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Reconnection with Nature

Busy Bee at Elizabeth Park

By Cindy AvePublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Busy Bee at Elizabeth Park

Do you feel like life has made you just a busy bee? Is it all the “stuff” that has to be cramped into one day? Is it really COVID that changed our lives? When is the last time you took time to smell the roses?

Friday afternoon, I needed an escape from deadlines, four walls, deadlines, and the growing pile of incoming emails. Perhaps, an escape or time out from not only work. The TV screen and the misinformation stations aren’t helping. So, I went outside without any intention of a “like” or “follow” and just wanted to breathe in some fresh air and silence from the noise.

With my phone in my pocket, I took a trip to my favorite rose garden and spotted a busy bee. Doing what anyone does, my phone captured a memory. This lone bee went about his job quietly and unbothered by my presence. Happy, because I didn’t want to be noticed or more importantly stung.

This one lonely busy bee searching for pollen and happily buzzing along begged a question. What would a world without bees look like? Where are all the bees? Maybe it is true, bees are really becoming more scarce and harder to see now. What is the difference? What could a small thing do to really affect us? The bees don’t just give us the honey in the bear bottle in your pantry or kitchen. Bees pollinate plants that feed wouldn’t be around to supply the food chain. Is it a conspiracy theory? Should my imagination run wild with visions of robots manning our future. Pumping the brakes on the bees could mean this.

So, what do we do? How do we not lose a tiny creature that has such a big impact? Small choices have big impacts. Perhaps start with cutting the cord on chemicals. Do you really need to buy the weed killer? The grass isn’t greener on the neighbor’s yard, it’s just fake. This weed killer just doesn’t stop weeds. It creates a toxic cycle to the food chain and ends with us at the top getting cancer. I personally use vinegar because I only want mud on my boots brought into the house. Wouldn’t that be cheaper? Not many would probably agree with me, immediate results win.

Why stop there? Why not plant a tree? Well, not sure everyone can do that. How many do we cut down and never replace? It doesn’t seem we are really in a paperless society after all. We want cheap and easy. But cheap and easy will end us up in a world that Dr. Seuss warned us about.

Conversely, if you live in the city, why not plant a balcony potted garden. It would be great to grow your own veggies or just have an escape to smell the roses in your how home. It is simple, plants and flowers attract bees. Bees feed our ecosystem.

Buy local. Why not know what you are buying? It is simple, shopping local is a smart choice. COVID has hurt so many businesses that are struggling to stay open. Not only does this support small businesses and communities, but you can be certain that they care about the quality of their honey. This means no artificial sweeteners or chemicals. This stops the chain of garbage in yields garbage out cycle.

Why not take the time to smell the roses and flowers along the way. You might catch a glimpse of a busy little bee. And if you do, you just might reconnect with yourself and not take for granted the beautiful nature all around you.


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About the Creator

Cindy Ave

she/her, writer, poet, beta reader

P.S. most content is just here for Vocal challenges

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