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What If You Travelled One Billion Years Into The Future?

One Billion Years Into The Future

By What IfPublished 11 months ago 11 min read

If you went on a trip.

will the world look like. What will the world be like 10,000 years from now.

What would the planet earth appear like.

If we were to look at it, would a lot of its surface be covered.

Volcanoes are mountains which can erupt and release hot lava, ash, and gases from beneath the Earth's surface.

Will it be stuck in ice.

What would happen if you went to a place that's even farther away.

In one million years from now, many things will be different.

All the oceans have turned into gas and disappeared.

Can it turn into a big ocean.

The world is a big place with lots of people, countries, and things to discover.

What about one billion years from now.

Will there still be people alive.

Would they have lived in other places.

Parts of the galaxy can be described as different sections or areas of outer space.

This explains a hypothetical situation. Let me give you an example of what could happen.

"Occur" can be simplified as "happen".

future, everything would be very different from how it is now. You wouldn't recognize anything and the world would be unrecognizable. If you went to the future in a billion years, everything would be very different. It would be hard to recognize anything because the world would be completely different.

The time that is yet to come.

Let's be honest, the likelihood of any person is low.

Someone is present to say hello when you arrive.

Come to the future 1 billion years from now.

I'm sorry, there seems to be no text provided for me to simplify. Could you please provide me with more information.

Not very high.

Humans are facing serious dangers that can threaten their existence.

Race is a term used to describe the physical characteristics and ancestry of an individual. It can include things like skin color, hair texture, and facial features. Different races have different histories and cultures. However, it is important to remember that race is a social construct and not based on scientific evidence.

years, we have to prepare for possible events like a massive asteroid impact or a major climate change. In simpler words: To exist for one billion years, we need to get ready for big events like a giant asteroid hitting the Earth or a drastic change in the climate.

We will have to go through all of these years.

We have seen that we have had a hard time.

People are joining forces to stay alive during a worldwide crisis.

A pandemic is a situation when a disease spreads across the globe, affecting many people at the same time.

How can we survive.

The dangers caused by changes in the Earth's weather patterns.

Many people in the world + lots of bombs = big trouble.

Asteroids and comets are like big rocks and ice that come from space. They are like natural ice ages that happen on Earth.

I'm sorry, but there is no text provided to be rewritten into simpler language. Please provide more information or text for me to work with.

The sun is becoming much hotter.

Let's see what will happen in the future.

Can you figure it out.

In almost ten thousand years from now.


There is a very serious issue known as the deca millennium.

An insect or small creature that can cause problems or damage.

In the year ten thousand AD, computer programs will be used.

"Encoding the ad calendar year" means recording or storing information about advertising for the entire year.

It won't change dates that have more than four digits.

Decimals are numbers that are used to show a part of a whole. They are shown with a dot, and the position of the dot represents its value. For example, 0. 5 means half of a whole, and 0. 75 means three-quarters of a whole. Decimals are used in math and in everyday life, like when measuring ingredients in recipes or calculating percentages.

It's like what happened during the Y2K scare.

Hopefully, we won't get too scared or worried.


In 10,000 years, there might be good things happening.

The way our genes are different and the characteristics we have.


There will no longer be characteristics that are specific to certain regions.

Skin and hair color refers to the natural coloring of a person's skin and hair.

The things will be spread out in an even way all around.

The world is all the different countries and all the things in them, like people, animals, plants, and buildings.

Possibly that could aid in everyone cooperating.

At last, or eventually.

20,000 years from now.

None of the languages we are currently using will continue to exist in the future.

Recognizable means able to be identified or easily distinguished from other things or people.

In the future, languages will have only one word.

The modern version of something that existed 50,000 years ago.

Years that come later.

In basic terms, this means that a new period of cold climate, where glaciers expand, is starting.

The earth is a planet where people live.

This will create a very cold period of time.

Eventually, Niagara Falls will disappear and become part of a lake because of erosion.

A whole day on earth is fascinating.

Add one more second to this point.

Time is how we measure how long things take to happen, how long things have existed, and when things need to happen. It is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds.

More time to do things.

Over the course of 250,000 years, the Loihi volcano has formed underwater.

A new land will be formed by rising above the water.

Hawaii has an island.

In 500,000 years, it is possible that.

An asteroid that is bigger than the average size.

A kilometer will be hit.

If we do not stop it, the planet Earth will be harmed.

The hole that is created may be very big.

Less than 400 kilometers wide.

It will cause fires everywhere.

"Improve the quality of the air. "

Breathe in air that is not safe to inhale.

"look forward to" means to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen soon.

A million years means a long, long time - like 1,000,000 years.

There might be a big volcano eruption soon.

Eruption means when a volcano explodes and hot lava, ash, and gases come out.

This machine is big enough to release 3,200 cubic units.

A distance measurement of ash in kilometers.

It would make a lot of lava, enough to fill 75 of something.

This is about the Grand Canyon.

The event was like the Toba eruption.

Around 70,000 years ago, something nearly caused the end of all people.

ago - a word used to refer to a past time that has elapsed since the moment being considered.

Oh, and the star called Beetlejuice that is close by.

The star will soon burst into a very bright and powerful explosion, called a supernova.

Can you please provide me with the text you want me to simplify.

The moon can be seen from the earth without any difficulty.

daytime means the part of the day when the sun is up and it's bright outside.

By the year 2 million A. D, people will have developed and experienced advanced technology and advancements.

Cities on different planets and moons in the solar system.

This means that if there are lots of people living in a certain area, then something may happen as a result.

Different planets stay apart from each other.

Humans might have turned into different species over time.

Species means different types of plants, animals, and living things that exist on earth.

Made suitable or adjusted for their own particular environment or circumstances.

In 10 million years, a big area of something will change a lot.

Eastern Africa will split apart.

Creating a new area of the ocean.

Songs and sounds that people like to hear and play.

In 50 million years, Africa will crash into another place.

Please provide the original text that needs to be simplified with the use of n.

Eurasia is blocking the Mediterranean.

The sea is a big body of salt water.

A brand-new series of mountains will be created.

In simple words, "between the two pieces of land".

This group of mountains might have a.

A mountain that is even higher than Mount Everest.

In space, Mars will crash into its moon.

Moon - a round object that orbits around the Earth and reflects light from the Sun.

This made it form a ring around it.

Saturn's rings are like a big circle around the planet.

In 60 million years, Canada and the USA will drift apart and become separate continents.

The American Rockies are mountains in North America.

will have disappeared completely

Sound that is made by musical instruments or singers.

In 80 million years, all the Hawaiian islands will change.

It will be underwater.

Music is sound that is organized in a way that is pleasing to listen to.

A really big rock called an asteroid might hit Earth in 100 million years.

Dear person or creature who caused the extinction of the dinosaurs,

A large object from space, which happened around 66 million years ago, will probably collide with Earth.

Earth is the third planet in our solar system. It is the planet we live on, and it has land, oceans, and an atmosphere that provides air for plants and animals to breathe. It is also the only planet we know of that has life.

Something that is as wide as 10 kilometers.

In 250 million years, everything on Earth will be very different than it is today.

Continents are going to be.

joined together like how the continents were in pangaea, but not exactly the same.

Time means the duration between two events or the ongoing progress of something. It is a way to measure how long it takes for something to happen or how much time has passed since an event.

It will be named Pangaea Ultima, but.

Don't become too emotionally connected to it because in the future you may need to let it go.

Four hundred to five hundred million years.

The big landmass called Pangaea Ultima will break apart again.

In the next 500 to 600 million years, a very powerful type of light called gamma ray will occur.

An explosion may happen.

Within a distance of 6,500 light years from Earth.

If it hits Earth, it might harm the planet.

The layer of gas in the Earth's atmosphere that protects us from the harmful effects of the sun's rays.

and cause many species to die out completely

In 600 million years, the moon will be different.

very, very far from the planet Earth

There won't be any more total solar eclipses.

Can it happen.

The sun will become brighter over time.

Temperatures have gone up.

There is so much weight on Earth that it could stop moving.

movement of the earth's plates

In 800 million years, there will be a lot of carbon dioxide in the air.

The amount will decrease.

Photosynthesis will not occur if there is a sudden change in the environment.

no longer possible

The oxygen that we breathe and the gas called ozone will go away.

from the air around us

All living things on earth will perish.

"Eventually, after 1 billion years. "

The brightness of the sun has increased.

This means an increase or decrease of 10 parts out of 100.

The regular temperature on Earth.

The temperature will be 47 degrees hot.

The air around us will feel moist.

A greenhouse is a building made of glass or plastic where plants are grown. It allows sunlight to enter and creates a warm and humid environment for plants to thrive.

Our oceans will dry up and disappear, leaving nothing behind.

Water pockets can be found at the North and South poles.

Sound that is made by singing or playing instruments.

When you get here at the time you planned.

Machine means a tool or device that uses some kind of power or energy to perform tasks. It can be anything from a simple lever to a complex computer.

Prepare yourself mentally for the task of accepting a planet.

Our planet, Earth, appears as we see it.

It's not the same as what you remember.

People will disappear.

Hoping that it is enjoying its best life somewhere.

Another planet very far away.

Because it was very hot and there wasn't enough of something.

Water is a clear and odorless liquid that is essential for the survival of living organisms. It is found in oceans, lakes, rivers, and even in the air as water vapor. It is used for drinking, cooking, washing, and many other purposes. Water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which is why it is also known as H2O.

Without enough air that can be easily breathed, the planet Earth will be affected.

Not good for living in.

It's not a good idea to stay too low.

Sure, I'd be happy to help. Instead means "in place of" or "as an alternative. "

You should go out and see the rest of it.

The solar system is the collection of planets and other celestial objects that orbit around the sun.

Maybe you'll meet people who are like you.

There is a place or location.

there may be other creatures that are smart like us but different somehow.

That is a tale.

What if.


About the Creator

What If

What If is a Webby Award-winning science web series that takes you on a journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities, some in distant corners of the universe, others right here on Earth.

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