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What Happens When the World Goes Plant-Based?

"A Satirical Look at the Challenges and Benefits of a Vegan World"

By SuryaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

"The Great Vegan Uprising: A World Without Bacon and Steak"

Imagine a world where bacon and steak are no longer on the menu. A world where tofu and tempeh rule supreme. Sounds like a nightmare, right? But what if we told you that this could be our reality sooner than you think? Yes, you heard that right. We're talking about a world where everyone has gone vegan.

It's no secret that the world is becoming more health-conscious, environmentally aware, and socially responsible. As a result, the number of vegans is rapidly increasing. In fact, some experts predict that in the not-so-distant future, everyone will be a vegan. Can you imagine it? No more juicy burgers, no more succulent roasts, no more creamy cheese. Just carrots, celery, and a side of sadness.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Let's take a look at what might happen if everyone suddenly turned vegan.

The End of Fast Food as We Know It

We all have a love-hate relationship with fast food, don't we? We love it for its convenience, but hate ourselves for eating it. But in a world where everyone is a vegan, fast food chains would have to completely revamp their menus. Goodbye Big Macs and Whoppers, hello tofu burgers and seitan wraps. Can you imagine ordering a "Tofurky Deluxe" at your local drive-thru? Us neither.

The Rise of the Tofu Empire

With the demand for vegan options skyrocketing, tofu and other soy-based products would become the new king of the food world. In fact, we might even see the emergence of a new superpower – the Tofu Empire. With its endless supply of soybeans and a massive army of tofu-warriors, this new world power would conquer taste buds and dominate the food industry. Who needs an army of beef when you have an army of tofu?

The Great Dairy Drought

Say goodbye to ice cream, cheese, and milk. With everyone turning vegan, there would be no more need for dairy products. This would result in a massive dairy drought, leaving cows jobless and udderly depressed. No longer would they hear the soothing sound of "Moo" echoing through the fields, replaced instead by the sound of crickets.

The Vegan Police

In a world where everyone is a vegan, the enforcement of veganism would become a top priority. Enter the Vegan Police – a task force dedicated to making sure that everyone is following the vegan lifestyle. The Vegan Police would patrol the streets, raiding restaurants and supermarkets, and arresting anyone caught eating meat or dairy products. The punishment? A lifetime ban from avocado toast and smoothie bowls.

The Black Market for Meat

Despite the efforts of the Vegan Police, there would still be those who crave a good old-fashioned steak. As a result, a black market for meat would emerge, operated by daring smugglers who risk everything to bring a taste of the past to those in need. The price of a pound of beef would skyrocket, and the black market for meat would become a dangerous and lucrative industry.


In conclusion, a world where everyone is a vegan might sound like a utopia for animals and the environment, but it would also bring its own unique challenges. A shift towards a vegan diet could result in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, improved public health outcomes, and a better quality of life for animals. However, it's important to note that a vegan diet needs to be well-planned to ensure it provides all the necessary nutrients for a healthy life.

While it's unlikely that everyone will become a vegan overnight, a gradual increase in the number of people choosing plant-based diets is already having a positive impact on the planet. So, whether you're a vegan, a meat-lover, or somewhere in between, the important thing is to make informed choices about what we eat and how it affects our health and the environment.

In the end, the world is a big place, and there's room for everyone, no matter what they choose to eat. So let's all do our part to create a more sustainable, healthy, and delicious future, one bite at a time!

So, go ahead and indulge in that juicy steak, or chow down on some tasty vegan grub. Just make sure you're doing it with a smile, a healthy dose of humor, and a clear conscience!

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