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Terminalia Chebula


By Ponmudi DharaniPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Love, Shivam - There are two, so say the fools!

Love itself is Shivam - This nobody knows!

Love itself is Shivam - when one gets to know this,

Llove itself as Shivam, the person sits (lives).

“Thirumandiram” written by “Thirumoolar”

Thirumandhiram is the tenth thirumurai in the tamil saivaite panniru thirumurai. It deals more about Yoga. It is also called chathiram. It has more than 3000 verses.

Here, a lot of Herbal plants were referred to in Thirumantiram

A headache, fever, cough, cold, acidity — these are some of the common ailments which prompt most individuals to self-medicate.

And so, we use medications such as antibiotics

But our ancestors used many herbal treatments for the above disorders, we forget those things or never have knowledge about that.

Terminalia Chebula popularly called Kadukkai in Tamil

We already saw this in Earlier Post in name of Toothpaste vs Cancer Link”

More of our TP troops asking alternatives for Toothpaste, and the beautiful medicine we going to use will be registered here.

Modern Illness like

Cough, Constipation, Gas, and Bloating, indigestion, detoxification, weight loss, skin disease, metabolism, immunity, fertility.

All of the above going to be rectified because of one ancient herbal medicine. We are going to brief that medicine in this post.

It’s Important and different from other.

Greetings from “Tamil Pokkisham”

Thirumoolar explains about 60 types of Kaya Kalpam methods to be used.

Three reasons behind the cause of illness as per Siddha.

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are essential to our physiology, so no dosha is better than or superior to any other. Each has a specific set of functional roles to play in the body

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three types of Doshas, or primary functional energies in the body. Vata is related to wind. Pitta is related to fire and Kapha relates to water

We, the society will live long & always long, when we balancing those vata, pitta, and kapha.

In this modern world it’s possible using the ancient method of practising.

If you don't want to give up your morning cup of coffee but need an alternative, you'll find a great selection of root or tuber-based alternatives.

Now that you have finally decided to ditch the commercial toothpaste, here are some natural alternatives that work just as well without exposing your teeth to harmful chemicals.

More and more people these days are choosing to shop ethically, in order to upkeep sustainability, support local sellers & community, and to protect the environment. If you also wish to make the big switch from being an unaware consumer to a more mindful one

Detoxification is the way to feel energized and healthy. Opting for regular detox treatment enables your body to heal itself easily

Since childhood, we have always been taught that a clean body with a clean mind is the abode of God

Mustard (Kadukkai) is one of the most important medicinal herbs used in Siddha medicine. It also has the special name Amritham because it removes waste from the body and cures diseases.

# Pinju Mustard gives relief from constipation

# Black castor bean softens the stool and gives beauty and luster to the body

# Red cabbage cures tuberculosis and makes a slim body beautiful.

# Mustard increases sperm count and cures many diseases

# Milk mustard, relieves flatulence

"If you eat mustard, you can live with mustard."

``A mustard for a cow that doesn't eat; Proverbs like '7 mustard seeds for a young mother' also highlight the greatness of mustard.

It is said in Siddha medicine that if you eat ginger in the morning, sukku in the hot day, mustard seed in the evening... one who walks with a stick will throw the stick and shake it

Any side effect of using this Kadukkai many questions about this?

even elixir turns poisonous when taken in excess

“Mustard has an internal pulp; "Nanju"

That is, the nut inside the mustard seed is poisonous

The bark of the Ginger is also said to be poisonous.

• Kadukkai is a natural laxative, tones up the digestive system, reduces acidity, improves appetite, improves digestion, regulates colon function and promotes proper assimilation of food.

• Kadukkai increases the mucus production in the stomach forming a protective barrier thus preventing hyper acidity and ulcer.

• Good tonic for the nerves. Effective remedy for treating skin diseases, mouth ulcers and gum diseases. Rinsing the mouth with kadukkai powder mixed with water, restores the taste and cures mouth ulcers.

Before getting to bed in the night, take 5 gram of kadukkai powder, mix it in lukewarm water and drink it along with a teaspoon of honey

Ginger has a long history of use as a traditional remedy. One popular way to consume it is in a tea made with either the fresh root or using a tea bag. Drinking ginger tea may have benefits for digestion, inflammation, and the common cold

Kadukkai is capable of curing psoriasis

After brushing your teeth,you can massage your teeth and gums with haritaki powder.Leave it for one minute and rinse your can do it regularly to strenghten your gums.

Kadukkai characterizes all five tastes mainly Katu (i.e. pungent), Tikta (i.e. bitter), Kashaya (i.e. astringent), Madhur (i.e. sweet) and Amla (i.e. sour)

Although Kadukkai can offer a lot of benefits to your body, you should avoid consuming kadukkai supplements or using the powder without consultation.

Overconsumption of the herb may cause dehydration, diarrhoea, fatigue or leave a prolonged bitter after taste

Warning: Pregnant women and lactating mothers should also avoid use of any kind of Kadukkai formulation without consulting a doctor.

Research suggests that spending too little time in nature deprives us of benefits to our health, happiness, and creativity

“Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves.”

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” — Mother Teresa


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    PDWritten by Ponmudi Dharani

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