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Exploring the Universe: Astronomy as a Hobby

By Yunus HudayPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"The future is in the sky." M.K. ATATURK

Many people are still unaware of the planets and celestial bodies in their own solar system, and they don't know that they can easily remedy this by getting a small telescope, a phone, and a notebook. Moreover, they're missing out on an incredibly enjoyable hobby and a cool pursuit.

Get Ready to Explore the Skies

Astronomy is a wonderful hobby for learning and observing stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. There are many different levels and approaches to astronomy as a hobby. Here are some tips for pursuing astronomy as a hobby:


Observing with a telescope requires different techniques and skills to observe many different celestial bodies. First, choose the place you will observe. Choose a place that is as dark and open as possible. Secondly, identify the celestial body you will observe. Some celestial bodies are brighter and easier to observe, while some may be more challenging.


Catch moment

When you pursue astronomy as a hobby, photographing celestial bodies can be a very enjoyable activity. You can take sky photos by combining your telescope with an appropriate camera. You can later edit and share your photos.

Keep Records of Your Observations

When pursuing astronomy as a hobby, keeping records of your observations is important to track your progress. You can note the date, location, names, and characteristics of the celestial bodies you observed. These records can help you in your future observations and help you gain more knowledge about astronomy.

You Can Contribute to Scientific Research

Astronomy is an important field of research for humanity, and astronomers are constantly seeking new ways to understand what exists in the universe. Their goal is to better understand our universe, lay the foundation for future discoveries and developments, and provide benefits to humanity on Earth. As you learn more about astronomy, you will have more opportunities to contribute to scientific research, such as volunteering for citizen science projects, where amateur observers can analyze data used by professional astronomers and contribute to important discoveries.

It's Beneficial for Personal Development

Astronomy not only examines entities outside of our world, but it can also contribute to your personal development. Making observations, analyzing data, and researching astronomy-related topics can help develop various skills, such as scientific intelligence, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Additionally, the awe and wonder felt in the face of the enormity and complexity of the universe can create a sense of inner well-being and spiritual satisfaction.

Prepare Your Starter Kit

A starter kit includes all the tools you need to learn the basics of astronomy and to observe. After you buy your telescope, you may want to equip yourself with a starter kit. A starter kit can contain many different accessories, but some key items are eyepieces, a barlow lens, a filter, a compass, and a star map. (or upload this app.. very useful i am using this right now. in stores on your phone.)

Skyview Lite

Educate Yourself

While pursuing astronomy as a hobby, you can benefit from different sources to educate yourself and gain more knowledge. Astronomy books, magazines, and websites can help you learn more about the characteristics of stars and planets. You can also join local astronomy clubs and observation groups to meet other astronomy enthusiasts and share experiences.

Choose Your Telescope

Take small steps for big things.

For astronomy as a hobby, you need to choose a good telescope. A beginner-level telescope may be sufficient for observing stars and planets. First, you need to choose a telescope suitable for your observatory. For example, if you will observe on a balcony at home, a smaller telescope might be suitable. You should also consider its portability.

Provides an Opportunity to Understand Yourself and the World

Astronomy can help us understand the universe not only from a scientific perspective, but also from a broader perspective. By making observations and conducting research, we can better understand ourselves and our world in the face of the vastness and magnificence of the universe. We can also gain a better understanding of our place in the universe, how our planet functions, acquire more knowledge about natural processes, and better understand our impact on the environment.

Observe and Explore

Pursuing astronomy as a hobby allows you to discover and observe many different celestial bodies in the sky. There are many things to discover, such as stars, planets, galaxies, star clusters, meteor showers, and more. Observe and explore, this will make your astronomy hobby experience more enjoyable.

In conclusion, pursuing astronomy as a hobby is a great way to discover and learn new things in the sky. A good telescope is necessary, but a beginner-level telescope may be sufficient. Preparing a starter kit is also useful. Observing and exploring celestial bodies is enjoyable, and you can benefit from educating yourself and keeping records of your observations.


About the Creator

Yunus Huday

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