a special effort for it until it becomes a bird used for many purposes, especially hunting.

General information :

The barn owl has two non-compliant adeniums, which improves the detection of the location of the sound and the distance to which the prey is away.

The white owl was introduced to Hawaii in 1958.

Studies have shown that a single barn owl may eat one or more mice (or equivalent) per night, equivalent to about twenty-three percent of its body weight. Excess food is often stored in fermented sites, and can be used when food is scarce.

Compared to other owls of a similar size, barn owls have a much higher metabolic rate, requiring relatively more food, causing them to consume more rodents, often considered pests by humans, and perhaps more than any other creature. This makes the barn owl one of the most economically valuable wild animals for agriculture. Farmers often find these owls more effective than poison in controlling rodent pests, and they can encourage them by providing nest sites.


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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