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top 10 dangerous stairs in the world

dangerous stairs

By ANEESHA RIZWANPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Stairs are a basic necessity in our daily lives.Stairs have been a part of human architecture for thousands of years, and while they serve as a convenient means of accessing different levels of a building or structure, some can be quite dangerous They help us reach higher places, and they’re an essential part of many buildings. However, some stairs can be dangerous, and they can cause severe accidents. Here are the top 10 dangerous stairs in the world.

01. Haiku Stairs - Hawaii, USA

Haiku Stairs is a steep staircase located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, USA. It was originally built during World War II to access a radio station on the top of a mountain. The staircase has 3,922 steps, and it’s illegal to climb due to safety concerns.

02. Mount Huashan - China

Mount Huashan is a popular hiking spot located in China. The mountain is known for its dangerous paths, including the Plank Walk and the Heavenly Stairs. The Heavenly Stairs are a steep staircase that leads to the top of the mountain. The stairs are narrow, and there are no handrails to hold on to.

03. El Penol - Colombia

El Penol is a famous tourist attraction in Colombia. It’s a giant rock that has a staircase built into it, leading to the top. The staircase has 649 steps, and it’s not recommended for people who are afraid of heights.

04. Alesia - France

The Alesia staircase in France is located in a Roman museum. The staircase is built into a hillside and has 40 steps. The steps are steep, narrow, and have no handrails.

05. Pailon del Diablo - Ecuador

Pailon del Diablo is a waterfall located in Ecuador. To get a closer look at the waterfall, visitors need to climb a staircase built into the side of the waterfall. The staircase is slippery, and the water from the waterfall can make the steps very dangerous.

06. Grouse Grind - Canada

The Grouse Grind is a popular hiking trail located in Canada. The trail is a steep staircase that leads to the top of a mountain. The staircase has 2,830 steps, and it’s not recommended for beginners.

07. Half Dome - USA

Half Dome is a famous rock formation located in Yosemite National Park in the USA. To reach the top of the rock formation, visitors need to climb a steep staircase that has metal cables for support. The staircase is very dangerous, and it’s not recommended for inexperienced hikers.

08. . Inca Trail - Peru

The Inca Trail is a popular hiking trail located in Peru. The trail includes steep staircases that lead to the top of Machu Picchu. The staircases are narrow, slippery, and have no handrails.

09. Tiger’s Nest - Bhutan

Tiger’s Nest is a famous Buddhist temple located in Bhutan. To reach the temple, visitors need to climb a steep staircase that’s built into the side of a mountain. The staircase is narrow, and there are no handrails to hold on to.

10. Chinnar Footpath - India

The Chinnar Footpath is a hiking trail located in India. The trail includes a steep staircase that leads to the top of a mountain. The staircase is slippery, and the steps are uneven, making it very dangerous.

In conclusion, stairs are an essential part of our daily lives, but some stairs can be dangerous. The stairs mentioned above are just a few examples of dangerous stairs in the world. If you’re planning to climb any of these stairs, make sure you take the necessary safety precautions and follow all the rules and regulations.


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