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When Your Gunite Pool Pops Out

Identifying the Root Causes

By Kevin SmithPublished about a year ago 3 min read

A gunite pool is a popular choice for many homeowners due to its durability and longevity. However, one alarming issue that some pool owners may encounter is the pool popping out of the ground. This unsettling occurrence raises questions about the causes and underlying factors responsible for such a phenomenon. In this article, we will explore the root causes of a gunite pool popping out and shed light on the factors at play.

Hydrostatic Pressure:

One of the primary culprits behind a gunite pool popping out is hydrostatic pressure. This occurs when water accumulates around the pool, exerting force against the pool shell. If the pool's design or construction does not adequately address proper water drainage or hydrostatic relief systems, the pressure can build up, leading to a bulging or lifting of the pool shell. Hydrostatic pressure can be exacerbated by factors such as a high water table or heavy rainfall.

Ground Movement:

Ground movement is another factor that can contribute to a gunite pool popping out. Over time, the soil beneath the pool can experience settling, shifting, or changes in moisture content. These movements can exert significant pressure against the pool shell, causing it to dislodge from its original position. Factors such as erosion, subsidence, or expansive soil conditions can further exacerbate ground movement, making the pool more susceptible to popping out.

Construction Deficiencies:

Poor construction or design of the gunite pool can also lead to a pop-out. Insufficient reinforcement, inadequate thickness of the gunite shell, or improper installation of structural components can compromise the pool's stability. A poorly constructed pool is more prone to the forces exerted by hydrostatic pressure or ground movement, increasing the likelihood of a pop-out occurrence. It is crucial to ensure that the pool is built by experienced professionals who follow industry standards and guidelines.

Drainage Issues:

Inadequate drainage around the pool area can contribute to a gunite pool popping out. When water is not effectively directed away from the pool or the surrounding soil, it can accumulate and create hydrostatic pressure against the pool shell. Insufficient grading or the absence of appropriate drainage systems can exacerbate the problem, leading to the displacement of the pool. Proper drainage planning and installation during the pool's construction phase are essential to prevent this issue.

Environmental Factors:

Environmental factors can play a significant role in causing a gunite pool to pop out. Heavy rain, flooding, or significant changes in groundwater levels can increase hydrostatic pressure, placing immense stress on the pool structure. Additionally, natural disasters such as earthquakes or severe storms can cause ground movement, further compromising the stability of the pool. While these factors are beyond human control, understanding the local climate and considering appropriate measures during pool construction can help minimize the risk.

When faced with a popped-out gunite pool, it is essential to take immediate action to prevent further damage and restore the pool's integrity. Consulting with a professional pool contractor or structural engineer is crucial to assess the extent of the damage and determine the appropriate course of action. The repair process may involve relieving hydrostatic pressure, reinforcing the pool shell, and addressing any underlying issues that contributed to the pop-out.

Prevention is always the best approach. Ensuring proper construction, including adequate structural reinforcement and proper drainage systems, is key to reducing the risk of a pool pop-out. Regular maintenance, such as monitoring the water table, checking for signs of ground movement, and promptly addressing any issues, can help mitigate potential problems.


a gunite pool popping out of the ground can be a distressing experience for homeowners. Understanding the root causes, such as hydrostatic pressure, ground movement, construction deficiencies, drainage issues, and environmental factors, is crucial for prevention and timely action. By addressing these factors during the pool's construction, performing regular maintenance, and seeking professional assistance when needed, homeowners can minimize the risk of a pop-out and enjoy their gunite pool for many years to come.


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