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What If You Jumped Into Lake Natron?

The Deadliest Lake On Earth

By What IfPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Have you heard of Medusa.

The creature from Greek mythology, known for having snakes for hair, that can turn people into stone.

Some people can turn others into stone just by looking at them.

It is possible that she is not real, but some people believe in her despite that.

A place that is very dangerous and can even kill you.

The lake is famous for turning people into stone.

Natron is a substance that is present in Lake Natron's water, which makes it different from other lakes.

What kinds of dangerous animals live there.

If you fell, could you stay alive.

This is what's inside and this is what would happen.

What would occur if you leaped into Lake Natron.

Before we make a big decision, we should think about it carefully.

Take a look at the materials that make up Lake Natron.

This Lake in Tanzania is similar to the Dead Sea.

does not flow into any big bodies of salt water like oceans or seas.

Rivers absorb water.

The salty rain in the desert is like soup.

What makes it very deadly is its proximity.

The fact that something is very close to a volcano that is currently erupting or is potentially dangerous.

Doinyo Lengai is a volcano that erupts a unique substance.

This is a type of hot molten rock that has a lot of sodium in it.

Potassium carbonate is a type of chemical compound that occurs naturally.

Carbonatite, which is sometimes called Natron.

pouring this mixture into the water

Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are two types of chemicals made of sodium.

Ingredients that were important in the past.

Egyptian mummification is when people in ancient Egypt preserved dead bodies by removing the organs, drying out the body with salts, and wrapping the body in cloth.

A really good way to keep things from spoiling is by using a special type of substance that comes in the form of a lake.

The entire makeup of chemicals is.

This substance is very basic and has a high pH level.

105 is almost the same as ammonia.

This is what makes the lake look pink.

Birds that happen to fly downward and plunge into something.

Don't let it become hard and inflexible.

The tough and strong husk resembles hardened stone.

"Do two things at once"

In 2013, a photographer named Nick took pictures of animals in their natural habitat.

Brandt was one of the first people to write about something and share it with others.

years ago and has since researched thoroughly is something that he found out a few years ago and has thoroughly studied since then.

The stone birds and other animals are not lucky because they are made of stone and cannot move or live like real animals.

The dry season is a time when there is not a lot of water.

He thought that since the lake moved backwards.

This is talking about something that looks like a mirror and reflects light very well.

The birds flew into it.

The door was big, however.

Lots of birds are dying at Lake Natron.

Is there a specific type of animal doing really well.

It seems that the water in the lake is poisonous.

a place where animals are protected from other animals who might hurt them.

This place is the perfect spot for flamingos to gather in large numbers.

Flamingos are able to handle it, so why can't we.

It's hard, but I wish it was easier.

Flamingos like to live in lakes that have salt in them because it helps them to grow well.

Their skin is hard and they have scaly legs.

Stop birds from drinking the fresh water.

Water that comes from nearby natural sources like springs or geysers.

The sides of the lake and whether they are.

When people are really in need, they might be willing to sift through things even carefully.

Saltwater creatures have special glands in their bodies.

The spaces in your nose where air passes through and finally adding to everything

They can eat because they have strong stomachs.

Toxic algae has been found all over the place.

A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land.

This means that Lake Natron is the very best place.

Parents take care of and defend their babies.

So, imagine we attempted to live like a certain way.

The flamingo went for a swim.

Depending on the season, the water can have different temperatures.

Can be means it is possible.

Sixty degrees is a hot temperature.

This substance can burn your skin very badly and cause the most severe type of burn. It has caused five people to experience this level of injury.

In less than one minute, and I wouldn't make plans for it.

Not jumping in water with any fancy moves like diving or cannonball.

This thing is very shallow and has a lot of stuff in it.

able to eat. Literal meaning: The structures are too sharp and salty for you to be able to eat. Simplified meaning: You can't eat these sharp and salty structures.

were turned to stone quickly, but if you

If you are underwater and cannot get to the surface, it is called drowning and staying underwater.

The entire body would become stiff and hard.

If people discovered you many years ago, you would still be kept safe.

Many years later, you may still possess your things.

You still look good with your hair and organs in place.

Wow, it still looks good even after all these years.

Mummification uses a special type of salt called natron which is very strong.

Alkalinity prevents things from breaking down.

It is fortunate that this is a process you will have to go through.

protected from birds that eat dead animals or any other animals that are hungry.

Scavengers searching for food if you have some.

Someone went into the lake at a certain time.

The temperature of the water was colder.

It feels like a hot tub, but it may bother your eyes.

A cut or any other type of injury that is not healed would hurt.

I become crazy because I added too much salt.

I suggest you wear goggles back in 2007.

Another bird flew directly into this.

A mix of chemicals that can affect animals and plants.

Some people who make videos jumped into a lake called Lake Natron.

The helicopter crashed and caused harm from poisonous substances.

The person who was flying the plane broke their leg.

Another person on the trip had a broken hip.

One passenger did something amazing.

To try hard to reach the beach and warned a few people.

The Masai people live close by.

Fastly made beds and lifted them.

Someone got hurt but managed to reach the ground just in time.

Despite the fact that you could stay alive in Lake

Natron is a type of insect repellant. It's better to use it when swimming.

Hey, can you put our flamingo in the pool please.

Hey friends, this just proves that.

Tough places can sometimes be a safe and peaceful place.

Some animals are suitable for eating, but if you really want to eat something specific, you might want to choose something else.

Something even more intense.

How about staying alive during a volcanic eruption that affects a lake.

For your next time swimming, do you believe you could manage to do it.

Don't forget to take a look at our latest collection called "How-To".

To stay alive and learn more.


About the Creator

What If

What If is a Webby Award-winning science web series that takes you on a journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities, some in distant corners of the universe, others right here on Earth.

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