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The rainbow which occurs at night, commonly referred to as the "moon bow"

By Jack MutindaPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Reed Geiger on Unsplash

Title: Enchanting Natural Phenomena: Moonbows, Sinkholes, and More


Walking home on a fresh, damp night after rain showers can lead to unexpected encounters with enchanting natural phenomena. From lunar rainbows to underwater stalactites, sinkholes, glowing beaches, and captivating cloud formations, our world is full of awe-inspiring wonders. In this article, we explore some of these rare and remarkable phenomena, shedding light on their fascinating characteristics and the conditions that give rise to their splendor.

Lunar Rainbows: Nighttime's Colorful Surprise

While rainbows are typically associated with sunlight after rain, a lesser-known phenomenon occurs at night—lunar rainbows, also known as moonbows. Moonbows are a rare occurrence, happening when the light of the moon reflects off water droplets in the air, similar to how a traditional rainbow forms. However, moonbows appear pale white due to the faintness of moonlight. The colors of a moonbow are often indiscernible to the human eye due to the low light conditions, but their vividness can vary based on the size of the water droplets.

To catch a glimpse of a moonbow, it is best to choose a night when the moon is full and low in the sky, while also ensuring clear skies and minimal light pollution. Moonbows are visible near waterfalls, such as Niagara Falls, as well as in natural parks like Yosemite National Park.

Brynicals: Frozen Icicles Underwater

Brynicals, also known as underwater stalactites, are hollow icicles that form when cold saltwater freezes under the right conditions. These delicate formations can extend from the ocean floor, freezing slow-moving underwater inhabitants like starfish along their path. Brynicals offer a mesmerizing sight, showcasing the delicate beauty that can be found beneath the waves.

Sinkholes: Unpredictable Collapses of the Earth's Surface

Sinkholes, although less enchanting, are an intriguing geological phenomenon. They occur when water, which has turned acidic after contact with plants or carbon dioxide, erodes soft rock such as gypsum or limestone. This erosion creates underground caverns that can suddenly collapse, leading to sinkholes. Sinkholes can form without warning, posing a significant threat to anything in their vicinity. Areas prone to sinkholes include New York City and parts of Florida, where thousands of sinkholes have been reported.

Bioluminescent Beaches: Nature's Nighttime Light Show

Certain beaches around the world offer a magical spectacle—a glowing shoreline. This captivating phenomenon occurs due to the presence of bioluminescent phytoplankton in the water. When disturbed by waves and currents, these phytoplankton emit light, creating an otherworldly glow. The mesmerizing blue hue of the plankton turns the ocean into a luminous spectacle, reminiscent of a giant lava lamp. However, up close, the visible layer of plankton may not appear as appealing due to its thickness.

Water Spouts: Nature's Tornadoes at Sea

Water spouts, often referred to as sea tornadoes, are funnel-shaped clouds that descend from stormy skies and hover above the surface of warm ocean waters. While most water spouts are relatively weak and do not pull in water, they can still be formidable weather phenomena, associated with severe thunderstorms, hail, high winds, and lightning. Some water spouts originate as tornadoes on land, which then move towards bodies of water and transform into water spouts.


Our world is a treasure trove of captivating and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. From the elusive beauty of moonbows and the delicate formations of brynicals to the unpredictable sinkholes and the enchanting glow of bioluminescent beaches, these phenomena remind us of the incredible diversity and complexity of our planet. Exploring and appreciating these wonders brings us closer to the magnificence of nature, encouraging us to protect and preserve these magical experiences for future generations.


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