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Rising temperatures have caused the largest glacier in Antarctica to fall off, covering an area of 4,320 square kilometers and 4 New York

There are 4 New York-sized glaciers covering an area of 4,320 square kilometers

By VickyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

A major side effect of the sharp increase in carbon dioxide is the formation of the greenhouse effect, which causes the earth's temperature to rise year by year. According to statistics from the past 200 years, the average temperature has grown from 14.5 ℃ in the early 19th century to more than 15 ℃. The general trend of population growth, coupled with reliance on high-tech products, will increase carbon dioxide emissions.

A scientific team has built a model. It is expected that in the next 200 years, the average temperature of the earth will increase by about 2°C. Maybe you think this is nothing. It is only 0.5-2°C. If you are an older friend, or ask , At the end of the last century, in the central region, the ice formed on the ponds and lakes in winter could stand for people, but now there are fewer days of ice formation every year, and the ice formation is also a thin layer.

In addition to changing the survival mode of life on earth, the rising temperature of the earth has another major consequence of causing the melting of Antarctic glaciers. As the largest glacier on the earth, the Antarctic continent, with the acceleration of the melting of glaciers, the sea level is also rising year by year.

If the average temperature in the region rises by 2°C, the sea level will rise by 4.7 meters. According to statistics, if the Antarctic glaciers, which account for 72% of the earth's freshwater resources, all melt, the sea level will rise by 59 meters. Being submerged in the ocean, the living space of human beings will be further reduced.

When the sea level rises by 4.7 meters, many small islands and coastal areas that are currently inhabited will be submerged by sea water. About 260 million people on the planet will be affected and they will be forced to leave their submerged homes. All this is not a joke, but it is happening in reality. The Maldives, known as a resort, is in danger of being engulfed by the sea due to rising sea levels.

Scientists estimate that, according to current carbon dioxide emissions, if the temperature of the earth rises further, the Maldives will be swallowed up by sea water in the next 50 years, and the entire country will be forced to move out.

According to a recent research report published in the journal "Nature Geoscience", the temperature rise of the earth is also showing an intensifying trend, the rate of melting of Antarctic glaciers is also increasing, and the exposed area of ​​the soil covered by Antarctic glaciers is also increasing. getting bigger.

Based on this concern, the European Space Agency (ESA) is currently keeping an eye on the conditions of the Antarctic glaciers. , it is obvious to see a huge block of ice breaking off from the Antarctic continent and becoming the largest iceberg on earth.

They gave this iceberg a number: A-76. According to calculations, the width of this large iceberg is about 25 kilometers, the length is about 170 kilometers, and the area of ​​the entire glacier reaches 4,320 square kilometers.

At present, the area of ​​New York is 1,214 kilometers, which means that the iceberg that has come off is about four times the size of New York. Although the current shedding of this glacier will not affect the earth, it is like ice in a beer glass. Blocks break and don't let the surface of the beer rise.

But such a large iceberg break is not a good signal, and scientists are beginning to worry, because it means an increase in carbon dioxide, causing the earth's temperature to rise further.

In the future, if there is a larger iceberg breaking off and breaking away from the Antarctic glaciers, then it is like adding new ice cubes to a beer glass, which will inevitably lead to further sea level rise.

Conclusion: Since the reflection rate of sunlight by glaciers is 80%, and the reflection rate of sunlight by sea water is only 20%, that is to say, as the melting of glaciers accelerates, it will enter a vicious circle. Due to the reduction of the area of ​​glaciers, the earth will absorb more sunlight. Heat will lead to further melting of glaciers, and due to the increase in carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect is bound to become more obvious, and it is bound to lead to a further increase in temperature until the ecological balance of the earth is completely broken, resulting in irreversible consequences.

Therefore, how to effectively develop human beings while protecting the earth's environment is a worldwide research topic, but as long as human beings have not gotten rid of their dependence on petrochemical products, the environment will continue to deteriorate.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the earth's environment. To this end, we should advocate a green and healthy life model and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Start from me!


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    VickyWritten by Vicky

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