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Organic Consulting

A green life

By A. LuschPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

One of my greatest loves is Gaia, Mother Nature, the earth, anything green.

A few months ago, I reflected on how I found wellness and fulfillment on a level I never imagined by putting my hands in the dirt. I was trying to figure out how to share what I have learned and experienced with the wide collective. I came up with the concept of Organic Consulting. It would be even better if I could turn it into an entrepreneurial venture, I would absolutely dedicate my life to this.

I've always loved gardening; over the past few years, I have fallen in love with the earth to the point of considering it my faith. I tithe to local non-profit organizations monetarily and with my time. I labor and sit on a board of a local organic farm with a mission of feeding the homeless. I plant several trees on my property every year. I have a fruit, vegetable, and herb garden I tend to and a small orchard all on my acre property within city limits. I have turned my health around from near death with autoimmune disorders to happy and healthy via diet and natural supplements. The key to all of this is an organic lifestyle. Not only can an organic lifestyle and diet bring about health for an individual, but it can work towards saving the planet.

The average American household is so far removed from the process of how food is brought before them it's not aforethought. Without understanding the process and what is involved, it's a no-brainer that so many people suffer from mystery illnesses and global climate issues exist. If anyone paid attention to the Roundup ruling, they would know the severity of how chemicals are harmful. Whatever type of diet an individual eats needs to be organic or grown by natural methods instead of chemically treated. That includes the diet of the meat consumed. Organic should not be the exception; it should be the standard. Farmer's Markets are excellent. If you know where your food is sourced, you know the quality of what you are putting into your body. Community Gardens with accessible educators on growing food are also vital in helping with this movement. This all goes well beyond diet and growing food. It's a lifestyle.

There are considerations to be made to almost every aspect of living. Have you considered how you are contributing to plastic pollution? What about your contributions to the landfill? Do you use biodegradable trash bags, or will your trashbag be an extra piece of plastic that will never leave this earth? Did you know that landfills are not made for food scraps? It takes years for food scraps to break down in the landfill sitting because landfills were not designed for composting. Thus, driving landfills to be at capacity much sooner than they should be. Every household should compost food scraps or subscribe to a composting service, but most of this isn't common knowledge. I have considered every aspect of my way of life and how I can improve it because I genuinely love our planet. There are so many small changes that every household could make to enhance everything living, including the earth. It shouldn't take a fad to find this information. It should be common knowledge. I would love to help anyone willing to find any and every way to make these changes. Also, have you ever tasted organic hydroponically grown lettuce? Holy melt in your mouth. Every willing household could grow the majority of their food with minimal effort. Fresh strawberries warm from the sun right outside your door; there's nothing like it. There are so many aspects of growing food that is fulfilling. I would love to help people see that growing food is not difficult or anything to be intimidated by. I would love to provide instructionals on how to make any space a green space.

The concept is educating, introducing green products, and illuminating the benefits of an organic lifestyle. The proof is in the increase in quality of life. Food is medicine. Nature is therapy. Happiness is abundant. Now let's get every single person willing to sign up for this service and save the planet!


About the Creator

A. Lusch

Non-Binary author

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