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The Prophecy

A Destructive Mind

By Isabella RosePublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read

What’s going on? This is madness, Coletta nervously thought as she anxiously watched the ebony skinned woman’s dark eyes reflect, what could only be described as, pure terror. Attempting to study the lady’s expression for any clue, Coletta stared at her, watching her slow pace in the middle of the lavishly decorated lobby.

“We’re all going to die,” came the anxious words from the woman’s lips. Briefly, Coletta attempted to place the woman’s thick and distinct accent, but it proved futile. She enjoyed the rhythmic ebb and flow of dialects, but she was never any good at pinpointing where they originated. It was not important now. She was on a mission to find him.

The lady was merely unreasonably panicked, Coletta thought, trying to reassure herself. With some hesitation, she pushed open the heavy, gold decorated doors, her tiny frame struggling with the weight. A security officer, dressed in a finely pressed black uniform, which was complete with a shining metal handgun, attempted to look stoic inside of the entryway, but nevertheless, Coletta could sense the sheer anxiety within him, threatening to bubble to the surface.

Delicate and gold chandeliers adorned the high ceilings, reflecting a yellow light off of the marble floor. The red velvet seats were filled with men dressed in suits and women wearing modern suit jackets paired with business skirts or pants. Hushed voices filled the air, mixing together to create a harsh cacophony, which rung in Coletta’s ears like an unwanted intruder.

“Where is My Raven,” thought Coletta, removing her small cell phone from her leather purse, hoping to see an unread message from him. Sighing at the lifeless gadget, she approached an older gentleman who looked quite regal in his finely pressed dark blue suit.

“Excuse me, but have you seen a dark eyed gentleman, around 5'5? I need to find him,” asked Coletta with some hope in her quiet voice.

“Miss, I haven’t seen anyone, but the officials here,” kindly replied the man, his words somehow managed to calm her frayed nerves. “You need to seek shelter,” he added with a tone of concern and seriousness in his voice.

Without warning, the conversation was hushed as a huge TV flickered on in the front of the large conference room. The low sound was amplified by two speakers that were placed in the center of the side walls. Nervousness radiated through Coletta ’s core, shooting within each limb before accumulating in her stomach. Nausea and weakness threatened to overtake her, but she fought it off long enough to listen to the announcement.

“An unknown electric current is sweeping through large sections of Europe and the United States, obliterating everything in its path. Scientists and world leaders are trying to understand what this phenomenon is. It is estimated that 50 thousand people were killed in a matter of seconds by this occurrence. Stay indoors and seek shelter in a reinforced facility,” stated the announcer with a nervous tremble in his voice.

Again, Coletta took out her small mobile device from her purse, trying to reach him without success.

Where are you, she frantically typed, feeling her heart breaking with every keystroke.


Author's musings: Apparently, I just like the name Coletta. This was inspired by a nightmare that I had during Spring time of last year. I have been plagued with very vivid nightmares since I was a tiny child, but on more than one occasion, what I saw in my sleep actually became reality.

Some spiritualists and religious teachers believe that we actually create the universe. There is also scientific proof that space is constantly expanding. What if we do materialize the very world around us?

short story

About the Creator

Isabella Rose

I am a dedicated author with a passion for fiction. I own a joint business with my amazingly talented co-writer and poet, Raven Black.

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  • noor6 months ago


  • Ah okay, I'm glad you explained that because I thought this was the same Coletta from your previous story! I loved this story and the concept of that electric current obliterating everything. I too have had many vivid dreams come true. The worse was I dreamt my grandma passed away and she was rushed to the hospital the very next day and passed away the day after that. And I couldn't do anything although I saw it in my dream. This is why I'm so afraid if I dream somethings bad because I never know which dreams would come true.

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