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The Underground Messiah

A rock opera ballet

By Jerec VelezPublished 3 years ago 33 min read
The Underground Messiah
Photo by Nathalie Buss on Unsplash


By Jerec Velez

In a large, dark cave, a green dragon crawls by. Scales dark emerald green, ancient as the Earth. It jumps and spreads its enormous bat-like wings. It glides inside the majestic cave, hitting and breaking stalactites that have been growing ever so slowly for thousands of years. It is now awake from its ancient slumber. The dragon burst out of its cave high in the cliffs above the clouds and flies steeply downward and rises back up; it stops and freezes in mid air. Jess Walker puts down the pencil next to the drawing of the green dragon. He stands back from the table and walks into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. Stretching his head from side to side Jess walks towards the front door. His left hand rises slowly to push open the front door. The door slowly opens with a view of children playing in a park across the street. They are laughing and playing. It's late Saturday morning. Exiting his apartment, Jess sits in his hammock chair on his tropical plant infested porch and reads a headline on his phone with a sad sigh on his face the headline reads,


After reading the article, he looks at the children on the swings. He thinks, what do they want to know? Why can't we just exist? What do they need to know? How are we to resist? What will we say to the children, if there is no place left to play? Jess rises from his chair, looks at his plants, touches them for a moment and goes back into his studio apartment. Inside they are indoor plants everywhere. Jess places his coffee cup down on a wooden coffee table with a glass top. He throws his on his blue futon. He picks up some black leather dance shoes from under the coffee table and puts them into a large over the shoulder dance bag. An hour later Jess is in front of a group of dancers ready to teach class. It's a big dance studio with hard wood floors and large windows. The dancers warm up. After forty minutes of stretching and exercising to change their body structure, they begin the dance combination. Sexy, athletic, sweat is pouring off the dancer's tight muscular bodies, with anguish screaming in their faces. Jess was unusually hard on his class today with no explanation why. No chit chat after class like usual or his normal pleasantries, just a really hard class. Jess exits the dance studio that is directly across the street from City Hall. A protest is gathering. The protest signs read.

"Government Antics Unfair"

"Impeach the Cabinet"

"Stop the Testing"

Jess walks through them staring at the many unhappy faces. Walking home he tries not to think about the day’s events and the possibilities they might bring. That evening Jess turns on a classical music station and his torch lamp to low. He lays down on his futon; kicks off his shoes, within a moment he is asleep. He dreams of city ruins from a nuclear war. The destruction is horrid. he can't seem to wake himself out of it then it all becomes out of focus and Jess jerks and is awake. He staggers from the futon to the table and stares at the dragon drawing he was working on earlier that morning. He stares at it trying to get his concentration back. He fails.

By Alyzah K on Unsplash

He moves the dragon drawing to the side and takes out a new sheet of paper and begins to sketch. Starting with the background he shades the entire paper dark gray. In the middle he draws a series of tall cylinders with vertical lines down the sides. Projecting from the base of the cylinders are sharp thorns. He scribbles what he thinks is a senseless word in the bottom right corner. NAYEDAR. Closing his eyes he sees castle archways and corridors with all the doors closed. Outside thunder brings him back from his thoughts to his drawing. He puts the pencil down and goes back to stretch out on his futon. The wind is picking up and a tree branch starts brazing his window. Jess turns and looks at the framed picture on the coffee table. The picture is of Jess and a ex-girlfriend at an amusement park looking extremely happy. To the right of the frame is a large white candle. He stares at it and the wick self-ignites. Not realizing he has fallen asleep he watches the flame as it begins to twist and grow. Dancing, the flame splits in two. Sensual and erotic the flames change shape and color to match an intimate encounter. At the point of climax the colors slow and thicken. Their color turn from reds and yellows to blues and grays. The flames stop. It's a New Years Eve party in Jess's apartment and Jess and the girl from the photo are slow dancing. He slowly takes her hand, kisses it gently and leads her outside. They walk through the shadows of apartment complexes and onto the sandy beach. There they are met by the full moon. The sound of the waves and the music from the party are in the background. They stop walking, stare into each others' eyes, and kiss. Their bodies slam to the sand in a passionate embrace. Quickly Jess sits up and pulls off his shirt. He lies back down on top of her and bites the nape of her neck, firmly. She arches. He grabs a strong hold of her blouse and rips it from her unyielding body. Her legs rise and wrap around his waist to pull him tighter to her now writhing hips. Jess reaches down, and hikes her skirt higher. She gasps and moans in a whisper.

On the horizon there is a bright flash, then a huge roar. Gigantic flames begin to devour the ocean moving exceedingly fast towards Jess and his lover. She screams, and Jess wakes up in a gasp. He stands up quickly, turns on his torch lamp to full and goes into the bathroom. He looks in the mirror above the sink at his tear stained, blood shot eyes. After splashing water on his face he exits the bathroom and sits down at the table. He moves the artwork out of the way, and opens a briefcase to do some bookkeeping. On the stereo Handel's "Messiah" is playing. Outside there is a loud thunder and a huge crash. Jess goes outside yet must climb onto the roof to investigate. A tree branch has fallen and is caught on wires very close to his window. He leans and tries to pull the branch up and away from falling and hitting his window when another bright lightning flash lights up the sky. Jess loses his footing and grabs the branch and the wire. The wire breaks and Jess falls off his roof to the ground hitting his head on a large stone.

By Jair Lázaro on Unsplash

Jess is unconscious in the ICU ward of the local hospital. The beeps from his heart monitor are steady. His head is wrapped in a gauss with just a bit of a bloodstain near the back. Suddenly, Jess wakes screaming and thrashing about in his bed. Two nurses come in and desperately try to hold him down. Another comes in and sedates him. He calms down, and but is still unconscious. the two nurses exit to inform the doctor, Jess’s heart monitor is beeping rapidly. Dr. Cain, a well-respected man in the medical world is sitting at his desk sorting papers. His face is grimaced. He looks up at the other doctors in the room. He pushes his chair back and sings.

I don't understand he's as healthy as can be. All his vitals respond well to my tests.

True, his R.E.M.s so rapid I can't time them. He is dreaming, but he is getting no rest.

My nurses tell me they can hear him start to scream.

From his room the sound spreads like a flood. And by the time all are calmed and we reach him.

He is comatose with a single tear of blood.

The other day I thought I heard him speaking, Chants in Latin the kind I've never heard.

When I leaned closer in to give a listen, I felt him breathe out, but heard not a word.

His breath was warm I could feel it on my hand. But his skin was so cold, like ice.

His heart was beating so fast it made me nervous. When I checked he had coal black eyes.

The other doctors in the room reply. What can we do with such a new and strange case? We have never seen a man like this? I don't understand he sleeps for hours and wakes up screaming?

How can we stop him from this inner pain?

I think I should send him to Psyche. Ward. There are men there I think that might help.

I wonder what it is he is dreaming? What's it look like inside of his hell?

In the Psyche. Ward the nurses are preparing a mixture of Lithium and Thorazine. Jess is tied to a stretcher. They reveal Jess's arm; the needle goes in. Jess's body arches from the chemicals running through his veins. A male intern enters and puts a straight jacket on him. They put him into a small padded room with one barred window. Jess is prompted up in the corner like a child's doll. His legs are slightly apart as if stretching. His eyes are wide open in a fixed stare.

By Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

The next morning the doctors and nurses are walking towards Jess's door. They turn on the light and open the door. Jess has not moved. The doctors pick him up and put him on a wheeled stretcher. We hear Jess's mind singing.

They come in at half past seven. The lights are shinning high.

Where they're taking me sure ain't heaven. They're taking me for a ride.

The doctors remove the straight jacket and probe Jess with pins and needles to try and figure out what is wrong with him.

Pins are digging in my brain. Probing me every night. Needles are tracing through my veins. I scream, but can't get it right.

A nurse checks her watch, 12:00, throws in a bowl of something reminiscent of food, it slides across the floor towards Jess.

Feed time comes right at noon. They slide it right in front of me. What they give sure ain't food. They're supposed to take care of me.

Pins are digging in my brain. Probing me every night. Needles are tracing through my veins. I scream but can't get it right.

The laboratory is cold and wet. Why are these lights so bright? I must plan with a fine finesse. If I'm to make my escape tonight. Still the pins are digging in my brain. They're probing me every night. Needles are tracing through my veins, I scream but can't get right.

Jess wakes in a rampage, shakes violently around the room but feels like he is moving in slow motion. The doctors catch him, sedate him and throw him back into his straight jacket.

Evening time comes to soon. I feel them strap me in good and tight. Who I am is in this room as they kill me again tonight. Pins are digging in my brain. They're probing me every night. Needles are tracing through my veins I scream but can't get it right.

The doctors wheel Jess into his room leaving him strapped.

Pins and needles. Pins and needles again. Pins and needles. Pins and needles agaaaaaain! These aren't the things I need.

They exit and slam the door. Jess's head is cocked to the side; his eyes are glossed over in a rigid stare. His eyes start to water and he drifts off into a dream. He dreams he sees a wealthy suburban driveway, a small boy of ten and his young mother are waving bye to the man driving out of the driveway.

By Fabian Wiktor on Unsplash

I see a boy, Jerry Icons his name. An adopted son of a government man. Living his father, how his life would change. The government has a plan.

Five men in a secret meeting, there is a world map on wall. They each take turns saying their piece. They say,

Greed, and power, Are the name, the name of the game. We'll nuke the nations that can't keep up.

We'll rule the world! It's up to us!

Jess sees the world after a nuclear attack.

By Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

The world was ruined, not much was left. Tattered buildings, so much death, so much death.

Coming out of bomb shelters, the politicians and their families look at the retaliation of destruction that was once their city. Young Jerry watches his father break down and cry.

Jerry's father was wrong, the boy saw him weep. The evil were cruel, they cut his throat in the street.

A large man cuts Jerry's father's throat and then turns towards Jerry. Jerry runs. He luckily, finds a working bicycle and rides away. He rides to his old home and all that's left standing is the fireplace. He goes into what was the living room. Through the rubble he searches and grabs some of his father's old books and an old sword that was displayed over the fireplace. He takes whatever he can in the way of food and clothing and stuffs them into a backpack. He rides out of the neighborhood and into the wastelands.

Jerry escaped his life barely in hand. He lives in a cave, deep down in the land. He thought a change in the sound of his name, from two to one. JERAIC his new name, no longer Icons's little son. There's no way to regain the loss of loved ones.

Back in Jess's padded room, Jess looks dead; his body is limp and heavy. Two interns enter the room, pick him up and place him on the bed that they just brought in. They loosen the straight jacket a little to ease the tight restraints. The interns exit and turn out the lights. In Jess's apartment, no one has been there since before the accident. The plants are wilting. His drawings and papers are still on the table where he left them. A strange feeling of loneliness and abandonment leers inside these walls. The room slowly gets darker and darker until it reaches a full black.

In Jeraic's cave, it's 20 years later. He is now a grown man with long hair and a beard. He is sitting in a circular clearing of sand. He dances, struggling with his human insecurities and his divine responsibilities. The dance ends with him rising and falling, beating himself with the mental pain that he is enduring. He picks up his father's sword and raises it above his head, as a symbol of the quest he now sets before him. A quest to find and kill the man who was responsible for destroying the world and killing his father.

By Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

The sky is orange red, as the sun is going down. A mutated man wearing a hooded cape walks with a limp in to the clearing. He is an elder, a teacher from the Old World, the wasteland's mutant sage. He is called Munsage. He is holding a small lantern in one hand, and a long walking staff is in the other. The other Mutants slowly gather around. An orange moon replaces the sun on the opposite side of the sky. He begins the night’s lesson, but tonight is different than any other.

The year is now 2081, two full decades after the war. An evil dictator, that some call Savieon has banned all humans, save maybe his own. And still Jeraic is coming home.

More Mutants come out from the rubble and the shadows. Munsage draws a shape in the sand with his staff and continues.

Awakened from his nightmare, he heard the voices call. He is alone and he's scared but he knows the unwritten law. Unwritten by the Masters, so many years ago, Now his heart is beating faster. Now, it's time to go.

The children have heard of Jeraic before and sing out, Messiah. Yet the adult men trust no-one and call him an Underground, which is the word for someone who is not mutated.

Messiah. He's an Underground. Messiah.

Munsage continues.

He sees his land his changed, not at all like it was before. He sees Mutants surround him, and he wonders how many more. The men they all despise him, his face not burned or scarred. The children call him Messiah. Yet his quest is still so far. Messiah. He's an Underground. Messiah.

Walking through his old city, where he saw his stepfather killed. The children look so different, their mutant burns, their stomachs never filled. Touching the hand of a dying child, they both cry blood tears of different sizes. Jeraic screams to the heavens. His palms are red as he rises. Lightning strikes all around as the rain it washes down, the filth from acid fallout. Let this earth be again good ground! The Underground Messiah learns a lesson every day. On the path that he must follow and the price that he must pay. So onward he travels to a place called Nayedar. His soul and sword are heavy, yet his quest is still so far. Messiah. He's an Underground. Messiah.

By Kevin Wolf on Unsplash

The mutant children sit around a bon fire. The adults stand behind them. Munsage is standing by the bon fire as he sings the story of the Earth's destruction for the last time.

There was a fire, up in the sky. Ten thousand children, bleeding tears from their eyes. A ball of flame burning bright, piercing through our last human rights. The children sing. When will the wars and the fighting be over? When will the wars and the fighting end? It was the fire of greed. To fight the fire. We must fight the fire. The fire of greed.

Then Munsage wonders if his message is clear and remembers the city a few seconds after the nuclear explosion; fire is everywhere, people are running frantically. He remembers wearing a hospital gowns and pants and running along that ditch. He remembers being burned slowly by the air.

It seemed to be as I ran, that the fire was in the sand. Everywhere that I turned was death around, we've all been burned.

By raquel raclette on Unsplash

Images of playgrounds and schools on fire come flooding back into Munsage’s mind.

The children, they died first. You are the second generation of the first. We must be watchful my friends if Jeraic fails us, we'll all die in the end.

The children sing out. When will the wars and the fighting be over? When will the wars and the fighting end? It was the fire of greed. To fight the fire. The fire of greed. We must fight the fire. The fire of greed. The men join in the chant and begin to pick up bricks and stones.

It was the fire of greed. To fight the fire. The fire of greed. We must fight the fire. The fire of greed. We'll die to fight the fire of greed.

In a dark chamber, Lord Savieon reaches over and turns off a video monitor that shows Jeraic walking in the direction of where he is, a castle city called Nayedar. In front of him Cole stands and wipes her mouth. There is a low hum is the background. Lord Savieon's face is aged and hidden by the darkness. With a snap of his robed arm he points into the shadows. Cole turns and disappears.

By Jachan DeVol on Unsplash

Jeraic is walking on a broken paved road; he sees a signpost up ahead. Forest of Illusions, 20 Paces Looking just past the signpost, Jeraic sees nothing but darkness and rubble. To the sides of him are small cliffs of broken concrete and what remains of the buildings. He hears a strange low buzzing sound. He removes his sword from it's sheath and walks slowly forward. He passes the sign and at the 21st step he turns around to look back and is surrounded by complete darkness. His footsteps are uneven as he moves about in the pitch. In the distance he sees flames as held by torches. They move closer, they are being held by 13 figures wearing hooded robes. They walk slowly in unison. The 13 Monks surround Jeraic, he looks to see their faces yet the robes are empty. They form a circle around Jeraic and sing.

What do you get, when you see half of the set? What do you find when you don't know what's wrong or what's right in your mind? Searching, searching in the forest of illusions. Don't lose your head or you may find that you're dead. Spinning around in the forest of illusion. Watch what you see, could be you or could be me, For ones' perception is the basis for reality. Searching, searching in the forest of illusions. Why do you think humanity's at its brink? Spinning around in the forest of illusions. How do know that the truth has been said? Spinning around in the forest of illusion you're dead. Searching, searching in the forest of illusions, Searching, searching in the forest of illusion.

They close in on Jeraic. He breaks through them and falls backwards deeper into the Forest of Illusions. The Monks return to their original line up. They head towards the signpost. At 20 paces before it, they vanish one by one. Jeraic watches the monks disappear, stands up and sheathes his sword. He turns around and sees a lone torch sticking out of the rubble some 20 paces away. Jeraic walks up to the torch and sees an opening in the ruins with steps leading downward. At the bottom of the steps is a doorway that leads into a type of tavern. He enters and sees ten to twenty semi-mutated people sitting around eating and drinking. To his right a mutant woman is watering plants that more look like creatures. Behind her is a long bar that reaches back towards the end of the tavern. Five mutant men are slobbering on themselves at the bar. Jeraic notices that the waiters and servants are not mutated like the others. One brings a large rodent looking carcass to one of the tables. Just as he is about to put it down, he slips and the meal goes sliding across the table. Everyone laughs as the servant frantically tries to clean up. A shout comes from the back of the tavern from a large one-eyed mutant man.


The tavern quiets down, Myrath, a large, scaly, bent man, walks up to the small stage in the back where the bar meets the wall.

Listen here my friends, I'm tired of all this fear. Hiding in this rubble with that Dark Lord being so near. The crowd listens. We let him do this to us, by not stopping him way back then. He is not the master of our lives. Let's not be fooled again. Lifting his hands he shouts. Look at these hands. They'll never work again. Look at our clothes, we have no money in which to mend. The crowd begins to get excited.

Gather your belongings, gather your friends. Let us set off to Nayedar and put our misery to an end. We must kill Lord Savieon for doing this to us. We must kill Lord Savieon. We must, WE MUST! KILL LORD SAVIEON! KILL LORD SAVIEON! As some of the crowd stands in the excitement, a large, strong, mutated woman, Shangara, senses a new face, she slowly turns and makes eye contact with Jeraic. She can see that he is not mutant and rises off her chair and walks towards him. She knocks over a chair or two making her way to him. The crowd is chanting. KILL LORD SAVIEON! KILL LORD SAVIEON! Shangara speaks through the chanting.

Who are you to be in here? Who are you to come in here? I've never seen you before. Where were YOU, through the war? The crowd stops shouting and chanting and stares at Shangara, she turns to face Myrath. Look at what I've found. A silent human form, from under the ground. Myrath steps down from the stage.

Oh, what is this? A bearded man? Where could he be from? Huh? Not from our land. Jeraic doesn't make any sudden moves, but he does get his hand closer to his sheathed sword. Myrath and Shangara continue.

Maybe an escaped Nayedarien slave?

Nah, too human for that. Could he have been living in a cave? Shangara licks her mutated lips. Hmmm, yes and feasting on the rats. Maybe a politician, gone mad, ha, ha.

Nah, he looks too smart for that. From the back of the tavern, a Mutant shouts. KILL LORD SAVIEON! Another mutant jumps towards Jeraic. Jeraic dodges and pulls his sword out. The crowd is coming after him shouting and throwing dishes and cups made of plastic. He defends himself with his sword. The crowd shouts. KILL LORD SAVIEON! KILL LORD SAVIEON! Jeraic battles them until they have him retreating back up the stairs and out of the tavern. He gets to the top and falls backwards. When he stands up; the torch, the hole, and the steps have all vanished. Only a wall of rubble remains. He touches where the place was with the tip of his sword, nothing happens. so he sheathes his sword and rubs his eyes. He walks backwards a few steps and turns around. When he opens his eyes he finds himself standing at the shore of a beautiful lake. On the lake shore, the early signs of morning clouds are reflected beautifully in the water. Jeraic bends down to cup some water in his hand to take a drink. When he breaks the surface of the water, a chime-like sound rings in his ears. He breaks the water with his other hand and again he hears a beautiful sound. He runs waist deep into the water and a choir of such a soothing sound brings peace to his tired mind. He begins to swim across the lake. As he swims, he remembers his mother and all the great times and talks they had, when he was young and playing at the beach, moreover when his mother was dying in the hospital bed; his stepfather holding him tight as he sobbed. He was eleven. He now hears her voice as he swims across the lake.

By Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

You must believe what I say to you. Don't give up on any path you choose. I've always been here within you. And all your thoughts have always been so true. You must believe I am here within, until the end of always. You must believe I am here within, until the end I'll never leave. You are my love, my sweet angel, I'm watching over you. You are my son no matter what, I'll always be loving you. You must believe what I say to you. You've grown so strong and so true. Just remember I, am within you, until the end of always. Please remember I, am within you, until the end I'll never leave. You must believe what I say to you. You've grown so strong I love you as you are. Just remember I, am within you, until the end of always.

By Simon Godfrey on Unsplash

Jeraic walks out of the lake and wipes the wetness from his eyes. He sees a stone tower with what looks like and electric light on in the third floor window opening. He climbs a small cliff and heads towards the door on the opposite side. He walks inside and up the wooden steps. The steps are cold and damp. When he gets to the third floor, it's dark except for the morning light that is coming through the three windows evenly spaced apart. He puts down his sword and gear, and walks to the window facing the lake. Outside a thick fog is rolling in from the far side of the lake. He hears a footstep. He quickly turns around and sees a male figure with a purple hooded robe standing in the center of the room staring at him. Jeraic takes a step and the figure starts to transform. Another step and the robed figure changes to Jess in his straight jacket. Jess is looking at Jeraic, but starting to fade away. Jeraic takes a few steps forward to try and touch the vanishing figure. When his foot steps in the center of the room. The floor gives way and Jeraic falls through the floor hitting beams and rafters on his way down, he lands face down and does not move.

Dr. Cain and the Psyche. Ward Doctor are walking down the hallway that separates the padded rooms. From the rooms the patients' voices shout out. OH! LOOK THERE ARE THOSE TREE PEOPLE AGAIN. LOOK! There are those tree people again.

LET ME OUT! IT'S ME! LET ME OUT. IT'S ME, Billy. It's me. Mama? Mama? Hey! Hey!

You there, there has been a mistake. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm a lawyer. HEEEEY!

Dr. Cain looks to the Psyche. Doctor and says. What do you think of case 34? He replies rubbing his head. I don't understand, I just don't know any more. Do you think you can save him, or do you think he is lost? I'm not sure, but I'll give one more try... Whatever the cost? Whatever the cost. They get to Jess's room and look in the door window. Jess in sitting on the bed, slowly and calmly shaking his head. The straps of the straight jacket are broken. It lies on the floor at Jess's feet. He mumbles and then says.

I didn't want to come here. It wasn't in my list of choices. All I know is that I awoke, and heard the voices. So many times I didn't believe. So many times I wouldn't believe. I was then thrown into the past, and into the future. Now I know what it all means. I collapsed from fatigue, from trying to break the barriers. Back and forth I paced. Back and forth I paced. Oblivious to my surroundings. The urge is now set free. The fog, the dizziness, is clearing with each dream that is, completed. It all common to me. My soul rises just out of it's reach. Do you think you know what is real? He lies back down on the bed, closes his eyes, goes limp and then starts to twitch. It begins to rain outside. Water is running down the outside of the smoked glass. The window fogs up. Dr. Cain helps the Psyche. Ward Doctor strap Jess to a wheeled stretcher.

Jeraic is still on his stomach. The tower is gone. Waking up, it is a beautiful morning. He stands and moves around. The space begins to close in on him, and he falls to the ground. The sky gets dark and thunderous. the air is heavy as Jeraic drags himself forward. He pushes himself up to his knees and draws a symbol in the sand. He picks up the sand and lets it fall around him. Three Angels appear or appear to be angels. Dressed to flowing light blue and white robes and floating above the ground. One has a sword and she does the movement of knighting Jeraic. The angels dance beautifully, around Jeraic which gives him some strength. And with a flash and a loud thunder they disappear one by one. Jeraic is alone and drops his head thinking it was all a dream. When he raises his head, his eyes looking around widen in shock and fear. A dozen evil looking mutant warriors lead by Cole, a sexy, female, non-mutant in charge. Six are on foot, the others are dismounting furless horses. Jeraic is surrounded, he fights, kills a few, but is out numbered and beaten to near death with batons, punches and kicks. Cole then shouts.

That's enough! He must stay alive! They stop. Jeraic falls to the ground in a thump of beaten flesh... Cole points to three mutants. You, mutant scum, tie him to the rake. We'll bring him back alive, barely alive. The mutants tie Jeraic to an device that they fastened to the back of two of the furless horses. Cole continues as they ride back to Nayedar. Just one man? Trying to beat my Lord. I could have down it myself, even without this horde. Look at him now, he's barely alive. Ride smooth Mutant Scouts, for the reward is mine. With the gold he gives me, I'll be brand new, I'll have so many riches I won't know what to do. No more assignments I can sleep all day. Lounge around in my robes with nothing left to say. Cole rides a little faster to catch up to the horde. Ah what a life. The kind I've always dreamed of. I'll have everything that I want and nothing left to think of. Ah what a life. The kind I've always dreamed of. I'll have everything I want and nothing left to dream of.

By Margarida CSilva on Unsplash

They reach the castle city gate of Nayedar just after sunset, Cole shouts. WE ARE HERE! OPEN THE GATES! Inside the city gates it is quiet. All the attention is focused on Lord Savieon's Masquerade Ball. At this time the ballroom is empty. Against one side of the ballroom is a large over-decorated throne. The sides of the room are lined with columns and archways all leading to darkness. Above the columns are balconies with music stands and musicians preparing to play weird and wonderful instruments. Slowly semi-mutated guests start filtering in; they are the upper class of the new society. The men are strong with long robes. The women are strong with elegant but tattered gowns. They all are wearing masks. There is a murmur of chatter as the ballroom fills. The music starts. The guests begin to couple up and spread out. They dance a waltz. Half way through it turns into a sensual, modern ballet. Some are moving fast while others are moving very slowly. Lord Savieon enters the ballroom. The instruments slowly stop playing as Lord Savieon walks arrogantly through the dancers. They clear a path, bow and step backwards. He is wearing a long red and black robe that drags on the floor behind him. His face is aged, yet still powerful. He is not Mutant and is not wearing a mask. He is evil greed incarnate. He walks majestically to his throne. He steps up to the throne stand and turns around. The room is dead silent. Lord Savieon raises both of his hands in front of his face. His hands begin to shake as he stares intensely into his palms. He turns his hands outward and releases his magic. He lowers his hands slowly and watches proudly as the space in front of him begins to change. The crowd moves to the extremities of the ballroom. The guest watch with anticipation and fear. He slowly sits down and a mutant servant hands him a chalice of wine. He drinks slowly and then eases back into his throne. He raises his hand and a large gong is hit. The same mutant removes the chalice and in the center of the ballroom seven female figures seems to materialize in unique and inviting stances. They begin to dance. They match their movement to the music, slow and sensual at first but then the music then builds and the dancers start to reach and grab at the guests. They tear at their clothes; they bite at their necks. They knock some of the women down. Then they come together in the middle of the floor and explode into streamers and party favors. The crowd applauds with delight as the music changes to an upbeat carnival sound. Through the crowd jesters and dwarfs come running and tumbling into the ballroom. Colorful, they run around and in between the guests. Lord Savieon watches in petty amusement. A jester wearing a mask with a big nose stops running around and walks towards Lord Savieon. He reaches into his shoulder pouch. Four mutant guards begin to lunge at him with spears and swords drawn. The jester freezes. Lord Savieon raises his hand and the guards return to their posts. The jester continues and pulls out a scroll.

Good evening my Lord, Your Honor. You certainly have outdone yourself, by catching that Messiah. We the Lonevers would like to thank you. You've given us security within these high walls. You've given us homes, among your crap piles. Without your gracious grace, we'd still be out in the wastelands, still starving, still dying. We owe our lives to you gracious and powerful Lord and God of our New World.

He rolls up the scroll and bows, as does every one else in the room. The jester points to the opposite side of the room. On our way in we saw him. He is weakened. Your ladyship did him justice. He is bleeding, now ready for conviction. All turn to see Cole who enters with a proud grin on her face followed by two mutant guards. Following them are two more mutant guards each holding on to one of Jeraic's arms. They are dragging him slowly across the ballroom floor. The guests stare and whisper among themselves. In old world military fashion, Cole and the guards deliver the prisoner. Jeraic is thrown at Lord Savieon's feet. Disgusted, Lord Savieon stands looks down at Jeraic. After walking a full counter clockwise cycle around him he with his fingers stroking his and says.

So here you are, you Peasant King. You stand for nothing. You're a worthless thing. Look at yourself now, you're barely alive. You have no power, so I'll ask you why? Why would you try? Do you have no fear? You see I have all the power, I am ruler here!

He sits back down smirking. You see the fire burns to deep inside of your heart, you must let it out to get what you want. The Mutants come to me to get their food. I give them my scraps, that's more than you can do. How do you think that you can save their lives. You have no power, what's gold is already mine. I grow tired and bored of speaking to you. Remove this man, and then you know what to do. The guards grab him. Wait! Take him, but don't kill him just yet, I want to torture him and see what I can get.

He stands and walks around singing as his guest bow. Oh the power feels good. Greed and Power are my food. Human life, means nothing to me. I own it all now, no one is free. The guards take Jeraic to the torture chamber and tie his arms and legs in X position. Jeraic is suspended three feet in the air. In the ballroom Lord Savieon is still gloating. Oh the power feels good. Greed and Power are my food. Human life, means nothing to me. I own it all now no one is free.

Back in the hospital corridor, the wheels of a stretcher are turning. There is a out of the ordinary low hum.

Lord Savieon walks through a series of pain inflicting machines of medieval proportions. He removes his robe. He grabs a sword and swings it about him with expertise. He slashes the pulley strap that holds Jeraic. Jeraic falls to the floor with a thump of weakened flesh. He looks down at him again. Almost growling he says. Yes, I the one that you remember. And seeing you this way is something I will savor. I remember your father too. He was weak. Killing him felt good, his blood even smelt sweet.

Lord Savieon grabs Jeraic around the throat and begins to choke him. His sword hand is slowing raising up. Jeraic gets one foot up onto Savieon's chest. With a dying man's effort, he pushes. Lord Savieon's grip loosens and he flies backwards. Jeraic as quickly as he possibly can unties the straps that bind his ankles. He only can get the leg straps off when he sees Lord Savieon rise to his feet. Jeraic pushes himself to his feet. The long straps that held him are hanging from his wrists down to the floor. They walk a semi-circle around each other. Jeraic tightens the slack of the long straps by rotating his wrists. Jeraic crouches down and swings a strap whipping Lord Savieon on the shoulder. Lord Savieon steps back and grabs a spear. He throws it at Jeraic. Jeraic dodges and it barely misses him. They run at each other.

A green dragon one, and a red dragon are fighting in the air. They are twisting through flames and smoke. Their large scales mix with the black smoke of the flames. They are tearing at each other with huge talons. Gnarling teeth snapping and missing. The green dragon raises, aims and exhales fire burning the red dragon in the chest. The red dragon falls and curves around for another attack. The sound of their roars, wings and fire is deafening. As the red dragon flies up for another attack the green dragon inhales for a explosive burst then the falls from the sky. Cole is standing above Jeraic's unconscious body holding a club made of wood and iron, her chest heaving. Lord Savieon is on his back, panting. He stands up, gives a sly smile to Cole and dusts himself off and says. Death is too good for him. GUARDS! BRING ME MY IRON! He turns to Cole and smiles. I'll brand him for the rest of his life. With my mark upon his chest, all will continue to believe the lie. Two mutant guards twist the handle of a branding iron in red-hot coals. It's end is a dragon claw Swastika. The guards hand the branding iron to Lord Savieon. Grabbing Jeraic by each of his arms, they lift him up; his head is slumping forward. All is silent but a low hum. Cole grabs Jeraic's hair and pulls his head back. Jeraic is still unconscious. Lord Savieon spits on the red-hot iron. It sizzles; he smiles. Jeraic opens his eyes. Lord Savieon brands Jeraic with his mark. Jeraic screams. AAAAAAAAH!

In the Nayedar Mental Ward, Jess has electrodes attached to his head finishing Jeraic's scream. AHHHHHHHH! Jess then pulls the electrodes from his head; looks around the room and breaks out of his constraints. The Psyche. Ward doctor stands back in fear and disbelief. Jess runs out of the Mental Ward and into the street still wearing his hospital gown and pants. He runs to city hall. There are still a few protesters with signs around. Jess feels like he is running in slow motion dragging a huge weight. He stops, grabs a protester looks him in the eye and says.

Government men, they want it all. He lets go of one to grab another. He points to City Hall. Those greedy men, they're gonna take it all. A small crowd begins to form. Jess sings to the crowd touching his face. What we will be, it's because of them. Those greedy men, when will it ever end? Cause I've seen the fire in the skies. Ten thousand children bleeding tears from their eyes. And as we all ran from the heat. Our children were dying at our feet. Oh no. World War Three, it's coming after me. World War Three, it's gonna set me, set me. More people gather around the steps of City Hall. Jess continues. Politics, of a mad mans mind, the power game of the evil kind. Those government men, they're gonna take it all. Those greedy men, we have to make them fall. Cause there will be fire in the skies, ten thousands of children bleeding tears from their eyes. And as we all ran from the heat, our children were dying at our feet. Oh no. Cause there will be fire in the skies, ten thousands children bleeding, tears straight from their eyes. And as we all run from the heat, the children are dying at our feet. Oh no. World War Three, it's coming after me. World War Three, it's gonna set me, set me, set me, set me free. I've seen World War Three.

By Jonas Frey on Unsplash

The first bomb explodes in the sky. Jess runs towards his apartment. He cuts through the park and hears another explosion. The wind is shifting directions with burning heat. Fire is becoming everywhere. Jess stands behind a large tree as flames burn past him. He runs to a ditch and the fire is burning every one around. It is horrid. People screaming, cars exploding the sky in on fire.

In his padded room, the lights are off. From the small crack underneath the door, a dark vapor enters the room. It floats around the room changing it's shape to all shapes. It gathers around Jess's face. The dark vapor enters Jess's head through his both of his ears and sings to him.

Like a thief in the night. I climb inside your mind, to plant my seeds, of deception. Once inside your mind. I'll tell you all the things that you like, to make you blind. I am the thief of the mind. Like the thief in the night. I'll tie up all your hopes skin tight in binds. Here inside your mind, I will take control of you, and you'll be mine. I am the thief of the mind. I am the thief of the mind. I am the thief of your...ha, ha, ha, your mind. Now all the thoughts that you'll ever have, they will run through my hands. All your dreams that you'll ever dream, I will smash to grains of sand. You'll work like an idiot for something you'll never have. Then on your deathbed, you'll wish, that you never had lived. I am the thief of the mind. I climb deep inside your mind to plant my seeds of deception. I am the thief of the mind, I climb deep inside your mind and plant my seeds of deception. Jess's dream becomes lucid, he remembers the dreams in his apartment when he looked at his blood shot eyes in the mirror after the nightmare. He remembers screaming in his ICU room. When you wake in the night, you'll look in the mirror you'll see my path in your blood shot eyes. When you scream from the dreams, it's because of me don't you see. My work is so clean! I am the thief of the mind. I’m like the thief in the night. I am the thief of your mind. I am the thief of the mind I climb deep inside your mind. I am the thief of your mind. And come dawn I'm gone, and I'll release your mind empty, obedient, and mine. You're mine! Ha, ha, ha!


About the Creator

Jerec Velez

Jerec lives is Southern California, works as a Horticulturist by day and teaches ballet and writes at night. He has 2 Garden friendly paperbacks children's chapter books on Amazon entitled

"Danny's New Life" And "Ruby Meets A Little Girl.

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    Jerec VelezWritten by Jerec Velez

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