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Indian Chickpea Farming - From Planting to Harvest

Indian seedlings for harvesting

By Rakesh RanaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Chickpea farming is an important agricultural activity in India. It is a vital source of nutrition and income for many farmers in the country. The process of chickpea farming involves various stages, from planting to harvest. This article is going to provide an overview of the different steps involved in Indian chickpea farming.

To begin with, farmers typically prepare the soil by tilling or ploughing the land. After this, they sow the chickpea seeds and water them well. As the plants grow, they may need wedding and fertilization to ensure healthy growth. In some cases, herbicides control weed growth.

Once the chickpea plants have matured, they are ready for harvesting. This usually takes place several months after planting. First, the farmers cut and uproot the plants and separate the chickpea pods from the plant. Then, to remove the seeds, they thresh the pods and clean and package them for sale.

Soil Preparation and Seed Planting

The success of Indian chickpea farming largely depends on soil preparation and seed planting. Farmers begin by tilling the soil and breaking up the dirt clods to ensure a crumbly texture. Then they level the tilled soil and make it ready for planting.

The next step is seed planting. The farmers typically sow chickpea seeds at a depth of 2-3 inches and about 3-6 inches apart from each other, depending on the variety of chickpeas. This ensures that the seeds have adequate space to grow and receive the necessary nutrients from the soil.

After planting, the farmers water these crops regularly to ensure proper germination. Keeping the soil moist but not too wet is key, as excess water can lead to the seeds rotting before they germinate. The timing of the planting is also important, as chickpea plants require a certain amount of cool weather to germinate and grow properly.

Caring for Chickpea Plants: Watering, Fertilizing, and Weeding

Caring for chickpea plants involves various tasks, such as watering, fertilising, and weeding. These tasks are essential for ensuring the healthy growth of plants.

Watering is an important task, especially during the early stages of growth. Watering the plants regularly ensures they receive enough moisture. However, avoid overwatering the crop, leading to root rot and other diseases.

Fertilising is another important task, as chickpea plants require adequate nutrients to grow. Farmers may use a variety of fertilisers, such as compost, manure, or chemical fertilisers, to provide the necessary nutrients to the plants.

Weeding is also an important task, as weeds can compete with chickpea plants for nutrients and water. Farmers may use manual weeding or herbicides to control weed growth. However, power weeders mounted on a Mahindra tractor can also accomplish this task with ease.

Controlling Weed Growth with Herbicides

Farmers may sometimes need to use herbicides to control weed growth in their chickpea fields. Herbicides kill or control weeds, a major problem for crops like chickpeas.

Using herbicides can help reduce labour costs and increase crop yields by eliminating weeds that would otherwise compete with the chickpea plants for nutrients and water. However, it is important to use herbicides carefully and according to the manufacturer's instructions to avoid damaging the chickpea plants or the surrounding ecosystem.

Farmers should also be aware of the potential health and environmental risks associated with herbicide use and take precautions to protect themselves and the surrounding environment. This may include wearing protective clothing, avoiding spraying on windy days, and disposing of herbicide containers safely.

Harvesting Chickpea Plants: Uprooting and Threshing

Harvesting chickpea plants is an important process that requires careful planning and execution. The first step is uprooting the plants from the soil using a plough or harvester. After uprooting, the plants can dry in the sun for a few days. Then, all you have to do is to mount a harvester machine on your Sonalika tractor and start harvesting your chickpeas.

The next step is threshing, which involves separating the seeds. Farmers can thresh manually or with the help of a machine. Manual threshing involves beating the plants with a stick to release the seeds, while machine threshing involves using a thresher.

Once the seeds have been separated, they need to be cleaned to remove any debris or foreign matter. This can be done using a fan or a sieve to separate the seeds from chaff or dirt.

Finally, the chickpea seeds are ready to be packaged and sold. They are typically stored in sacks or bins until they are transported to market.

Cleaning and Packaging Chickpea Seeds for Sale

Marketing and selling chickpeas is an important part of the farming process. Farmers may choose to sell their chickpeas through a variety of channels, such as local markets, wholesale markets, or directly to buyers.

One option is to sell chickpeas through a local market. This can be a good choice for small-scale farmers who want to sell their crops in the local community. Local markets may include farmers' markets, roadside stands, or community markets.

Another option is to sell chickpeas through a wholesale market. Wholesale markets allow farmers to sell their crops in large quantities to buyers such as food processors, exporters, or retailers. This can be a good choice for larger-scale farmers who are looking to sell their crops in bulk.

Farmers may also choose to sell their chickpeas directly to buyers. This can be done through online marketplaces, direct sales to retailers or food processors, or by developing relationships with buyers in the local community.


In conclusion, Indian chickpea farming is a complex and multi-step process that requires careful planning, execution, and attention to detail. From selecting the right variety of chickpea to marketing and selling the final crop, there are many factors that can influence the success of the harvest.

Planting, irrigation, pest control, and herbicide use are all critical factors that can impact crop yields and overall profitability. Farmers must also carefully manage the harvesting process, including uprooting, threshing, and cleaning the seeds, to ensure a high-quality crop that is ready for sale.

Finally, marketing and selling the chickpeas is an important step that requires careful attention to market demand and a good understanding of the various sales channels available. Whether selling through local markets, wholesale markets, or directly to buyers, farmers must be prepared to adapt to changing market conditions and manage their sales accordingly.

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About the Creator

Rakesh Rana

Hello, I am Rakesh Rana form Tractor Junction, India’s Best Used Tractor Provider Company. Our Company is a group of buddies that produce principle on their own but brighten when they collaborate with clients.

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