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How To Save The Environment One Day At A Time

The Power Is In Your Hands

By Elena AthonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

For most of us, the environment is something we think about on occasion.

Maybe when we recycle a can or refuse to buy an unnecessary plastic bag at the grocery store.

But what if you could make a difference in your day-to-day life that would have lasting effects on our planet?

With just a few simple changes to how you live, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect Mother Earth from harm.

Here are some tips you can use to make small changes and start saving the planet one day at a time!

Tip #1: Use less water

Showers account for nearly half of an average person's water usage, so decreasing your shower length by just two minutes per day will make a big difference on your monthly water bill and reduce your carbon footprint.

According to research, one in three people leave the tap running while they brush their teeth.

If you turn the water off, you'll reduce the consumption and save up to 8 gallons per day. In a month, you'll save 200 gallons!

Isn't that amazing?

Tip #2: Replace light bulbs with LEDs

LEDs last up to 25 times longer than incandescent and use 75% less energy than compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or 40% less electricity than halogen lights.

So replacing our light bulbs with LEDs is an excellent way to save the environment.

With LED technology, we can reduce energy consumption and cut down on climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80%.

So what are you waiting for?

Stop wasting electricity!

By Diz Play on Unsplash

Tip #3: Turn off lights when you leave a room

Turning off unnecessary lights is one of many ways to help reduce pollution and save money!

Each year more than a trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity are wasted because people forget to turn off lights.

This accounts for 8% of the total energy used in America and 3% worldwide!

Leaving lights on for hours at a time gives off CO2 and wastes electricity, two things that will contribute to global warming if left unchecked.

Turn off the lights to conserve power and reduce your carbon footprint. It's as easy as flipping up one switch!

Tip #4: Use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones

Environmental researchers estimate that plastic bags create 80% of marine litter.

This harms animals because they are often mistaken for food and swallowed by birds or fish.

We need to stop this from happening now!

Plastic shopping bags have been found in over 600 different types of wildlife around the world- killing innocent creatures at a pace faster than we can even predict.

With reusable grocery bags becoming more popular each year, it is time to make sure you're using one too when walking into your local store, so these numbers don't continue growing.

By Dang Tran on Unsplash

Tip #5: Buy products that are made from recycled materials or grown without pesticides or fertilizers

We all contribute to how much waste gets created in this world every day just by buying certain things.

It's a good idea to support companies who are doing their best not only as businesses but also environmentally friendly ones too!

Buy organic produce, which doesn't use pesticides that harm our environment.

When you buy products that are made from recycled materials or grown without pesticides and fertilizers, the environment benefits.

It also helps with deforestation; trees aren't cut down for manufacturing processes, so more forests are left standing, and animal habitats can be preserved.

Tip #6: Recycle everything possible, including paper, plastic, and metal

Recycle everything possible!

This is an excellent way to help the environment by saving it from the disastrous effects of climate change like floods or wildfires.

We can all do our part in preventing these disasters by recycling.

Recycling doesn't need much time either; there's no excuse not to because even just 30 minutes per week could make a big difference on future generations' quality of life as well as ours today!

By Nareeta Martin on Unsplash

Tip #7: Bring your own coffee mug with you to work, school, or wherever else you go

Using a coffee mug is a small and simple way to do your part in saving the environment.

Did you know that there are over 25 billion coffee cups thrown away yearly only in the USA? That's a lot of waste, and it can have severe effects on the planet.

The environment is being polluted by single-use coffee cups, which can take as much as 400 years to decompose.

Bringing your own cup will reduce this pollution immensely.

Tip #8: Buy local produce from farmers markets to reduce transportation emissions

In terms of going green, there's nothing more effective than shopping at your nearest farmer's market for fresh fruits and vegetables rather than relying solely on what grocery stores offer.

You'll be doing less damage to the earth but also to yourself when you eat healthy homegrown food versus ones grown overseas, where farming practices may not always comply with health standards or GMO regulations.

By Bodie Pyndus on Unsplash

Tip #9: Plant trees and flowers in your garden

Maintaining a green space as part of one's property is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has an impact on our carbon footprint by reducing pollution.

A single tree can produce up to 260 pounds of oxygen each year.

Trees are an essential part of the natural ecosystem, and they provide many benefits.

A tree can absorb water from rain or snow, which helps reduce flooding by taking up some surface runoff before it reaches a stream, river, or lake.

Trees also help maintain soil quality because their root systems act as "pipes" that transport nutrients between different parts of the ground where various plants need them for survival.

Similarly, many flowers are well known for their ability to clean water before releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere through photosynthesis which all contributes towards saving Mother Nature!

Tip #10: Drive less, or take public transportation if possible

The less you drive, the better it is for the environment.

Your everyday actions can have an enormous impact on the planet. If we all drove less or took public transportation instead of driving our own vehicles all over town, there will be less pollution.

You can walk instead of taking your car everywhere, to help reduce the pollution.

By doing so, you will benefit your health and contribute to a healthier environment.

Electric cars are a greener way of transportation.

They require less energy to produce and run, which means they emit fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than their traditional counterparts.

For electric vehicles (EVs) to help save the environment, more people need to buy them to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels that pollute natural resources like water and air quality.

By SAIRA on Unsplash

Every single one of us can use these tips and make a huge impact on saving the earth.

We can do this!

Become a superhero and save the environment one day at a time.

Let's make the world a better place for future generations!


About the Creator

Elena Athon

Blogging has allowed me to explore my creativity and voice in ways that I never knew were possible - all while connecting with people who are passionate about the same things as myself. Check out my blog:

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