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Lost In Space

By Kristina EileenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. I could feel everything closing in around me as I struggled to breathe.

“This is Amy Shaperio, can anyone hear me? I’ve been stuck for almost twenty four hours now and have less than a day of oxygen left. If anyone can hear me please, help me.” I placed the radio back on my suit hoping someone had finally heard me. The oxygen meter begins to beep, it’s going into the red zone. As I sit and wait I can’t help but think back and wonder. Why did I ever let them convince me this would be a good idea? What sane person would go into space willingly with no training or experience? I close my eyes and think back to the day we saw the flyer. It had been so nice to see my old friends again after life had gotten in the way for so long.

“It’s so good to see you guys. We should do this more often.” I sipped my drink and look over at my long time friend across the table.

“Oh I know it’s been way too long.” Serena stared at me from across the table as she sipped her drink.

“How was everything today ladies? Can I get you anything else?” The waitress appears at the side of the table with the check in her hand.

“No, I think we’re good.” I take the check but before she hands it to me she pulls a flyer from behind her back.

“If any of you are interested my father runs a program down at the space center. They send you up into space, with training required of course.”

“Wait so we’d be like real astronauts? In a rocketship and everything?” Serena's eyes light up at the idea.

“Exactly. I know it sounds crazy but it’s guaranteed safe and a fully trained personnel would accompany you,” she hands Serena the flyer and me the check, “it starts today at 3pm if you're interested.” Without another word she’s gone.

“We are not doing that, are you insane?” I harshly whisper to her but she’s already lost in her own world.

“We should definitely go. You were just saying how you never do anything exciting anymore. Well this is your chance, it could be so much fun.” She bats her huge brown eyes at me and gives me a pouty lip.

“Ughh fine we can check it out but that’s it. But you're paying the check, I'll be outside.” I grab my purse and head towards the front of the restaurant.

I’m shaken back into reality by the oxygen meter beeping even louder at me.

“I know, I know. You don’t have to tell me I’m running out of time.” I yell at it from across the ship.

“This is Astronaut Whitaker, can you hear me Amy?” The radio pinned to my suit suddenly comes alive.

“Yes I can hear you. Please I’ve been stuck up here for I don’t even know how long anymore. Your trained personnel went out and never came back.”

“Don’t worry about him, we’ll figure that out later. Right now our priority is you so sit tight, we're going to get you home safely. Someone is on their way now. I know you're scared but try to calm down and save your oxygen until we can get to you.”

“Ok I’ll do my best.” The static from the radio dies down. I do my best to calm my breathing like he said but the oxygen meter telling me I’m running out of time isn’t really helping. I look out the window into the vast darkness of space, nothing but blackness stares back at me. Out of the corner of my eye something moves. That’s impossible. I'm in the middle of space, there can’t be anything out there. I mean everyone knows aliens aren’t real. But it moves again and this time I know I’m not hallucinating. I know I should stay put but curiosity gets the best of me. I grab the tether from the wall and tie it tightly around myself. The doors to the ship swish open and I take a deep breath to prepare myself.

“Hello, is anyone out there?” I yell into the darkness and feel dumb right away. Of course nobody is out there Amy, look at where you are. A glowing in the distance catches my attention. Pulling the tether to make sure it’s secure, I jump into the air and make my way towards the glow. The darkness surrounds me even more as I steer myself. It’s becoming stronger the closer I get. It looks like….little people waving at me. I blink once and then again but it doesn’t go away. It is definitely tiny people waving at me to come closer. I must be dreaming but I can’t help but be drawn to it, they’re so beautiful.

“Amy, how are you doing up there?” I ignore the radio, this is so much better than anything I’ve ever seen.

“Amy, whatever you do, don't leave the ship. It will cause your oxygen to drop dramatically and you will start to hallucinate from lack of air. Amy, hello?”

The little people wave at me to come join them. They must be having a party, what fun. They embrace me in a big hug and I feel so welcome in their group.

“Whitaker, I think I’m going to stay a while. We’re having a party.” The radio dies but that’s alright, I have company now so it will all be ok.


About the Creator

Kristina Eileen

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    Kristina EileenWritten by Kristina Eileen

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