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Interesting Facts About Our Universe.

Findings of the last decade.

By Peter KiruuPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

The last decade was undeniably one of the richest periods of scientific discovery ever... researchers across all disciplines tested hypotheses found proofs, and visited places that have made us rethink our understanding of not only our planets but of the entire universe it was the decade when we finally begin to understand one of the greatest challenges humankind has ever faced and we've learned far more than ever before about some of the most destructive objects in existence.

So let's take a look the most amazing scientific discoveries of the 2000 intense number 5 Pluto despite having been unceremoniously downgraded from being a fully-fledged planet in 2006 that year also saw the launch of the New Horizons spacecraft that was destined to travel to the farthest reaches of our solar system to study the dwarf planet it finally reached its destination in July of 2015.

The world's largest machine costs just under five billion dollars. In 2012, it was announced that the mysterious Higgs boson, also known as the "god particle," was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN Switzerland. This particle has been theorized since 1964 and is incredibly influential in the subatomic world. It explains why objects have mass. The Higgs boson exists in the Higgs field and interacts with other particles, giving them mass. Its discovery confirmed the last unknown part of the standard model of physics. Now researchers can use the LHC to investigate even stranger phenomena.

For thousands of years, humans have wondered what is up there in the skies. With the invention of astronomical devices, we learned that there are countless stars and other planets in our universe. However, it was difficult to determine how common it is for planets to orbit stars. In 2009, the Kepler probe was launched to study distant stars and measure their brightness fluctuations, which can indicate the presence of orbiting objects. The results have been astounding. Over 4,055 exoplanets have been discovered, including some potentially habitable ones. As we enter a new decade, we can expect this number to increase. Our own solar system seems more common than we thought, and there is so much more to be discovered out there.

There were unconfirmed theories that Black holes were detected colliding into one another which gave fonder as a confirmation of a prediction made by Einstein in 1916 whereby they created ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves this amazing discovery wasn't the biggest black hole revelation of last decade however as a team working with the event horizon telescope managed to capture the first-ever image of a single arity it's a massive black hole that lies at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy about 54 million light-years away from us in his mass is so big that that is the equivalent to 6.5 billion of our Suns black holes like those are thought to be at the center of every galaxy and their gravitational poles are the reason why so many billions of stars orbit them in such large structures 2010 were an incredible time for scientific discoveries and we've learned so much about the world and universe all around us and I for one can't wait to see what happens next.

Throughout Earth's history, the climate has changed drastically. There have been periods of extreme heat and extreme cold. However, what sets this time apart is that the changes are largely due to human behavior. We are beginning to understand the extent of our impact on the planet. In 2012 alone, Greenland lost 400 billion tons of ice, and over 252 billion tons were lost overall. These changes are significant, and we must acknowledge the role we play in altering our climate.


About the Creator

Peter Kiruu

I Am very passionate about telling great stories, a Fine Artist, Poet and an Author.

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