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The Padmanabhaswamy temple & mystery of the secret door

unopened mystery of secret door

By Emmanuel AndrewPublished about a year ago 5 min read


there is a temple in India which has 6 vaults and all are dosed for more the 500 years, but 2011 Government of India opened 6 of them and found treasure worth $100 billion but unfortunately can't able to open the 6th vault its has treasure so big that its can run India for more than 10 years vault has no lock but can opened by 1 mantra but on one know it

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum, India is home to one of the most intriguing mysteries in recent history – the secret door located in the inner sanctum of the temple. The temple, which is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is known for its wealth and opulence, but it was the discovery of the secret door in 2011 that truly captured the world's attention.

The secret door, which is located behind the idol of Lord Vishnu, is said to lead to a chamber filled with unimaginable riches. The door is made of solid iron and is inscribed with ancient scripts and symbols. It is said to weigh several tons and can only be opened by a special key that is kept by the royal family of Travancore, who have been the custodians of the temple for centuries.

The discovery of the secret door was made during an inventory of the temple's treasures, which was ordered by the Supreme Court of India. The inventory team, which was led by a retired judge, was able to open five of the six vaults in the temple, but were unable to open the sixth vault, known as Vault B, due to the heavy and complex lock on the door.

It is believed that Vault B holds the greatest treasures of the temple, including gold and diamond-studded crowns, precious stones, and gold and silver idols. Some estimates put the value of the treasures in Vault B at over $22 billion.

The discovery of the secret door and the treasures it is believed to hold has led to much speculation and debate. Some historians and archaeologists believe that the treasures in Vault B are the accumulated wealth of the Travancore royal family, who were known for their wealth and opulence. Others believe that the treasures may have been accumulated over centuries by devotees of Lord Vishnu, who donated their wealth to the temple.

However, there are also those who believe that the treasures in Vault have a more mystical or spiritual significance. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is believed to be the protector of the universe and the guardian of wealth. It is said that the treasures in Vault B are offerings to Lord Vishnu and are meant to ensure his protection and blessings.

The controversy surrounding the secret door and the treasures it is believed to hold has led to a legal battle between the Travancore royal family and the Indian government. The royal family has argued that the treasures are their personal property and that the government has no right to claim them. The government, on the other hand, has argued that the treasures belong to the temple and should be used for the benefit of the people.

The Supreme Court of India has ordered that the secret door and the treasures it is believed to hold should be preserved and protected for future generations. The court has also ordered that the temple should be opened to the public, but only a limited number of people are allowed to enter the inner sanctum where the secret door is located.

The discovery of the secret door at the Padmanabhaswamy Temple has captured the imagination of people around the world, and the mystery surrounding it continues to fascinate and intrigue.

While the legal battle and debate over the ownership of the treasures continues, one thing is certain – the secret door and the treasures it holds are a testament to the rich history and culture of India, and a reminder of the enduring power of faith and devotion.

Debate, with some claiming that the treasures were accumulated by the Travancore royal family, while others argue that they were offerings to Lord Vishnu. The legal battle between the Travancore royal family and the Indian government over the ownership of the treasures continues, but the Supreme Court of India has ordered that the door and treasures should be preserved and protected for future generations. The temple is open to the public, but only a limited number of people are allowed to enter the inner sanctum where the door is located.

It is important to note that the Supreme court of India has ordered for further examination of the vaults and their contents. The court-appointed experts have opened some of the vaults and discovered valuable items such as gold and diamond-studded crowns, precious stones, and gold and silver idols, which are estimated to be worth billions of dollars. However, the experts are yet to open the vault "B" as it needs further study and examination before it can be opened.

the Padmanabhaswamy temple secret door is a mystery

that has captured the imagination of people all over the world. The door, inscribed with ancient scripts and symbols, is said to lead to a chamber filled with unimaginable riches. The discovery of the door and the treasures it holds has led to much speculation

In conclusion,

the Padmanabhaswamy temple secret door is a mystery that has captured the imagination of people all over the world. The door, inscribed with ancient scripts and symbols, is said to lead to a chamber filled with unimaginable riches.

The discovery of the door and the treasures it holds has led to much speculation and debate, with some claiming that the treasures were accumulated by the Travancore royal family, while others argue that they were offerings to Lord Vishnu.

The legal battle between the Travancore royal family and the Indian government over the ownership of the treasures continues, but the Supreme Court of India has ordered that the door and treasures should be preserved and protected for future generations.

The temple is open to the public, but only a limited number of people are allowed to enter the inner sanctum where the door is located.


About the Creator

Emmanuel Andrew

"I am a blogger and researcher who loves to write content about adventurous experiences and knowledge to share with readers. With a passion for writing and a love of travel, I seek out fascinating new perspectives."

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