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Indigenous Environmental Justice


By Kyra LopezPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Top Story - May 2021
Indigenous Environmental Justice
Photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash

Approximately 80% of the world's biodiversity is protected by Indigenous Peoples.

Yet, multiple factors continue to threaten our planet and the livelihood of Indigenous Peoples.

For centuries, BIPOC (Black and/or Indigenous People of Color) have been at the front lines of protecting the Earth's ecosystems. Longstanding colonial damage, government interference, expansion of corporations, and rising pollution have greatly impacted their way of life. But because of their hardwork, many animals, microbes, plants and terrains continue to thrive. For example, the Sápara pueblo in Ecuador has been taking care of countless diverse species within the Napo tropical rainforest.

By Maggie Collins on Unsplash

Without them, the world would be left at an incredible loss.

Due to climate change, the preservation of these vital systems becomes much harder to combat. Oceans, rainforests, deserts, and so many other biomes are kept running by Indigenous Peoples and activists. Keeping cultural practices and having management over Earth's resources, however, has proven to be extremely difficult.

Environmental justice begins with Indigenous tribes, pueblos, and groups! does this relate to cleaning up our oceans?

Its actually a BIG part of it!

By Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Oceans are at a major risk due to non-indigenous hunting practices by fishing companies, a buildup of garbage and toxic waste, and land development.

The main question is, how can you help aid these causes and reduce your carbon footprint? By being well-informed and ready to take action!

I've gathered a list of some essential resources and tips for uplifting the voices of Indigenous populations, while making the world a little more clean!

My Reading List:

1. Oaxaca, Mexico: Indigenous Communities and Environmental Protection

2. The Climate Crisis and Indigenous Peoples: How the Rainforest is Surviving

3. Indigenous Identity and Climate Change: The Relationship of Indigenous Peoples with the Environment

Taking Action:

1. Donate directly to Indigenous Climate Activists!

If you prefer to give to organizations, here are some environmental orgs that are worthwhile:

-Pacific Environment

-The Center on Race, Poverty, and Environment

-Black Millenials for Flint

2. Make Small Changes!!

What do I do to make some changes? I start small!

While its known that waste from major corporations are one of the main causes for the overwhelming pollution, it may feel like taking these individual steps aren't always enough. But in reality, making a lot of those small steps forward help reduce your environmental impact.

You can do things like: taking shorter showers, carrying around bamboo utensils instead of plastic ones, and recycling old clothes into new outfits or giving them to local communities!

3. Buy Smarter!!!

Here are some eco-friendly brands that I love! Reducing plastic waste means that your old bottles won't end up floating around the Pacific for years on end.

-Shampoo Bars:

- Reusable Straws:

-Small Business Recommendation: GreenandHappyShop


About the Creator

Kyra Lopez

Writer from the 773

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