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After NO earth !!!! Habitation and Exploration on Space Idea

By Prabahar NPublished about a year ago 27 min read





In My Settlement design

Habitable Zone

Head Quarters Block

Asteroid mining

AMD (Asteroid mining and detecting device)

Why AMD designed like this?

Asteroid chosen for Mining

Power supply

Farming sector

Isolation chamber

Hospital, Industrial and Supply Unit

Oxygen and Fuel


Parking the settlement

NASU Satellite

Transportation Ideas


Shielding of Radiation




Over millions of years, the Earth has seen changes and evolution, and many generations have survived. However, it's essential to consider how we can survive in the future. Scientists are researching the Earth, but it's crucial to take measures to ensure our survival. If we can't continue to live on Earth, we must consider space colonization. Space colonization involves living in space without the support of Earth. It requires proper planning, management, leadership, and education to survive in space. With a well-designed space settlement, we can ensure our survival and live peacefully in space.




I have designed my space settlement friendly with space atmosphere. Name of the project is PROJECT PROVIDENCE. Name of the settlement is NASUNAKO. NASUNAKO is looks like a cylinder that cuts into three Torus from top to bottom. Most of the jobs are in habitable zone and the amenities ring. We can use small thruster to move one place to another. It has following facilities in the design.


 HABITABLE ZONE (Amenities ring)



 AMD (Asteroid Mining and Detecting Devices)




The major thing is to manage the citizens and settlement by good management we can save a lot like food, water, electricity, oxygen, transportation fuel, trade, industrial product, etc. THE BASIC NEEDS OF HUMAN IN SPACE ARE







First, start from my settlement design explanations.


HABITABLE ZONE plays a major role in my settlement because, it is the living area with artificial gravity. The module looks like alien space ship. It also has the industry, supply unit, hospital in these blocks. Inside the habitable zone looks like street lines divided into section from up to down. Habitable zone contains a large number of blocks with sleeping area, restrooms, food stocked. The rooms in the habitable zone are very comfortable to human while living, sleeping, etc. the block sides are broadly wide and free to walk in the path way. There are two habitable zone in my space settlement design and the rooms are linked to the headquarters to access and for security. linking with headquarters Is mandatory because, in case any information want to be announced this link helps to send an information so, security and privacy maintained. This avoid the safe lessness in the settlement and keep navigating the spies and hackers from other places. It also contains entertainment area. It also has an education cell in it. Education cell is also the essential thing the settlement because, the younger generation of NASUNAKO wants a knowledge survive in space. In the habitable zone prototype picture it has small blocks with walking space . In both habitable modules we have the 100 block and In one block has sufficient place to live by 3000 - 3500 member. In one block, 20-25 people capacity of living with all facilities. In our settlement , there are two division of habitable zone in top and bottom of the quite large population but we want to manipulate. In future the technology may rise up to carry this much people to place to survive.


Headquarters is the center part of the settlement. Headquarters is not just a headquarters it a main control room in the settlement which controls all the activities, problems, management. All the networks and connection are managed by a control room. The captain in the settlement manages every moment of the settlement. He/she has the responsibility to all our lives the settlement. He/she has all the rights to order or command any section in the settlement.; In this quarters the ID card provided to all the people. This the act as the portal card to access NASUNAKO. In my space settlement I separate the headquarters in four sector they are;







1.Place for research by settlement scientists

2.Located on the right side of the control room

3.Research organized by control room

4.Four departments: FARD, HRD, AMRD, MRD


1.Manages agricultural improvement, fertilizer, soil type, food technology, etc.

2.Enhances settlement growth by ensuring food and water supply

3.Monitors agricultural conditions and oxygen gained from plants

4.Department head makes decisions with permission from headquarters


1.Manages human needs and research based on those needs

2.Checks and delivers goods provided by headquarters

3.Splits and sends goods for daily consumption for each person

4.Ensures goods are saved for further days


1.Set of well-trained astronauts who manage asteroid mining

2.Trained to overcome mechanical issues

3.Split into three teams who travel to collect resources every six months

4.Takes daily samples and updates headquarters on status

Materials obtained from asteroids are valuable and useful


1.Researches medicines, medical equipment, and human body in space

2.Takes safety measures to cure medical problems

3.Has well-trained doctors, surgeons, physiotherapists, etc.

4.Researches anatomy and biological research to derive medicine for health issues


1.Manages crews in settlement

2.Crew members are always ready for missions appointed by the general

>>Defence Crew (DC),

>>Construction Crew (CC),

>>Factory Crew (FC),

>>Spacecraft Crew (SC),

>>Maintenance Crew (MC),

>>Medical Crew (MED)

DEFENCE CREW: Trained as astronauts and military soldiers to defend the settlement. Receive information from satellites about problems outside the settlement and take action to solve them. Have the responsibility to save people in the settlement and are willing to sacrifice their lives for the mission.

CONSTRUCTION CREW: Appointed to make changes in settlement construction and build structures. Trained mechanical and civil engineers lead the construction as planned. Construction materials are supplied from the industry.

FACTORY CREW: Work in supply and industrial units to manufacture food, clothing, medical products, and other items. Research and check the efficiency of the products made by the industry. If the efficiency is not enough, they work to improve it.

SPACECRAFT CREW: Specially trained pilots who access spacecraft in the settlement. Use spacecraft for trade and to collect raw materials from other settlements. Play a vital role in transportation.

MAINTENANCE CREW: Monitors the habitable zone and solves any problems that arise. Act like cops in the settlement and take requests from people for the needs of the settlement. Problems are resolved with permission from the control room.


Consists of servers and systems that ensure the settlement's security. Manages satellite controls and controls resources like food, clothes, and other supplies. Survey each entry of raw materials and checks the ID cards of citizens to ensure safety. Provides restrictions but cannot punish citizens. Divided into two halves: one for approving products and one for citizens' attendance.

DIVIDING SECTOR: Divided into top and bottom halves.

Top half stores products like oxygen, water, fuel, food, medical supplies, and construction materials. Most secure place in the settlement due to harmful substances.

The Bottom half is the entertainment area with an educational auditorium, gym, library, and playing area.


Used to join separate aircraft and transfer materials between them. Joined by robotic hands with the help of control room crew. Easiest way to transfer materials.

Asteroid mining: -

Asteroid mining is one of the most complicated concepts in space atmosphere. Many scientists are research about this concept till the date. The universe is the endless place with lot of mystery. Asteroid also one of the unsolved mysteries in the universe. Asteroid Mining is a process of mining the surface of the asteroid to extract the resource from it, for the external Use is known as Asteroid mining.

What is asteroid?

What is it made up of?

What are the minerals and metals in asteroid?

Asteroids, also known as minor planets, are celestial bodies that orbit around the sun in the solar system. They are primarily located in a torus-shaped region called the asteroid belt. While most asteroids are relatively small, measuring up to about 1,000 kilometers in diameter, they can contain high-value materials such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, cobalt, nickel, gold, tungsten, manganese, molybdenum, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum. These valuable resources have led to the exploration of asteroids for mining purposes. Among the various types of asteroids, the M-type is particularly rare and has been found to contain 10 times more valuable metals than the more commonly found S-type asteroids. Although C-type and S-type asteroids are the most common in the asteroid belt, the exploration of M-type asteroids could yield significant benefits in terms of valuable resources.



ASTEROID MINING AND DETECTING DEVICE (AMD) was my design in the settlement to mine an asteroid. The power supply for machine is the solar panels; this gives the electricity to work. The solar panels are connected in the series and it fixed around the AMD in the round shape. Solar panels are best source of energy for the machines.

The AMD consist of five level, they are,

 Catching duct

 Driller (or) mining drill

 Conveyor belt

 Detector

 Storage of AMD

Catching duct:

When the asteroid is detected by our security satellite (NSRX). It detects whether the asteroid is suitable for mining. Then the satellite sends the launching position, dimensions, sent distance to the control room. The control room set the launch position approval. Then it opens the robotic mouth attached with catching duct (the above picture of side view mentioned) and it mark the landing area on the surface of the asteroid. During this process AMRD checks the detector, driller, conveyor belt by the AMD crew. When the launching position fixed by the control room. The AMD launched with the help of space NASU SAT ROAR X and land in the asteroid.

When the AMD launched successful. The information was gathered by the control room. Then the control room sent a command to the NSRX satellite to start the mining process. The mining process was accessed by the NSRX satellite.

Driller (or) mining driller:

During this mining process driller (or) mining driller plays a vital role in mining process, because this driller robot drills the asteroid and it breaks the asteroid into small Pieces. When the driller work starts then the detector and the conveyor belt start its programmed work.

Conveyor belt:

In the mining process driller drills the asteroid and make it into a small piece. Then it was carried by a conveyor belt. Conveyor belt is used to convey some objects (or) products from one place to another. In this project this conveyor robots are used to transfer the raw asteroid minerals and raw asteroid metal to the storage of AMD. This concept is a very easy process to convey a product to one place to another. It is made up of magnets it pulls the metal and convey the metal to storage.


detector is used to detect the substance travelling in the conveyor belt. It detects whether the substance is mineral (or) metal using metal detector. It sent a metals and minerals to the storage of AMD and other (carbon, phosphorus) particles are crushed and used in agricultural uses us a fertilizer.

Storage of AMD:

Storage of AMD store the metals and minerals that are collected form asteroids. The storage stores Raw asteroid materials from the asteroid. When it going to full the information was sent by the satellite to the control room. The control room sent the spacecraft to the asteroid. The aircraft docked into the storage of AMD, Then the raw materials are collected by the aircraft and return to the settlement.

Then the raw materials are hand overed to the laboratory then the scientist of AMRD (Asteroid Mining Research Department) separate the metal and minerals; then the metal approved by the AMRD and went for a settlement usage.

The AMD is designed to mine the asteroid in the surface of the space

atmosphere. I designed the AMD as camp like structure. In the above picture it looks like, the AMD has a camp on the surface of the asteroid. The process of the AMD is briefly explained in the above topics. Now a days the difficulties in this asteroid mining concept, the first thing is cost of investment is higher. Another thing is challenges involved in extraction. We can’t mine all the asteroid in the space atmosphere. We can mine S-type and M-type asteroid which is rich in minerals and metal substance. While mining the asteroid the things to be noted is temperature of AMD, pressure given by the AMD to asteroid, the pressure experienced by the place of mining, drilled distance of the AMD. Because, there is a chance to split or break of asteroid. Even it can be destroyed by the AMD we must be careful in mining. while mining asteroid be cautious not to break the asteroid.

Why the AMD designed like this?

The AMD is designed like this, Because the asteroid isn’t uniformly shaped. Due to this structure the surface of the asteroid is uneven. So, we can’t use digging substance in the surface of the asteroid. So, in this design I have given a Driller with material storage. When it launched from the satellite, it will drill deeply and make a grip on the surface of asteroid. Then it starts its work. Even asteroids also make a rotation. In case the machine placed on the surface of the asteroid; the machine experienced by the zero make the work difficult. So, In AMD the robotic hands make a strong grip on the surface of the asteroid. This grip helps in the rotation of asteroid. The driller used to drill the asteroid. This design looks like the AMD camped on the surface of asteroid. The robotic hand holds the AMD up to the mining process. For this reason, I designed the AMD.


The Asteroid chosen for Mining is 1986 DA Asteroid. It is an M-type asteroid. It is also called as Metallic Asteroid. Its diameter is up to 3.1 km to 3.2 km. This is also classified as the near-earth Asteroid thought to be of metallic composition with high radar brightness; by researching about this asteroid, it has 100 thousand tons of platinum group metals including gold and 10 billion tons of iron and nickel.

• $90 billion gold

• $100 trillion of platinum and

• $10 billion of iron and nickel.

The Rotation period of the asteroid 3.50 to 3.51 hours, with high radar brightness.

Asteroid Name: (6178) 1986 DA Asteroid

Type: M -Type

Asteroid contains: Platinum group, Gold, Iron, Nickel.

AMD camped on asteroid

Power Supply: -

In this settlement power is one of the basic needs of the settlement. Because, to access the sensors, systems, lights and other electrical stuff. none of the work done without electricity. In earth there are many ways to generate electricity. Example: wind and solar power, agriculture and domestic waste, nuclear power, hydro power, etc.

In space, for satellite and other artificial spacecraft generate power from solar panel and power storing batteries. But, for a settlement power from solar panel is not enough. We want another source to generate. So, in my settlement I use three methods to generate power. Each power is separated for the particular jobs. They are,

• Solar Power

• Radioisotopes Power System (RPS)

• Human Waste Power (HWNP)

• Lithium-ions and Nickel hydrogen Batteries (LNHB)

Solar Power: -

Solar power is one of the unlimited sources to generate electricity. Because, the Sun is Non-Destructive natural sources. We can generate solar power by using solar panel. This concept is discovered by Ernst Werner he was German industrialist who knowns the needs of this device. Solar cell or a photovoltaic cell that converts a light energy into an electrical energy.

This was the sequences of photovoltaic power system (or) PV system, which produce direct current (DC) power that fluctuates with the sunlight’s intensity. In this process the solar panels modules or cells that gain sunlight from sun and that are convert current using Inventors (DC current -> AC current). the Inventors are connected to the Fuse box and the Fuse box sent current to the Batteries. The Batteries store the current. Then we can use the current.

Radioisotopes power system (RPS): -

Radioisotopes power system (RPS) (or) Radioisotopes is the Thermoelectric Generator (RTG power) which uses an arranged series of thermocouples to produce current. The radioactive material used in this concept is plutonium-238. It is a type of nuclear battery.

Thermocouples convert the heat released by the decay of radioactive materials into electricity by the See beck effect. This type of generators has no moving parts.

This RTG power are also used in satellite, probe in space.

Plutonium-238 is a good alpha emitter, these alpha particles are easily blocked. this suitable plutonium-238 isotopes usage for radioisotopes thermoelectric generator and radioisotopes heater unit in our settlement. Radioisotope’s heater unit is a small device that provide heat through the radioactive decay to produce electricity. This RTG’s produce Current starting 420W and ending it produce 392W.

Human Waste Power (HP): -

Each and every living organism contains a waste. We won’t say that as waste; Because, Waste isn’t waste until we waste it. So, if there is a waste we can recycle into a useful product. Likewise, we can also recycle a human waste as a useful thing.

In this concept, the human waste is collected in the tank. In the toilets has suction tubes. The suction tubes pull the human waste and store that in tanks. After some days it release bio gas called methane and carbon-di-oxide. The gas is collected in gas collecting tanks. This gas is used in cooking and electricity. For cooking the gas are transferred by tubes connected in kitchen. For electricity the, the gas directly converted into an electricity using fuel cells and electric generator. This generator produces an AC current.

We can use Stirling engine used in the conversion of electricity. This engine is a heat engine that is operated by cyclic compression and expansion of air and other gases. It converts a heat energy into mechanical works. This engine was discovered by Robert Stirling in 1816. he is also a father of hot air engines. This produces less current compared to other source of current. So, we can use this current for electrolysis and other small gadgets in our settlement.

Lithium ions and Nickel hydrogen Batteries (LNHB):

Lithium ions and Nickel hydrogen Batteries to store the electricity gained from these three methods. This is also a method to store and use of electricity. We can store electricity for a long time up to the batteries are drained.


The farming sector one of the main sectors in the settlement. Because, food is necessary for all human in the settlement. If is it possible in space, what are the method used for agriculture?

I planned two methods for agriculture in space settlement, they are

 Human waste and soil agriculture (HS)

 Aeroponics agriculture (aa)

Using Human Waste and Soil Agriculture: -

In this settlement we have already planned to fit human waste tank. In that tank we can mix the waste Asteroid soil and Human waste which are collected from habitable zone and other sector. This waste is stored and make the waste to decompose and used as a fertilizer for a crop. This waste is rich in nutrients for the growth of crops. Because, nutrients are the source for crops. So, these method of agriculture gives a more yield in crops. The crops grown in this agriculture are millets, soyabeans, chilies, brinjal, Maize.

Human waste agriculture chamber

Aeroponics Agriculture (AA): -

Aeroponics agriculture is one of the space agricultural methods to grow crops, fruit, vegetable. In this method the crops are grown with the help of

Nutritious moist air through the sprinkling tubes. we can reduce the water use for crops and save more water. So, I use this agriculture.

Crops grown in this agriculture are root vegetables and tubers, grapes, melons, cauliflowers types, cabbage types, onions, peas, eggplant, corn, etc. these crops, fruits, vegetable consume small amount of water.

Lighting for Human waste with Soil Agriculture and Aeroponics Agriculture: -

In earth there are more method to grow crops, vegetable, fruit. But, in space there are many problems in agriculture. Because, in earth plants want some basic needs like nutritious soil, water, sunlight, co2, starch to prepare food. This process is called photosynthesis. In space there is no air, sunlight. We can create only by artificially. In settlement we have water, air, soil. But, sunlight, CO2, starch we have to make artificial.

For Human waste with soil agriculture, in soil-based microgravity and hypo gravity condition it affect water flow, nutrient, oxygen transportation. Adaptation with variable temperature and atmosphere, LED lighting, CO2, porous clay subtracted adjustment come into play with controlled release fertilizer to deliver water, nutrients and oxygen to the plants root. The LED lights color with red, green, blue, white, infra-red used for night time lighting.

For aeroponics, we can use High Pressure Sodium lamps (HPS) and LED lights. The LED spectrum intensity has been controlled and optimized by for each crop, vegetable and fruits.

There are some maintenances to agriculture, light uniformity and low heat radiation from LED’s, along with a timed duration of light exposure has improve crops yields and quality of leafy greens and other produce. If these things managed correctly that will ultimately results in higher yields, higher quality and reduce energy consumption.

It is aeroponics farming sector

Isolation chamber: -

Isolation chamber is one of the places in settlement which is used to self-isolate by themselves. When the humans feel like depressed or pressurized in their work. Mostly crew members, engineers and scientists feel pressurized. So, in my settlement when the members in settlement have depressed, there was law for this situation. they can take some time in isolation chamber. In Isolation chamber, we can read book, navel, take rest in IC rooms, we can write book, navels, magazines. They can also play music instrument, and also make a musical electrical instrument.

They also have time with friends, families, talk with scientist and also study new technology and other things. In that case they have forget about the depression and they have learnt and enjoy the environment. The mind of the people in the settlement is the future of the NASUNAKO. So, first preference is for the citizens of the settlement. the crew members of the settlement are divided into batch and they have a specific time to work. After the period of working, they can meet family or have some time in isolation chamber. But in work time they must be work genuinely.


The settlement of NASUNAKO has three important areas that work together to ensure the well-being and functionality of the community. The hospital, which is part of the Amenities Ring Block, plays a crucial role in providing medical attention to those who may be affected by the unique challenges of living in a space settlement. The medical research department is responsible for maintaining the hospital and ensuring that it is well-equipped to handle any medical emergencies that may arise. The industrial unit is responsible for producing a wide range of products that are necessary for the settlement to function properly. These products are tested and approved by the control room before being distributed to the community through the supply unit. Overall, the integration of these three areas is essential for the successful operation of NASUNAKO.


All the living organism want oxygen source to live. In Earth that are created naturally by the nature. but in space we cannot get oxygen by nature because, the space is a void place with no air. So that we must create oxygen by artificially. There are two methods get oxygen for the settlement.

 Oxygen from plants

 By Electrolysis to get Oxygen and Fuels

Oxygen from plants:

Oxygen from plants is a method of storing the oxygen released by the plants in the farming sector. The oxygen is collected by the oxygen cylinder. The oxygen cylinders convert the oxygen gas to liquid oxygen by cooling the oxygen gas. A plant that produces 900 ml of oxygen per day. 27 liters of oxygen produced by a single plant in one month.

27*12 (27 liters. 12 months) = 324 L/year by one plant

One person consumes 550 liters per day, for one year

(550*365) = 200,750 liters/year

If one plant gives 324 liters in one year, then the acres of plants contain more amount of oxygen. It will give continuous cycle of oxygen and based on the plant types the obtaining oxygen level varies.

Electrolysis: -

Electrolysis is the process of separating the hydrogen and oxygen from the water by using electrodes and electricity. In this process, a DC electric power source (9V-12V) connected two electrodes’ plates (platinum and iridium). Hydrogen gas produced from cathode and oxygen gas produced from anode.

The reaction takes place is

H2O(I) ------------> 2H2 (G)+ O2(G)


In this process the hydrogen gas produced twice the amount compared to oxygen gas. There is more needs of hydrogen and oxygen in settlement. This is one the well-known and developed method of separating hydrogen and oxygen using current.

Manufacturing electrolysis plays a critical role in the settlement of NASUNAKO, and one of the most important processes is electrolysis. The industrial unit is responsible for carrying out this process, which involves using raw materials such as platinum and iridium, as well as water and electricity, all of which are obtained from the chosen asteroid. Through electrolysis, the raw materials are used to produce oxygen and hydrogen, which are then stored in cylinders and distributed to the community for use. The control room oversees the process to ensure that all safety and quality standards are met. With a reliable supply of these essential resources, the settlement can continue to thrive and grow sustainably in the harsh conditions of space.


The parking of the settlement is a crucial consideration for the community in NASUNAKO, and the Lagrange points provide an ideal solution. Discovered by the Italian mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1772, these points exist in each system of two heavy bodies, such as the Sun-Jupiter or Earth-Moon system. There are five theoretical Lagrange points, with L1, L2, and L3 being in an unstable state and L4 and L5 being more stable. Placing the settlement at either L4 or L5 would ensure that it remains in a stable position relative to the two massive bodies. Although objects at these points may be perturbed and move away from their positions, they eventually bend back towards a stable state, ensuring the continued stability of the settlement. The design and placement of the settlement in NASUNAKO thus rely on careful consideration of scientific principles to ensure the safety and stability of the community.


The decision to park the NASUNAKO settlement involves placing it in the Low Earth Orbit region (LEO), which is a stable region where objects maintain a velocity of 7.8 km/s. To transfer the settlement from the LEO region to the Lagrange point L4, a Hohmann transfer is used, which is an elliptical orbit that requires a significant amount of fuel. However, low energy transfer can be used to reduce fuel expenses, although it is a slower transfer. The construction process involves parking the settlement in the LEO region and then moving it to the Lagrange point L4 after building the NASU invention satellite. The satellite will move to the asteroid using the Hohmann transfer, and the velocity required can be calculated by finding ∆V.

r1is the initial radius of the orbit (in this case, Earth's orbital radius) r2is the final radius of the orbit (in this case, the asteroid's orbital radius)

r1 = 149,600 km

r2 = 288,000 km

∆v = sqrt(1.327 * 10^20/149,600) * (sqrt(2*288,000/(149,600+288,000)) - 1)

∆v = 29.78 * (sqrt(1.92) - 1)

∆v = 29.78 * (1.385 - 1)

∆v = 15.045 km/s

So the correct delta-v required for the Hohmann transfer is approximately 15.045 km/s,

To find the travel time to the asteroid using this delta-v, we can use the following equation:

t = pi * sqrt((r1 + r2)^3 / (8 * mu))

Plugging in the corrected values, we get:

t = pi * sqrt((149,600 + 288,000)^3 / (8 * 1.327 * 10^20))

t = pi * sqrt(2.698 * 10^27 / 1.0616 * 10^21)

t = pi * sqrt(2.54 * 10^6)

t = 3.18 years

IT takes 3.18 years to park in destination...…

Construction steps:-




Launching on the surface of the asteroid NASU SAT ROAR X (To controlling the AMD)


Parking the settlement On the stable LaGrange Point L4 Asteroid.


NASU SATELLITE is one of the inventions of (NASUNAKO SETTLEMENT) our settlement. It helps the settlement a lot by many ways like detecting, scanning, taking picture and sent an information to the headquarters. NASU is the first security guard and detecting device in our settlement, it is made up of new technology of AI performance. We can control this by the satellite communication method. There are two transmitters and receivers provided in the settlement. Each transmitter and receiver control each satellite. There are two satellite in our settlement that are,




NASU SAT ROAR X is the first invention of (NASUNAKO SETTLEMENT) our settlement. It is launched in the second step of construction on the surface of the asteroid. It detects all the conditions of the asteroid like pressure applied, temperature produced in mining, managing technique of asteroid mining by AI detecting (artificial intelligence) method. It will send all the information to the settlement. it has all facility to live in this satellite. It is a human living settlement.



RADAR is the system used to detect the object from the long distance by using radio waves. The Radio waves are sent and receive by the Transmitters and Receivers. That shows the distance of the object, size of the object and the speed of the object. It acts as a Jammer if any radio-controlled missile or radio-controlled object get closer to the satellite or AMD it jams all the signals of the object.

CMS: -

Components and Main Quarters of satellite (like camera and other necessary parts to function the satellite).

External storage:-

To store asteroid based materials (minerals and metals collected in asteroid)-> After the mining process it will gather some amount of minerals and metal and after the arrival of spacecraft it transfer the materials obtained. It saves some fuel cost.

Compressed Missile Launcher: -

It is a missile launcher that launch a compressed missiles to the targeted object. It loads a missile within the fraction of seconds and highly compressed while launching.


NASU SAT GUARD X is the satellite that acts as the security guard for our settlement, which takes all the security management. When it launched from our settlement first it marks some safety place to land the EEM. It’s also acting as jammer. It detects all the conditions of the settlement like position, speed of orbiting, finding nearby object by the AI technology. It also has an eagle-eyed attention on the surface of the space orbit, if any danger happens it try to solve or make a solution to the danger. It orbits the settlement far from 800km and it rotates elliptically. It also has all the parts of (NASU SAT ROAR X) satellite except missile launcher. Because the missile function handled by control room and military crew. The missiles are launched using space crafts of our settlement. In case any disaster happens it may take more time to recover. Until the settlement recovery the people are under the pamper of NSGX. Otherwise, we last the people. By all these ways it helps the settlement. It makes the budget costly. But it is effective. So, I designed it.Each satellite looks similar.


In my settlement, transportation ideas are based on the use of AI technology. All vehicles are designed with the latest AI technology, and citizens have the opportunity to modify or design their own vehicles. The computer or embedded system completely controls the vehicle, and it works automatically according to the user's parameters. While designing a vehicle, all approved parts from the headquarters must be used, and citizens must follow specific rules to buy a vehicle, including age, licensing, and a clean criminal history. The citizen must also sign an agreement and obey the rules; any violation of the agreement is not tolerated. The advantages of these rules are that crime rates are reduced, citizens learn discipline, and they gain some mechanical knowledge while designing their own vehicles with the help of engineers. The use of approved parts ensures the safety of the vehicle and prevents any unwanted crime cases.

The AI road in our settlement also functions on AI technology and has a scanning system that scans all vehicles passing through the road. The system checks for unregistered vehicles and licenses of the person driving the vehicle; unlicensed individuals are not allowed to drive on the road. The vehicles used in our settlement include AI car, AI bike, AI human rovers, and industrial rovers.

AI car and AI bike use electricity and batteries as a source and have an automatic driving and anti-accident system. AI human rovers are under headquarters control and are used for transportation; these are automatically controlled and have a voice recognition system for selecting destinations.

Industrial rovers are used in industries for transferring finished products from one place to another and are designed to lift more than one ton of products. Overall, the use of AI technology in transportation and roads provides many benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, and eco-friendliness.

Emergency exit modules (EEM):-

It is pre-programmed and fully automatic modules that launch to the nearby safe place whenever the safety alarm rings. NSGX detects the safe place in advance, and the EEM can carry up to 5000Kg, including humans. It is designed like a camp and can shelter people during emergencies. EEM has essential supplies like food, medical kit, space survival kit, some seeds, space suit, water, and oxygen storage. It also has artificial gravity inside it. These modules are available in all five blocks and are efficient for all the people in the settlement. They are quite small, and all people in the settlement can access them. During an emergency, it is important to help all lives in danger. We can use spacecraft and EEM to escape from the disaster. After designing the EEM, the aforesaid supplies are filled and loaded into the launch pods. A trained survivor leads people in each module after launch to help them relieve panic and fear.

Shielding from radiation: -

Shielding is also essential for settlement. Because, in space there are full of radiation like alpha, beta, gamma ray. These rays are most dangerous and it has slow killed ability. It can’t attack directly, it causes dangerous illness like cancer, sterility, unconsciousness, temporary amnesia, etc. we must protect the humans from this radiation.

For this problem, we must use hydrogen rich compounds to shielding. We can use polyethylene and Kevlar are used as a shield. Kevlar material cross-linked with hydrogen bond. It has a tensile strength greater than steel. Kevlar is the monomers chemical compound called 1,4-phenylene-diamine (Para phenylene diamine). Now a days many types polyethylene material is invented it has their own properties and ability. Polyethylene is also rich in hydrogen compound which scatters the radiation in space.

In our settlement, the shielding called four-layer shield which protect from radiation and other attack (asteroid dashing). The top layer is made up of aluminum and platinum to protect from the physical attack on settlement (E.g., Small asteroid crash). The second layer and third layer are made up of polyethylene and Kevlar to product from radiation. The fourth layer made of the glass covered with transparent polyethylene to see the outer space we can’t open without these safety layer. When we go to outer space, we must wear the space suit made up of anti-radiation materials. By these methods we can shelter from the radiation.

Conclusion: -

Thus, I designed my complete settlement with all facilities. What the main things is we must need a basic need to live. it has to use all the possible way to live (e.g., Using more than one technology). than it has enough crew and sustainable resource to live in has more than one power storage. It has proper shielding method and two future satellite create in the settlement. It reduces budget for traveling. It is more secure and defensive. Making secure is mandatory for all humans in space. For, future construction the raw materials are gained from aforesaid asteroid chosen for mining. In future it may be extended in a greater number of NASUNAKO’s in space atmosphere and good growth in more technology by the future generations.



























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Prabahar N

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