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The 3rdWorld War or the Way from 3 to 5D...

By Katarzyna SpellbindPublished about a year ago 18 min read

(an excerpt from my yet unpublished book iHealeress, A Memoir of a Shameless Old Lady Who Befriended the Universe)

Should we fight for First Nations people’s seats in Parliament, LGBTQ+ rights, homeless assistance, the survival of the wilderness and so on and so on? Or should it be the war of all of us against psychopaths…?

How do they act? Who are they? I use the term “psychopaths” in a general way. In my writing, it includes narcissists and sociopaths.

According to the latest research, it is likely that psychopaths are born with an impaired mirror neuron system in the brain, which results in extreme lack of empathy. Most of them cannot realise the damage they do to other people simply because of that defect. They do not understand what is right or wrong. Their innate moral compasses do not work. There is a theory that from the early years of their lives they notice that they are punished for some behaviours and praised for others, so they learn to copy a “good behaviour” by observing others. By practising it, they become the masters of acting and manipulation. Most of them know about this difference. We know that the best masters of emotion, integrity, and compassion are empaths. So, every psychopath’s desire is to own one as a handy private teacher from whom they can copy ideas, styles, and examples of a noble life, which later they can fake as their own to gain influence, profit and honour from virtuous people …

Empaths are the most desirable and the easiest prey for psychopaths, since empaths project their own goodness on psychopaths and it is beyond an unmatured empath’s ability to suspect that creatures like psychopaths exist. Empaths will always seek excuses for a psychopath’s cruel behaviour. The same goes for an average person, who would never suspect that these charming, warm, and noble “victims” are actually cold-blooded manipulators and haters. Psychopaths are deprived of the ability to understand that peace, love, and harmony could be the other form of abundance. They assess their successes only by comparing the amount of money they possess with others. Of course, they feel superior to those who have less and inferior to those who have more. Psychopaths in general have problems with abstract thinking. It is beyond their ability to understand that they will not be able to eat their money after destroying life on Earth— that even hundreds of billion dollars kept in gold or as investment in ultimately dry and infertile land will not save them from extinction. Maybe THEY should be extinct before other forms of life on Earth disappear…

Self-correction. They are humans as well, who should receive help to manage their behaviour. In recent psychology, the advice given for psychopaths’ victims is to “walk away.” It does not stop the crime. Victims of the psychopaths rarely report their crime to police due to shame. For example, one of my clients, a recognised professor at a university, preferred not to reveal to the police that her uneducated, unemployed boyfriend that she supported for 5 years just disappeared with her car and all savings. She underwent a lot of therapy, bought a dog, and tried all the possible well-being tricks…while her “sweetheart” probably became the “true love” of another victim. The victims could be any gender, and the problem has a truly unbelievable magnitude. Psychopaths fake love for a visa or any other privilege using NLP, and it is a recently rapidly increasing crime.

Sometimes we hear the expression that being good at school and in general being smart does not exclude the possibility that your less smart colleague will be your boss in the future. Yes, it is quite common. The highest percentage of psychopaths is among CEOs and lawyers. The first condition to be rich is to want to be rich. Simply put, really smart people have so many topics to study and things to see that they are fully satisfied with money that covers these necessities. They prefer to have time to indulge themselves with other activities like buying affordable books, tickets for cultural events, hobbies, fitness, budget traveling, courses, classes, and totally free things like spending time in nature, having great discussions, and gathering with like-minded friends. For psychopaths, making money and participation in the rat race are the only interests they have. It gives them a sense of worth and superiority to those who have less. Of course, there are also accidental billionaires like J. K. Rowling.

(One remark. People who experienced poverty, particularly in childhood, usually have a big need to become rich and that is normal. It has nothing to do with being a psychopath.)

Geniuses, introverts, neurodivergent folk, nerds, ex-drug users, queer people, recovered alcoholics, retirees, and everyone who cares should be fully aware that psychopaths would not be able to survive without them for one week in the case that support from their employees would be cut off. Their computers would not be working without the underpaid nerds; they would have no idea how to manage their accounts without accountants nor how to prepare a simple meal nor provide basic care for themselves. They totally depend on people around them and their biggest fear is that the staff will find out the truth and leave them…

There are of course exceptions. (In Polish language and culture we have a proverb: “The exception confirms the rule…”).


There is a famous cartoon illustrating Einstein’s idea about the absurdity of assessing all different animals’ abilities via the same test. The picture shows different species like an elephant, turtle, monkey, fish, dog, snake and others (representing us humans) being assessed by the same test; their ability to climb a tall pole with a reward on the top, such as a few bananas. There’s no doubt which animal will win the competition and no doubt that the rest of the animals will feel inadequate, worthless, useless, and unseen. They will be suggested to go to a gym, eat healthy food, listen to self-improvement tapes, or meditate etc, to improve their performances for the next competition, particularly if the reward will increase, like another banana being added. Are bananas everybody’s dream? Will fish survive climbing the pole? To reflect on it we have to provoke our neurons to fire on that concept a bit more. But to let that happen, we first need some comfort, some appreciation, some self-confidence. But how do we achieve that while churning vicious cycles of survival, demands, deceit, and malnourishment, climbing and climbing the same pole again and again?

I came to Australia in 1982. After a short period of living in Wollongong, my personal psychopath (MPP), me, and our daughter moved to Queensland to a small, beautiful and highly corrupted town called Toowoomba, where my ex started his career. He quickly grasped the picture of the situation there. As the popular maxim says; “If you want to be rich, keep up with the rich.” He did everything to keep up with them and quickly started climbing the ladder of his career. But to achieve it he had to conform, crack up with laughter at their jokes about Aboriginals and women…and yes, definitely, prove that he is one of them. (The first red flags when meeting a psychopath are that he/she likes everything absolutely the same as you, he/she confirms that your values are identical to his/hers, and he/she will even pick up your way of speaking and moving and so on).

(By the way, that kind of behaviour is highly recommended and taught by all business courses. Now it is called the “psychology of influence,” whereas before it was simply being deceitful or tricking others.).

The other popular trick of the psychopaths; they will annoy their victim slightly, just slightly, again and again. Finally when the victim reacts, the psychopaths will expose this poor behaviour to the world, saying “Look at them, look how crazy they are. Totally unstable… they need help and will not survive without my custody.”

Now that I am more clever and can look back at my life, I see so clearly how my aunties, classmates, and public figures were cruelly manipulated into being recognised as mentally unstable. Psychopaths appeared to the public as compassionate, charming angels sacrificing their lives to take care of these “mental” and “ungrateful people.” I remember one party where my ex was so kind, so charming, and so perfect. He was serving all the ladies, complimenting me, and helping the host with cleaning. I remember one older lady who was standing some distance away observing him with an ironic smile. When he approached her with a plate kindly offering her finger food, she said in a bit sarcastic way; “You are too good to be true,” and started to laugh. She possessed the skills I learned only later.

So, what did I find out about Aboriginals at my second Australian place of residence, Toowoomba? Some members of society spoke with low voices and used certain gestures that indicated confidentiality of information, painting Aboriginals as thieves, petrol sniffers, criminals— dull, lazy, and subhuman. My ex copied a list of 100 one-line jokes that he memorised well and quoted at any occasion. It made him extremely popular and of course worthy of their support.

Honestly, I have to admit that I was not aware or conscious enough to deny these opinions. As well, there were many people living then in Toowoomba, particularly women, who were fighting for human, women’s, and minority rights. But at that stage of my life in Australia. I was still trying to make sense of basic concepts like Australian feminism, sexual harassment, and many other ideas I was unfamiliar with. Later, in 2000, my confusion about First Nations people led me to my grand Australian tour. I wanted to see and understand the whole picture. My travels started in Perth and went later to Uluru, Alice Springs, Broom, Darwin, Tiwi Island, and Cairns. Particularly Tiwi Island brought me a lot of insight and observations on the topic. Back then in 2000, there were no books on Aboriginal culture except for small dictionaries and children’s books with dreamtime tales.

I established a real understanding and true deep connection with our indigenous people during my shamanic training. During my shamanic journeys, I finally got the concept of dreamtime, a concept very difficult to perceive by those who have not experienced it themselves. It includes some people with Aboriginal blood as well.

The good news is that everybody can be trained to do so.

The arrogance of ignoramuses. Research shows that less intelligent people have stronger opinions about their righteousness and cleverness than the more intelligent, who are full of doubts and are more critical about the beliefs they carry.

Pauline Hanson is the living example of that way of thinking. Another example is Donald Trump. The list goes on. They would choose $1 for themselves even if it cost the well-being of thousands of other humans. It’s as simple as that, and the irony of it is that to do so, they use the brains, effort, and labour of their victims…

Einstein and Gandhi independently came to the same conclusion that the real sources of evil are not the evil people but those who obediently conform to their rules.

Let’s have a closer look at Hitler… did he murder by himself a single person? According to my knowledge, he never harmed any sentient being. So who killed 6 million Polish people and 6 million Jews to begin with? The answer is: his blindly OBEDIENT crew.

The white colonists who settled in Australia were using psychopathic methods to kill, humiliate, laugh at, and deprive the native inhabitants of basic human rights, simply because they were too narrow minded to understand their simple but sacred culture. They could not understand the meaning of dreamtime. I remember the derisive comments by white people suggesting that Aboriginals have dreamtime while drunk or after sniffing petrol…

Many years ago, I had a conversation with my mother-in-law. She said; “These Aboriginals in Australia are very ugly, aren’t they?” I smiled and answered, “But to them we are ugly.” My mother-in-law thought for a while and firmly stated: “We are not ugly. They are ugly”. My brother-in-law tried to explain to her my point of view— that they are people who have their own opinions as well, but that level of abstract thinking was beyond her mental capacity.

So, Captain Cook came to a country that was inhabited by the top Greens. People who were living in harmony with Gaia, or Mother Earth. What’s more is that they possessed a deep understanding of being part of the divine order of nature and the duties and privileges that arise from it. They were so much in harmony and connection with this land that they could easily communicate with the spirits and higher powers of it.

According to my knowledge, most native people around the world have similar philosophies.

Women or beings who identified themselves as women were designed to understand the world of spirits: the invisible realms, the undefined, the Moon, the passive, the being, and the many other possibilities (as many as there are stars during the night) and they were able to choose the right path. They were represented by number zero, the circle, the undefined.

The men or those who identified themselves as men were represented by the Sun, the materialistic world of reality number 1: the doing, the action, the day, the number one, the matter, the definite.

The rules were simple. The women were the ones who could pass the information from the stars, moon, and other worlds and realities to men so that they could take guided action in reality number 1. Men were responsible as well for keeping their women safe in the materialistic world of reality number 1, the reality of danger.

Female and Male, Yin and Yang, 0 and 1, white and black, good and evil… the base of all actions in a polarised world. 0 and 1 are two basics to code all possible happenings and information, a comparison to digital computers where all information is encrypted through 0 and 1. It is also a code for creating drama and its effect; burning karma by suffering and as a result of it, rewards through personal growth.

The above-listed phenomena are also a starting point for searching for coincidentia oppositorum, the Alchemy, the Perfect Union, the Holy Grail, the Oneness.

The Oneness, the Sacred, the Holy Grail, the Alchemy. The Westerners’ contemporaries to Captain Cook were desperately, endlessly, and hopelessly searching for finding that enciphered enigma. Just at the time of the arrival of the unfortunate Captain Cook, the answer was well known to Aboriginals. It would have been so easy to just ask them for advice and try to understand their wisdom.

Western “civilisation” destroyed not only Earth but many cultures that had a deep understanding for the meaning of life as well. Should we blame them? No! They were just ignoramuses equipped with brains too small to understand the golden rule: “don’t do to others what is not nice to you.” It includes missionaries who came here to “civilise these unconscious monkeys.” What did they do? They taught them shame and to feel contempt for their own culture. They misinterpreted and distorted their truth and made them feel inferior… all in the name of their superior God… and Samaritan work.

Now, times have changed, and very, very soon we will need Aboriginal skills to survive in their land. We really need their forgiveness for the occupation and destroying their lives and their wisdom. We came here without their permission or invitation, and we must seek forgiveness for all the crimes we did to them and the Earth. Because they knew how to care about the land and keep it flourishing.

So, what can we do now? Just recognise their skills and create the best possible conditions to help them to retrieve their skills and wisdom, which became dormant during the time of their slavery.

The Foundation of Shamanic Studies, CA, program includes small support for indigenous people to help retrieve their inner wisdom, which is precious and necessary for our survival.

The bushfires of 2019.

After arriving in Australia in 1982, during my first excursion to the Sunshine Coast I noticed a large cloud of smoke above the bushy area. I was horrified and asked an Australian man what the hell it was. He answered without any visible emotion or sensation; “Oh, it’s just a bush fire.” I asked him if I should take any precautions. He started to laugh (exactly like my Taiwanese co-workers observing my frantic behaviour during earthquakes). So, I started to search for an explanation for his (in my perception) inadequate behaviour. The forest fires in Poland were serious natural disasters…it would take hundreds of years to replace the damage they caused.

Soon after my visit to Sunshine Coast I went on a road trip to Melbourne. It was after another very serious bushfire. My friend who drove that road some time before described to me all the havoc it caused. But during my drive, I had observed only slightly darker tree trunks indicating the former fire. The bush was green again. Thus, it does not need hundreds of years to replace it! It is green again within a short time! It was my conclusion and the lesson I grasped.

Soon after, an Australian older lady explained to me that the bushfires in Australia were the equivalent of winter in Europe, when dry leaves got rotten to create fertilizer for new spring vegetation. She said as well that bushfires are necessary in Australia to keep wildlife and vegetation going, just as winter in Europe refreshes the cycle of the life. The ashes left after burning the old layers of leaves are a great fertilizer for the new sprouts to appear. There would be no chance for them to grow without burning the old leaves piled up for several years. She added that without new sprouts, animals would have no food to survive and flourish.

Simply, the beautiful fauna and flora of Australia is a bit different than that of Europe. Everybody knows that kangaroos are marsupials, but not many realise that all native animals to Australia are marsupials (except dingo, who arrived later). Australia’s wildlife represents a different branch of evolution for both fauna and flora.

Maybe we should add questions about how the nature in Australia differs from other places to our test for becoming an Australian Citizen, or at least we could make it compulsory for the members of our government. Because, somehow, it does not seem that they know about it…

The bushfires. Every year it’s painted as the same repetitive Australian tragedy, the tragedy that causes full mobilisation, helicopters, rescue workers, wildlife volunteers, insurance workers. Full mobilisation, or fool mobilisation?

We hear about the sick koalas, the rapid extinction of all possible forms of life. Do we need more volunteers to feed rescued koalas by bottles or educate our Patriarchal rulers perhaps?

Aboriginals were part of this beautiful and harmonious island for ages. They understood how nature works, that they are part of it like every bird and every plant. They have their own duties and something to add to this miraculously working harmony of life. They knew that they had some duties as well. They used their outstanding skills to evoke and control the bushfires. They knew exactly when and where to start. They had their spirit guides, intuition, observations, and ancestral wisdom to predict rain and wind, and hey knew exactly how to optimize time so they could predict outside conditions that would enable animals to relocate to the new areas without being burned or scared. Bushfires were necessary for the healthy lives of plants, animals and Aboriginals, the people of the land. The process of the bushfire was necessary for living in abundance as it enriched the sources of food for animals, plants, rocks, and everything. It was their contribution to the perfectly working sacred miracle of life.

Instead of being a miracle, it’s our annual summer panic… with more helicopters, more money spent on unnecessary gadgets, and more volunteers. Is it so difficult to understand that by extinguishing bushfires we act against our wildlife? That the bushfires in summer’s extreme hot weather are so rapid that they kill animals? Do you, dear white men in Giorgio Armani suits, understand that your action of extinguishing the bush leads to the deprivation of fresh food for our animals (no new sprouts), and in addition the overload of the dry leaves that leads to an even more dangerous fire next time?

Not so long ago I was talking with my dear friend who is the Elder from Lismore. She said that recently after that horrible and uncontrollable fire in 2019, the Aboriginals have been “allowed” to participate in a bushfire control strategy. But as helpers to their white bosses in Giorgio Armani suits.

In my very old fashioned understanding, the older, wiser, and more experienced should be asked for advice and direction, not the younger and less experienced. But that way of understanding was long before the world turned into a huge mental asylum. Some time ago, I participated in a meeting discussing the First Nation Voice to Parliament. There were a bunch of really nice and dedicated people. We were asked how to help to create ideas on how to win seats for Aboriginals in Parliament.

I had my voice as well. I mentioned that we should concentrate on the strong points of Aboriginals, like their ability to engage in dreamtime. I said that they can use magic. I was interrupted and the voice was given to the next speaker. But on the other hand, I was really grateful that the ambulance was not called in to transfer me to the Marie Bashir Centre, the mental ward of RPAH located nearby. It was a meaningful experience as I fully understood that true Aboriginals who did not lose their ability to reach dreamtime prefer not to talk about it to avoid the cue for medication in the mental health facilities.

As I mentioned at the beginning, we all have different abilities. Putting a turtle and a greyhound in a racing competition is a bit illogical. It also makes no sense to put effort into training and pushing a turtle to run faster. It will lead only to depression, confusion, and feelings of inferiority, and in general it would be harmful for the turtle. That is exactly what is going on now with Aboriginals. That’s how they feel because their extraordinary skills are not recognised by “benefactors of mankind” who prefer to teach them to cook eggs benedict or make hamburgers to take credit for their own teaching abilities and “compassion.” People like to comfort themselves by creating the belief that they will absolve their sins by treating Aboriginals as “the same or equal” without understanding that they are not the same and that they are in many ways superior. On the other hand we can’t blame anybody simply because they are narrow-minded and their superiority was sucked in along with their mother's milk. It was how the old word worked and it is what we have to reflect on.

I remember one of the anniversaries of reconciliation which was held at St. Andrew’s Hall of Sydney Uni. My curiosity of course took me there. There were around 1,000 white people and maybe five or six people who identified as Aboriginals. The one Aboriginal man who was introduced as an alumnus of the University of Sydney in Law was the main speaker of the event. It is difficult to discuss his words but I somehow feel that all Aboriginals who are employed by or collaborate with white people have been injected with a huge amount of shame about their own culture. I feel that they speak about their culture like it would be from the point of view of their white bosses. After the official part of the meeting, there was a party with a great amount of wine, champagne, and five-star catering. The money from the Aboriginals’ pool has to be spent somehow…

The deaf will not appreciate music, and the colour blind will not appreciate colours. And so on…

We used to believe that capitalism is dividing us into categories which depend on our income, and that in communism we are all equal. I think both models are wrong. We are simply all unique. Some of us need more money while some of us less. Some need more affection, and some less. Some are better in sports, some in math, and so on.

The concept of Utopia was copied from the life of Native Americans. Recently, the concept of “utopia” is being used as a synonym of something impossible. Wait a minute…were Native Americans not real? So, what (or who) makes it impossible?

My book has many chapters about indigenous people and their culture, including a recollection of my memories from my Aboriginal sites trip in 2002 and to Uluru in 2022, and my heartfelt connections with Tania, the Indigenous healer and much, much more…


About the Creator

Katarzyna Spellbind

Revolutionist...5th dimensional being. Gratitudonist. Creator of visual art, IT projects, outstanding leftovers’ cuisines. Extraordinary healer transforming any sickness in blooming vital energy, bilingual writer, tribal life admirer…INFJ

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